Sunflower Seeds

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Sunflower Seeds


Handful of sunflower seeds
These edible seeds are harvested
from giant sunflowers.
Stackable: 12
Food Effects: (5 minutes, All Races)

Other Uses

Used in Quest: [[|]]
Resale Price: 24~25 gil

Used in Recipes

How to Obtain

Auction House Category: Food > Ingredients AH Black.png


Price: 90 - 110 gil
Name Location Type
Oggodett Bastok Markets (I-9) Regional Merchant
Aragoneu region
Antonian Northern San d'Oria (J-8) Regional Merchant
Aragoneu region
Maqu Molpih Windurst Waters, South (H-8) Regional Merchant
Aragoneu region


Seed Crystal 1 Crystal 2 Results
Grain Seeds Light Crystal None 12 - 24 Sunflower Seeds (40%)