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How to Create a Table on Horizon Wiki

From HorizonXI Wiki

Table Formats

This page is a list of all the different table styles we use on this wiki, along with examples on their useage. It's currently a work in progress and is being actively updated with more styles.

Formatting for Tables

We are working hard to create a unique wiki for the Horizon server. One of the ways that we are trying to achieve this is through tables. These can be found across all FFXI based wikis and here it is no different. The plan is to provide editors with a simple and comprehensive way of creating tables, unique to Horizon wiki.

An editor will need to include three classes to any table to achieve a wide variety of styles. These classes fall into one of three categories: table style (borders, margins, padding etc), table size and table color. Simply combine the three, one class from each category to create a table.


{| class="horizon-table table-md bastokmissions"
! Heading 1
! Heading 2
! Heading 3
| Content 1
| Content 2
| Content 3

Will give us this table which has the "horizon-table" table style, is medium sized (775pxs wide) and has the table color we use on "Bastok Missions":

Heading 1 Heading 2 Hading 3
Content 1 Content 2 Content 3

Editors can still make further changes to these tables such as "column widths", "rowspans" etc without issue. Please see below for a full list of all the table classes available.

Table Style

Class Name Example Pages Useage
horizon-table this table! This style of table is currently being used on ALL tables going forward unless explicity stated otherwise.

Table Size

Class Name Example Pages Useage
table-xs Sets the table to be 400px wide.
table-sm Sets the table to be 576px wide.
table-md Sets the table to be 775px wide.
table-lg Bastok Missions Sets the table to be 1,018px wide.
table-xl Sets the table to be 1,198px long.
table-xxl Sets the table to be as wide as the users page will allow.

Miscellaneous Features

Class Name Example Pages Useage
sortable Melody Minstrel Adds a sortable option to a table which then applies to all columns.
center-col-# Allows the editor to center align an entire column, without the need to apply the code to each individual cell. This can be applied for columns 1-8 eg " class="center-col-5" " for column 5.

Table Colors

Mission Tables

Class Name Example Pages Useage
bastokmissions Bastok Missions
  • Bastok Missions
  • Any Bastok mission page
  • Any area page with an "Involved in Bastok Mission" section
sandoriamissions San d'Oria Missions
windurstmissions Windurst Missions
rotzmissions Rise of the Zilart Missions
copmissions Chains of Promathia Missions

Quest Tables

Class Name Example Pages Useage
quest-table, infobox-quest Shadows of the Departed

Battlefield Tables

Class Name Example Pages Useage
  • Main BCNM Category page.
  • BCNM pages themselves
  • Drops found via BCNM pages
  • All of the above also applies to any KSNM and ENM. They currently share a class color but can be separated at a later date if editors decide it necessary.

HELM Tables


Class Name Example Pages Usage
  • On the main Harvesting page.
  • Any "AreaName/Harvesting" page.
  • Any item page which can be "Obtained via Harvesting".


Class Name Example Pages Usage
  • On the main Excavation page.
  • Any "AreaName/Excavation" page.
  • Any item page which can be "Obtained via Excavation".


Class Name Example Pages Usage
  • On the main Logging page.
  • Any "AreaName/Logging" page.
  • Any item page which can be "Obtained via Logging".


Class Name Example Pages Usage
  • On the main Mining page.
  • Any "AreaName/Mining" page.
  • Any item page which can be "Obtained via Mining".


Class Name Example Pages Useage
  • On the main Chocobo Digging page.
  • Any "AreaName/Chocobo Digging" page.
  • Any item page which can be "Obtained via Chocobo Digging".


Class Name Example Pages Usage
  • On the main Gardening page.
  • Any item page which can be "Obtained via Gardening".


Class Name Example Pages Usage
  • On the main Clamming page.
  • Any item page which can be "Obtained via Clamming".

NPC Tables

Class Name Example Pages Useage
  • Tables found on any "NPC" page.
  • Any "Merchant" page table.
  • Any item page with an "Obtained via Merchant" section.
  • All "Area" pages that contain an "NPCs Found Here" section.
  • Two caveats with this class is "Guild Vendors". We are currently undecided whether to use a different class here. Feel free to add in the merchant class but we may need to change this in the future.
  • The second is Melody Minstrel type NPCs. It's likely these pages will better suited to using their respective mission/quest colors.

Monster Tables

Dropped By Sections

I would suggest looking at the example pages and their code to see these classes in use.

Class Name Example Pages Useage
  • On any page that contains a "Dropped By" section.
  • The "Dropped By" section table will also be accompanied by the class "nms" to show a difference between regular mobs and NM's. See below for more information

Regular Monsters

Class Name Example Pages Useage
  • On individual "mob" pages.
  • All "Area" pages that contain an "Regular Monsters Found Here" section.

Notorious Monsters

Class Name Example Pages Useage
  • On individual "notorious monster" pages.
  • All "Area" pages that contain an "Notorious Monsters Found Here" section.
  • On any page that contains a "Dropped By" section.

Mega Bosses

Class Name Example Pages Useage
  • For use on any page that can be considered a "Mega Boss". Examples could be any HQ HNM, end of content bosses etc.

Treasure Chests/Coffers

Class Name Example Pages Useage
  • Used on area pages.
  • For use on any item page that has a "obtained via treasure chest" table.
  • Used on area pages.
  • For use on any item page that has a "obtained via treasure coffer" table.

Editor's Hub

Class Name Example Pages Useage
  • For use on any "Editor Hub" style pages.

General Tables

Class Name Example Pages Useage
  • Where the editor feels it's necessary to add a table with general styling. Bear in mind that the coloring of this table may be changed but always intends on being a 'general' color ie. not blue for bastok, red for Sandy etc.

Unique Tables

Auction House Navigation Tables

Class Name Example Pages Useage
auction-house-navigation-table Template:AuctionHouseNavigation
  • For use on any Auction House category page

Thoughts on Different Class Categories

use color class style class example pages
Merchant Tables npc-table horizon-table Chutarmire
Area page header West Ronfaure
(Area page) Quest/Mission Tables West Ronfaure
(Area page) Weather Tables West Ronfaure
(Area page) NPC Tables West Ronfaure
(Area page) NM Tables West Ronfaure
(Area page) Regular Monster Tables West Ronfaure
(Area page) Event Monster Tables West Ronfaure
(Monster page) Special Attack Tables Category:Rabbits
(Monster page) NMs Category:Rabbits
Monster Table Category:Monster_Pets
Clamming Bibiki Bay - Purgonorgo Isle
Excavating Tahrongi_Canyon
Chocobo Digging Tahrongi_Canyon
Fishing Bibiki Bay - Purgonorgo Isle/Fishing
Gardening Category:Rabbits
Harvesting West Sarutabaruta
Logging Ghelsba Outpost/Logging
Mining Gusgen Mines
Items Category:Ammunition ?
Other NPC tables Category:Fishing
BCNM Drops Tree_Cuttings
BCNM Table Category:BCNM
Quest Header Cook's_Pride
Bastok Missions Category:Bastok_Missions
San d'Oria Missions Category:San d'Oria_Missions
Windurst Missions Category:Windurst_Missions
Tables on Woodworking page Category:Woodworking
Tables on Smithing page Category:Smithing
Tables on Bonecraft page Category:Bonecraft
Recipes (Woodworking?) Category:Woodworking/Artisan