
From HorizonXI Wiki
Revision as of 19:13, 8 January 2024 by Evilben (talk | contribs)

Family: Ghost
Crystal: Ice
Weak to: Light, Fire








King Ranperre's Tomb (I-10)



This template is no longer in use.

Editor: Please replace
{{Drop Rate|total drops|total kills}}

{{Hxi Drop Rate|asb=#/1000|total drops|total kills}}

ASB rates can be found via Special:ASB Search and has accurate drop rate information for HorizonXI. If a drop rate is listed there as eg. 24% then set "asb=240/1000" etc.

This template is commonly used on mob pages. If you are adding a new mob page, we kindly ask that you use the new HorizonXI template Template:Infobox Monster.

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This template is no longer in use.

Editor: Please replace
{{Drop Rate|total drops|total kills}}

{{Hxi Drop Rate|asb=#/1000|total drops|total kills}}

ASB rates can be found via Special:ASB Search and has accurate drop rate information for HorizonXI. If a drop rate is listed there as eg. 24% then set "asb=240/1000" etc.

This template is commonly used on mob pages. If you are adding a new mob page, we kindly ask that you use the new HorizonXI template Template:Infobox Monster.

Thank you!

This template is no longer in use.

Editor: Please replace
{{Drop Rate|total drops|total kills}}

{{Hxi Drop Rate|asb=#/1000|total drops|total kills}}

ASB rates can be found via Special:ASB Search and has accurate drop rate information for HorizonXI. If a drop rate is listed there as eg. 24% then set "asb=240/1000" etc.

This template is commonly used on mob pages. If you are adding a new mob page, we kindly ask that you use the new HorizonXI template Template:Infobox Monster.

Thank you!

This template is no longer in use.

Editor: Please replace
{{Drop Rate|total drops|total kills}}

{{Hxi Drop Rate|asb=#/1000|total drops|total kills}}

ASB rates can be found via Special:ASB Search and has accurate drop rate information for HorizonXI. If a drop rate is listed there as eg. 24% then set "asb=240/1000" etc.

This template is commonly used on mob pages. If you are adding a new mob page, we kindly ask that you use the new HorizonXI template Template:Infobox Monster.

Thank you!

Spawns During: 17:00-4:00HorizonXI specific changes

A, H, HP

A = Aggressive; NA = Non-Aggresive; L = Links; S = Detects by Sight; H = Detects by Sound;
HP = Detects Low HP; M = Detects Magic; Sc = Follows by Scent; T(S) = True-sight; T(H) = True-hearing
JA = Detects job abilities; WS = Detects weaponskills; Z(D) = Asleep in Daytime; Z(N) = Asleep at Nighttime; A(R) = Aggressive to Reive participants
King-ranperres-tomb 1-NM.png


  • Spook spawns randomly around the Tombstone at (I-10) in King Ranperre's Tomb. Spook will first spawn shortly after 17:00HorizonXI specific changes. Thereafter, it will continue to spawn. The faster the kill, the more it can spawn. At low levels, one could expect it to spawn 2 times each night, however it can spawn as many as 4 times in a night if killed fast enough.
  • Contrary to popular belief, Spook is not a notorious monster. Due to his limited pop range, time-based spawn and fairly good drop item, he is still often referred to as an NM.
  • HP 275~

Historical Background

Spook is a term for a ghost. The word Spook goes back to 1801, evidently derived from Dutch. Its first use as a verb is recorded in 1867 as "to walk or act like a ghost". The verb usage "to scare or unnerve" dates back to 1935. Spooky, though, goes back to 1854. It was used as a colloquial term for spy in the 20th century.