Category:Mamool Ja

From HorizonXI Wiki
Mamool Ja
Family Information
Type: Beastmen
Subfamilies: Warrior, Sage, Knight
Common Behavior: A, L, S
Uncommon Behavior: {{{Uncommon Behavior}}}
Weak against: Resistance vs. Ice
Strong against: Sleep (Status Effect), Resistance vs. Wind, Resistance vs. Light
Immune to:
Healed by:
Common Job(s): Thief, Blue Mage, White Mage, Black Mage, Dragoon, Ninja, Beastmaster
Uncommon Job(s):
Traits: Evasion Bonus +10
Charmable: Eks.png
Pankration: Eks.png
Aspir: Susceptible to Aspir (Mage jobs only)
Drain: Susceptible to Drain
EXP Bonus:
Notes: Weapon can be broken by a critical hit or weaponskill during a melee swing.

Link with Sahagin and vice versa.
Defense rank: C
Agility rank: C
Vitality rank: D

The Mamool Ja are a group of beastmen that hold dominion over the Mamool Ja Savagelands, a land hostile to the Near Eastern Aht Urhgan Empire. Referring to themselves as the Mamool Ja, meaning "brethren of the shining scale," the inhabitants of the Savagelands are organized into four biologically different classes that consist of warriors (Mamool Ja fighters), aquatics (Mamool Ja Sahagin), sages (Mamool Ja mages), and knights (Mamool Ja hussars that ride wivres).
Mamool Ja Mage

The Mamool Ja have been paying tribute to the Aht Urhgan Empire since ages past, and are known for their republican form of government. Their nation is ruled by a council of four overlords, one selected from each class. The Savagelands' recent uprising against the empire seems connected to the emergence of a prominent leader known as the "The Autarch."

Special Attacks

Special Abilities Aht Urhgan Areas
Somersault Kick: Single target knockback and physical damage. Can be used with a weapon. CheckCheck.png
Rushing Drub/Slash/Stab or Vorpal Blade: Single-target four-fold physical attack, variant depends on weapon carried. Vorpal Blade is only used by Blue Mage Mamool Ja's. CheckCheck.png
Forceful Blow: Single-target physical damage. Only used when fighting hand-to-hand. CheckCheck.png
Firespit: Single-target fire damage. When used by THF/NIN/BLU/BST/DRG, it can be absorbed by 3 Utsusemi shadows. WHM/BLM version ignores shadows.Verification Needed CheckCheck.png
Warm-Up: Accuracy Boost and Evasion Boost (+40), for ~60 seconds. CheckCheck.png
<Weapon> Throw: Ranged attack with the equipped weapon, which is lost. CheckCheck.png
Groundburst: AoE heavy fire damage. (Note: Groundburst is a Physical Attack) Only used by Notorious Monsters. CheckCheck.png
Vorpal Wheel: Counters magic with a multi-hit ranged attack. Only used by Gulool Ja Ja. CheckCheck.png
Miasma: AoE Slow + Poison + Plague. Only used by Gulool Ja Ja. CheckCheck.png
Tyrranic Blare: AoE heavy damage. Only used by Gulool Ja Ja. CheckCheck.png
Decussate: AoE heavy damage. Only used by Gulool Ja Ja. CheckCheck.png
Note: Notorious Monsters in this family may use all of the above and/or additional unique special abilities.

Notorious Monsters in Family

Name Spawn Information Level Zone Notable Drop(s)
Darting Kachaal Ja Suspected Timed Spawn 83 Mamook Volunteer's Belt
Dragonscaled Bugaal Ja Qmark.gif Qmark.gif Mamook Beast Bazubands
Devout Radol Ja Spawns at (I-7) 83 Mamook Volunteer's Khud
Gotoh Zha the Redolent Forced spawn by trading a Sheep Botfly to the ??? at (F-5) Qmark.gif Wajaom Woodlands Aurum Cuisses
Enkidu's Mittens
Light Grip
Water Grip
Gulool Ja Ja Spawns behind the Mahogany Door on map 3 Qmark.gif Mamook Volunteer's Ring
Hundredfaced Hapool Ja Spawns around (F-8) of the first map 83 Mamook Ryumon

Quest NMs: Mamool Ja (NM), Shadowhand Kajeel Ja, Whitetattoo Rahool Ja, Blacktattoo Vedoll Ja

Mission NMs: Bluethunder Kaqool Ja

Battlefield NMs: None

Besieged NMs: Eidolic Qufeel Ja, Fleetfingered Mobel Ja, Mamool Ja Cataphract, Mamool Ja Entrancer, Mamool Ja Fetial, Mamool Ja Handler, Mamool Ja Hospitaler, Mamool Ja Hussar, Mamool Ja Ravager, Mamool Ja Sapper, Mamool Ja Spotter, Panurgic Ryubool Ja, Sagelord Molaal Ja, Searing Vogaal Ja, Strifelord Bakool Ja, Thunderclap Sareel Ja

Other NMs: Mamool Ja Chamberlain (Follows and Assists: Gulool Ja Ja), Mamool Ja Conservator (Assists: Archaic Mirror), Mamool Ja Palatine (Follows and Assists: Gulool Ja Ja), Mamool Ja Treasurer (Assists: Archaic Mirror), Percipient Zoraal Ja (Assists: Zoraal Ja's Pkuucha), Pandemonium Warden (alternate form), Pandemonium Lamp (alternate form)

Monsters in Family

Name Level Zone
Mamool Ja Bounder 72-73 Wajaom Woodlands
73-75 Mamook
Mamool Ja Mimicker 72-73 Wajaom Woodlands
73-75 Mamook
Mamool Ja Savant 72-73 Wajaom Woodlands
73-75 Mamook
Mamool Ja Sophist 72-73 Wajaom Woodlands
73-75 Mamook
Mamool Ja Zenist 72-73 Wajaom Woodlands
73-75 Mamook
Mamool Ja Spearman 73-75 Mamook
Mamool Ja Strapper 73-75 Mamook
Mamool Ja Executioner 76-77 Mamool Ja Training Grounds - Preemptive Strike
Mamool Ja Breeder 76-78 Mamool Ja Training Grounds - Marids in the Mist
Mamool Ja Farrier 76-78 Mamool Ja Training Grounds - Marids in the Mist
Mamool Ja Mahout 76-78 Mamool Ja Training Grounds - Marids in the Mist
Mamool Ja Blusterer 81-83 Bhaflau Thickets
81-83 Mamook
Mamool Ja Infiltrator 81-83 Bhaflau Thickets
81-83 Mamook
Mamool Ja Lurker 81-83 Bhaflau Thickets
81-83 Mamook
Mamool Ja Mimer 81-83 Bhaflau Thickets
81-83 Mamook
Mamool Ja Philosopher 81-83 Bhaflau Thickets
81-83 Mamook
Mamool Ja Pikeman 81-83 Bhaflau Thickets
81-83 Mamook
Mamool Ja Stabler 81-83 Bhaflau Thickets
81-83 Mamook


This category has only the following subcategory.