Category:Pet Wyverns

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Pet Wyverns
Family Information
Type: Dragons
Subfamilies: Dragoon Wyvern
Common Behavior:
Uncommon Behavior: {{{Uncommon Behavior}}}
Weak against:
Strong against:
Immune to:
Healed by:
Common Job(s):
Uncommon Job(s):
Charmable: Eks.png
Pankration: {{{Pankration}}}
Aspir: Susceptible to Aspir
Drain: Susceptible to Drain
EXP Bonus:
Pet Wyvern.jpg
Just as the Dragoons of the five races have forged pacts with their wyverns, so have the Beastmen with their own. These domesticated wyvern, which assist a Dragoon, are smaller and significantly more docile than their wild counterparts. Some domesticated wyvern will even continue to battle after their masters' death. There are also reports of wyvernlike beings in the lost realm of Lumoria that have been transformed by the otherworldly conditions of their enviroment.

Special Attacks

Special Abilities Original and Zilart Areas Promathia Areas Aht Urhgan Areas
Elemental Breath
  • Flame Breath - Single target Fire damage
  • Frost Breath - Single target Ice damage
  • Sand Breath - Single target Earth damage
  • Hydro Breath - Single target Water damage
  • Gust Breath - Single target Wind damage
  • Lightning Breath - Single target Lightning damage
CheckCheck.png CheckCheck.png CheckCheck.png
Note: Notorious Monsters in this family may use all of the above and/or additional unique special abilities.

Notorious Monsters in Family

Name Spawn Information Level Zone Notable Drop(s)
No standard notorious monsters

Quest NMs: Ark Angel's Wyvern (Ark Angels/Divine Might), Maat's Wyvern (Shattering Stars)

Mission NMs: Shikaree Z's Wyvern (CoP 5-3/Requiem of Sin)

Battlefield NMs: Osschaart's Wyvern (BCNM - Copycat)

Dynamis NMs: Bxafraff's Wyvern , Dagourmarche's Wyvern , Dragon's Wyvern , Hydra's Wyvern , Kindred's Wyvern, Vanguard's Wyvern , Zagan's Wyvern

Limbus NMs: Telchines's Wyvern

Other NMs: Fantoccini Wyvern (ENM - Pulling the Strings)

Monsters in Family

Pages in category "Pet Wyverns"

The following 4 pages are in this category, out of 4 total.