Category:Monster Pets

From HorizonXI Wiki

Certain monsters command the loyalty of additional monsters. Often these monsters are beastmasters, summoners, dragoons or puppetmasters. These pets follow their masters and assist them in battle. Pets tend to have significantly less hit points than regular monsters of their level, and the pets themselves tend to be much lower level than their masters. Yet despite having less hit points, these pets still yield normal experience points for monsters of their level, but do not drop loot common to monsters of their type (they do, however, drop both Beastmen's and/or Kindred's Seals accordingly, based on their level range, along with Elemental Geodes, i.e. Flame Geode or Shadow Geode etc., if high enough and/or weather or day is appropriate, accordingly).

Because monster pets have lower hit points than normal creatures, while still yielding ordinary experience, they are often targeted by jobs which can deal a large sum of damage in a short period of time. Spellcasters wielding elemental magic and Blue Mages are particularly effective at dispatching monster pets quickly, thus allowing them to gain large amounts of experience in a relatively short amount of time. Monster pets can be hunted solo or in a small to large party of like-minded players, and such soloists or parties can gain experience at a rate which is as good or better than the ordinary party makeups in the same level range.

To pull a monster pet, the master must not aggro by sound and one must attack it while its master is facing away from it. If the master is able to see its pet being attacked, it will link and join the fight against you. A master link can be extremely dangerous, if not deadly, to most soloists, as the masters are often much higher level than their pets; thus it's advisable to beware of random movements made by the master, including complete 180-degree turns. Monster pets can and will link with other normal creatures of their particular family (if that particular family is known to link). However, if the monster pet is killed in a single attack (most often by the use of Ancient Magic), regardless of whether or not the master is looking at its pet, the master will not link or attack in response (unless, in special cases, the master and pet share hate, which makes them impossible to pull separately).

Beastmaster and Summoner monsters re-summon their pets approximately 2-3 minutes after they are killed, and have no known limit to the number of pets which can be summoned. Dragoon and Puppetmaster monsters, however, can only summon their pets every 20 minutes, which tends to discourage hunters to use them as potential prey due to the long wait time in-between the summons.

Beastmaster Pets

Name Level Zone
Gigas's Bat 21-23 Lower Delkfutt's Tower
Gigas's Leech 21-23 Qufim Island
Gigas's Bat 23-25 Middle Delkfutt's Tower
Goblin's Bat 23-25 Middle Delkfutt's Tower
Goblin's Bee 23-25 Pashhow Marshlands
Goblin's Bee 23-25 Rolanberry Fields
Goblin's Beetle 23-25 Sauromugue Champaign
Goblin's Dragonfly 23-25 Batallia Downs
Goblin's Bat 24-26 Maze of Shakhrami
Goblin's Bats 24-26 Ordelle's Caves
Goblin's Bats 25-27 Ranguemont Pass
Gigas's Bats 25-27 Middle Delkfutt's Tower
Gigas's Bats 27-29 Lower Delkfutt's Tower
Gigas's Bats 27-29 Upper Delkfutt's Tower
Goblin's Bee 28-30 Yhoator Jungle
Goblin's Bee 28-30 Yuhtunga Jungle
Goblin's Dragonfly 28-30 Valkurm Dunes
Gigas's Spider 28-30 Korroloka Tunnel
Goblin's Bat 28-31 Oldton Movalpolos
Goblin's Tiger 28-35 Beaucedine Glacier
Goblin's Rarab 29-31 Bibiki Bay
Goblin's Gallinipper 31-34 Attohwa Chasm
Gigas's Tiger 33-40 Beaucedine Glacier
Gigas's Sheep 34-36 Lufaise Meadows
Gigas's Sheep 34-36 Misareaux Coast
Goblin's Leech 35-40 Sanctuary of Zi'Tah
Goblin's Bat 36-37 Oldton Movalpolos
Goblin's Ogrefly 38-39 Attohwa Chasm
Goblin's Bee 38-40 Yhoator Jungle
Goblin's Spider 38-40 Eastern Altepa Desert
Gigas's Tiger 38-42 Xarcabard
Goblin's Tiger 38-50 Verification Needed Xarcabard
Goblin's Bat 40-42 Castle Zvahl Keep
Goblin's Bats 40-42 Castle Zvahl Baileys
Goblin's Leech 48-50 Labyrinth of Onzozo
Goblin's Rabbit 48-50 Cape Teriggan
Goblin's Rarab 51-54 West Sarutabaruta (S)
Goblin's Bee 52-54 North Gustaberg (S)
Goblin's Ladybug 52-54 East Ronfaure (S)
Goblin's Crawler 52-54 Rolanberry Fields (S)
Gigas's Bat 53-55 Upper Delkfutt's Tower
Goblin's Bats 53-55 Ifrit's Cauldron
Goblin's Leech 53-55 Gustav Tunnel
Goblin's Bats 57-63 Pso'Xja Verification Needed may have mistaken with Goblin's Bat
Goblin's Dragonfly 61-63 Pashhow Marshlands (S)
Goblin's Bat 61-64 Newton Movalpolos
Goblin's Beetle 61-64 Sauromugue Champaign (S)
Goblin's Bat 62-64 Vunkerl Inlet (S)
Goblin's Rarab 66-69 Bibiki Bay
Goblin's Bat 68-69 Pso'Xja
Goblin's Bat 71-73 Newton Movalpolos
Gigas's Tiger 73-75 Vunkerl Inlet (S)
Gigas's Tiger 75-78 Xarcabard (S)

Summoner Pets

Note: Summoner Pets do not give exp on Horizon. HorizonXI specific changes

Dragoon Pets

Puppetmaster Pets


This category has only the following subcategory.

Pages in category "Monster Pets"

The following 13 pages are in this category, out of 13 total.