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Category:Dark Magic

From HorizonXI Wiki
(Redirected from Dark Magic Skill)

WARNING! This page may list some weapons and/or armour which have not yet been implemented. If you wish to add pages in, please do not add any items beyond Horizon's current era cut-off date.

Dark magic spells are insidious and self serving, leeching the target's strength and making it weak. Most spells under dark magic (with the exception of Bio, Tractor, Stun and Klimaform) take strength from the target and give it to the caster, whether it be in the form of stats (such as DEX), Hit Points, Magic Points, or Tactical Points.

There are a handful of types of Dark Magic spells:

  • Bio: Status Effect that deals Damage Over Time and lowers an enemy's Attack.
  • Drain: Steals an enemy's Hit Points and gives them to the caster.
  • Aspir: Steals an enemy's Magic Points (if they have any) and gives them to the caster.
  • Absorb Spells (e.g. Absorb-STR): Steals an enemy's stat (such as STR) and gives it to the caster temporarily.
  • Tractor: Teleports a K.O.'d character to your current position. Casting range is the same as other magic.
  • Stun: Temporarily prevents an enemy from acting.
  • Dread Spikes: Damage spikes that absorbs health from attacking opponents.
  • Klimaform: Increases the magic accuracy for spells of the same element as the current weather.

Dark Magic skill is the skill base from which Dark Magic derives. It is most synonymous and most importantly relational to the resistance rate of all attack spells therein. In short, Dark Magic is the largest factor which determines if a Dark Magic Spell lands unresisted or not. The skill also helps defend against spell interruptions for any spells in its category, and helps the player climb DoT tiers for Bio II and Bio III, increasing the amount of damage the enemy receives per 'tick' (roughly 3 sec.)

Job Ratings

Job Skill Ranking Cap at Level 1 Cap at Level 37 Cap at Level 75
Black Mage A- 6 114 269
Dark Knight A- 6 114 269
Geomancer C 5 110 225
Scholar* D (B+)* 4(5)** 101(109)* 210(256)*
Red Mage E 4 94 200

* Scholar's Dark Magic skill increases to B+ rating under Dark Arts if skill is capped at D.
** Scholar's Dark Magic skill can only increase to B+ rating at Level 1 by using Tabula Rasa.
See: Combat Skills for more Skill information.

Equipment that Enhances this Skill

By Amount Added

Name Skill Increase
+20 +15 +12 +11 +10 +7 +6 +5 +4 +3 +2
Crimson Belt (During Campaign) CheckCheck.png
Diabolos's Ring (On Darksday) CheckCheck.png
Scholar's Gown (with Dark Arts) CheckCheck.png
Scholar's Gown +1 (with Dark Arts) CheckCheck.png
Wizard's Tonban CheckCheck.png
Wizard's Tonban +1 CheckCheck.png
Sorcerer's Gloves +1 CheckCheck.png
Blood Finger Gauntlets CheckCheck.png
Aesir Torque (On Darksday) CheckCheck.png
Bale Flanchard +1 CheckCheck.png
Crimson Finger Gauntlets CheckCheck.png
Goetia Sabots +1 CheckCheck.png
Sorcerer's Gloves CheckCheck.png
Abyss Flanchard +1 CheckCheck.png
Abyss Gauntlets +1 CheckCheck.png
Argute Pants CheckCheck.png
Argute Pants +1 CheckCheck.png
Aesir Torque CheckCheck.png
Dark Torque CheckCheck.png
Demon's Axe CheckCheck.png
Abyss Flanchard CheckCheck.png
Abyss Gauntlets CheckCheck.png
Abyssal Earring CheckCheck.png
Blackjack CheckCheck.png
Chaos Burgeonet CheckCheck.png
Chaos Burgeonet +1 CheckCheck.png
Charging Shield CheckCheck.png
Demon's Harness CheckCheck.png
Demon's Harness +1 CheckCheck.png
Genie Huaraches CheckCheck.png
Inferno Sabots +1 (During New Moon) CheckCheck.png
Killer Mantle CheckCheck.png
Merciful Cape CheckCheck.png
Nashira Manteel CheckCheck.png
Igqira Huaraches CheckCheck.png
Dark Earring CheckCheck.png
Dusky Staff CheckCheck.png
Glamor Jupon CheckCheck.png
Inferno Sabots (During New Moon) CheckCheck.png
Theta Sash (During Salvage) CheckCheck.png
Crimson Belt CheckCheck.png

By Equipment Slot


Level Name Jobs Bonus
40 Dusky Staff BLM +3
62 Demon's Axe WAR/DRK +6
69 Blackjack WAR/BLM/DRK/BST +5


Level Name Jobs Bonus
63 Charging Shield PLD/DRK +5


Level Name Jobs Bonus
60 Chaos Burgeonet DRK +5
74 Chaos Burgeonet +1 DRK +5


Level Name Jobs Bonus
65 Dark Torque All +7
75 Aesir Torque All +7 Darksday: +10


Level Name Jobs Bonus
50 Glamor Jupon RDM/SCH +3
58 Scholar's Gown SCH +15*
70 Demon's Harness DRK +5
70 Demon's Harness +1 DRK +5
74 Scholar's Gown +1 SCH +15*
75 Nashira Manteel WHM/BLM/RDM/SMN/BLU +5
*Under the effects of Dark Arts


Level Name Jobs Bonus
72 Abyss Gauntlets DRK +5
72 Sorcerer's Gloves BLM +10
73 Crimson Finger Gauntlets RDM/PLD/DRK/RNG/DRG/BLU/COR +10
73 Blood Finger Gauntlets RDM/PLD/DRK/RNG/DRG/BLU/COR +11
75 Abyss Gauntlets +1 DRK +7
75 Sorcerer's Gloves +1 BLM +12


Level Name Jobs Bonus
56 Wizard's Tonban BLM +15
73 Abyss Flanchard DRK +5
73 Argute Pants SCH +7
74 Wizard's Tonban +1 BLM +15
75 Abyss Flanchard +1 DRK +7
75 Argute Pants +1 SCH +7


Level Name Jobs Bonus


New Moon: +3
41 Inferno Sabots +1 MNK/WHM/BLM/RDM/THF/DRK/BRD/RNG


New Moon: +5
73 Igqira Huaraches BLM +4
73 Genie Huaraches BLM +5


Level Name Jobs Bonus
65 Diabolos's Ring All Darksday: +15


Level Name Jobs Bonus
30 Killer Mantle All /DRK: +5
73 Merciful Cape All +5


Level Name Jobs Bonus
60 Crimson Belt All +2 Campaign:+20


Level Name Jobs Bonus
35 Dark Earring All +3
72 Abyssal Earring All +5


This category has only the following subcategory.

Pages in category "Dark Magic"

The following 16 pages are in this category, out of 16 total.