
From HorizonXI Wiki
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Katana are single-handed, low-delay, low-to-average damage weapons wielded exclusively by Ninja. Generally, a katana will do more damage than a dagger, but hit more often than a sword. Some katana include stat boosts, everything from stats, to increasing the damage of ninjutsu magic, to the Ninja's attacking power, to their defensive strength. One katana even offers a bonus to cooking skill.

Katana come into the spotlight once their user begins to get stronger forms of the Dual Wield trait - since katana already have low delay and good damage considering their delay, when as much as 60% of the delay of the weapons gets removed from natural job traits and equipment, the Ninja's damage-over-time tends to reach very high levels.

Job Ratings

Job Skill Ranking Cap at Level 1 Cap at Level 37 Cap at Level 75
Ninja A- 6 114 269

Equipment that Enhance this Skill

Name Lvl Slot Effects Jobs
Hope Torque 73 Neck AGI +5, Katana Skill +7, Archery Skill +7 All Jobs

Weapon Skills

Name Skill Level Info Modifiers Skillchain Propreties
Blade: Rin 5 Deals critical damage. Chance of critical hit varies with TP. STR:20% DEX:20% Transfixion-Icon.gif[[Transfixion|Transfixion]]
Blade: Retsu 30 Delivers a twofold attack that paralyzes target. Duration of paralysis varies with TP. STR:20% DEX:20% Scission-Icon.gif[[Scission|Scission]]
Blade: Teki 70 Deals water elemental damage. Damage varies with TP. STR:20% INT:20% Reverberation-Icon.gif[[Reverberation|Reverberation]]
Blade: To 100 Deals ice elemental damage. Damage varies with TP. STR:30% INT:30% Induration-Icon.gif[[Induration|Induration]]
Blade: Chi 150 Delivers a twofold attack that deals earth elemental damage. Damage varies with TP. STR:30% INT:30% Impaction-Icon.gif[[Impaction|Impaction]]
Blade: Ei 175 Deals darkness elemental damage. Damage varies with TP. STR:30% INT:30% Compression-Icon.gif[[Compression|Compression]]
Blade: Jin 200 Delivers a threefold attack. Chance of critical hit varies with TP.
Ninja only.
STR:30% DEX:30% Detonation-Icon.gif[[Detonation|Detonation]]
Blade: Ten 225 Damage varies with TP.
Ninja only.
STR:30% DEX:30% Gravitation-Icon.gifGravitation
Blade: Ku 250
Delivers a fivefold attack. Accuracy varies with TP.
Ninja only.
STR:10% DEX:10% Gravitation-Icon.gifGravitation
Blade: Metsu Relic Yoshimitsu/Kikoku: Subtle Blow +10. Aftermath duration varies with TP.
Must have Yoshimitsu, Kikoku, or Sekirei equipped.
DEX:60% Dark-Icon.gifDarkness

Katana by Level

Name Level Damage Delay DPS Description Jobs
Debahocho 1 1 227 0.26 Main hand: Cooking skill +2 All Jobs
Debahocho +1 1 2 222 0.54 Main hand: Cooking skill +3 All Jobs
Kunai 1 4 190 1.26 NIN
Kunai +1 1 5 185 1.62 NIN
Trainee Burin RareExclusive 1 1 190 0.32 Latent effect: Goldsmithing skill +1 All Jobs
Wakizashi 7 8 227 2.11 NIN
Wakizashi +1 7 9 222 2.43 NIN
Kyofu 13 11 227 2.91 Additional effect with wind fan
equipped: Wind damage
Kyofu +1 13 12 222 3.24 Additional effect with wind fan
equipped: Wind damage
Shinobi-Gatana 13 11 227 2.91 NIN
Shinobi-Gatana +1 13 12 222 3.24 NIN
Gassan RareExclusive 15 12 227 3.17 AGI+1 NIN
Mokuto 16 11 232 2.84 Additional effect: Silence NIN
Mokuto +1 16 12 227 3.17 Additional effect: Silence NIN
Seito 16 11 232 2.84 Additional effect: Silence
Enchantment: "Ensilence"
<15/15 0:30/[10:00, 0:30]>
Suzume 19 11 190 3.47 NIN
Ganko 20 12 227 3.17 NIN
Hibari 24 13 190 4.11 NIN
Hibari +1 24 14 185 4.54 NIN
Busuto 26 16 232 4.14 Additional effect: Poison NIN
Busuto +1 26 17 227 4.49 Additional effect: Poison NIN
Fukuro 28 15 190 4.74 STR+1 AGI+1 NIN
Nikkariaoe Rare 30 19 232 4.91 Spell interruption rate down 25% NIN
Kodachi 32 19 227 5.02 NIN
Kodachi +1 32 20 222 5.41 NIN
Reppu 32 19 227 5.02 Additional effect with wind fan
equipped: Wind damage
Reppu +1 32 20 222 5.41 Additional effect with wind fan
equipped: Wind damage
Midare 36 20 227 5.29 Evasion+1 NIN
Midare +1 36 21 222 5.68 Evasion+2 NIN
Niokiyotsuna RareExclusive 38 19 227 5.02 "Double Attack"+1% NIN
Ohaguro Rare 39 20 195 6.15 STR+1 DEX+1 NIN
Anju RareExclusive 40 23 increased from 21 to 23 216 6.39 DEX+2 NIN
Zushio RareExclusive 40 25 increased from 23 to 25 238 6.3 STR+2 NIN
Bokuto 41 23 232 5.95 Additional effect: Blindness NIN
Bokuto +1 41 24 227 6.34 Additional effect: Blindness NIN
Hanafubuki 43 24 227 6.34 Enchantment: TP+100
<100/100 0:30/[10:00, 0:30]>
Sakurafubuki 43 24 227 6.34 NIN
Sakurafubuki +1 43 25 222 6.76 NIN
Melt Katana 46 25 232 6.47 Additional effect: Weakens defense
Enchantment: Weakens defense
<15/15 0:30/[10:00, 0:30]>
Yoto 46 25 232 6.47 Additional effect: Weakens defense NIN
Yoto +1 46 26 227 6.87 Additional effect: Weakens defense NIN
Hien 47 21 190 6.63 NIN
Hien +1 47 22 185 7.14 NIN
Sai 48 28 242 6.94 Parrying skill +3 NIN
Sai +1 48 29 234 7.44 Parrying skill +5 NIN
Buboso Rare 50 25 190 7.89 STR+2 DEX+2 AGI+2 NIN
Kageboshi 50 24 190 7.58 Additional effect: "Bind" NIN
Tsugumi RareExclusive 50 19 160 7.13 Accuracy+1 NIN
Shinogi 52 28 227 7.40 DEX+3 NIN
Keppu 54 26 227 6.87 Additional effect with wind fan
equipped: Wind damage
Keppu +1 54 27 222 7.30 Additional effect with wind fan
equipped: Wind damage
Muketsu 54 26 227 6.87 Additional effect: HP drain NIN
Muketsu +1 54 27 222 7.30 Additional effect: HP drain NIN
Hototogisu RareExclusive 55 24 185 7.78 Accuracy+3
Latent effect: Parrying skill +5
Hocho Rare 57 30 227 7.93 Cooking skill +3 NIN
Rusty Kunai 60 20 190 6.32 NIN
Sairen Rare 60 31 238 7.82 STR+3
On Darksdays: STR+7 Enmity+1
Kabutowari 61 30 227 7.93 NIN
Kabutowari +1 61 31 222 8.38 NIN
Kogitsunemaru Rare 62 34 227 8.99 Additional effect vs. vermin: HP Drain NIN
Kitsutsuki RareExclusive 64 26 185 8.43 Vs. plantoids: Critical hit rate +5% NIN
Kororito 66 33 232 8.53 Additional effect: Poison NIN
Kororito +1 66 35 227 9.25 Additional effect: Poison NIN
Imanotsurugi Rare 67 35 227 9.25 Enmity+2 NIN
Amanojaku RareExclusive 68 29 221 7.87 Accuracy-1 NIN
Osoraku Rare 69 37 227 9.78 DEF+10
Set: Increases HP, VIT,
Accuracy, Ranged Accuracy
Yagentoshiro Rare 69 34 222 9.19 Enhances ninjutsu damage
Set: Increases Evasion and
HP recovered while healing
Reduces Enmity
Cmb.Cst. Kusabi 70 26 190 8.21 NIN
Fudo 70 39 227 10.31 Critical hit rate +3% NIN
Karasuageha RareExclusive 70 29 190 9.16 Assault: DMG:33 "Subtle Blow"+1 NIN
Ryumon RareExclusive 70 38 227 10.04 Latent effect: Attack Bonus NIN
Fuchingiri RareExclusive 71 38 223 10.22 Enmity-5 NIN
Hayabusa 71 28 190 8.84 "Subtle Blow"+1 NIN
Hayabusa +1 71 29 185 9.41 "Subtle Blow"+2 NIN
Kodachi of Trials RareExclusive 71 33 227 8.72 Latent effect: HP+20 Resistance vs. Fire+10 Resistance vs. Light+10 NIN
Sayosamonji RareExclusive 71 37 227 9.78 Depending on day: Increases elemental
weapon skill damage
Unsho Rare 71 31 201 9.25 STR+3 DEX+3 VIT-1
"Subtle Blow"+1
Mamushito 72 37 232 9.57 Additional effect: "Stun" NIN
Mamushito +1 72 38 227 10.04 Additional effect: "Stun" NIN
Onishibari RareExclusive 72 28 185 9.08 Evasion+5
Enhances "Beast Killer" effect
Vs. beasts: Critical hit rate +7%
Senjuinrikio RareExclusive 72 25 227 6.61
(10.04 w/ latent)
Latent effect: DMG:38
Critical hit rate +6%
Shamo 72 33 232 8.53 TP Bonus NIN
Shusui Rare 72 37 227 9.78 HP-20 DEX+3 Accuracy+5
"Subtle Blow"+2
Unji Rare 72 32 201 9.55 STR+2 DEX+4 AGI-1
"Subtle Blow"+1
Hirenjaku 73 37 227 9.78 Accuracy+2
Magic Accuracy+2
Hirenjaku +1 73 38 222 10.27 Accuracy+3
Magic Accuracy+3
Izayoi 73 37 232 9.57 Attack+3 NIN
Izayoi +1 73 38 227 10.04 Attack+5 NIN
Musanto RareExclusive 73 37 222 10.00 NIN
Oninohocho RareExclusive 73 30 227 7.93 HP+20 Evasion+4 Enmity+2 NIN
Perdu Blade RareExclusive 73 27 190 8.53 Latent effect: DMG:32 NIN
Shiranui RareExclusive 73 37 227 9.78 Evasion+3
Additional effect: Light damage
Tojaku 73 37 227 9.78 Accuracy+2
Magic Accuracy+2
Enchantment: "Stone"
<50/50 0:30/[10:00, 0:30]>
Kugui 74 39 242 9.67 STR+2
Parrying skill +1
Narigitsune RareExclusive 74 38 227 10.04 Evasion+5
Magic damage taken -5%
Otori 74 39 242 9.67 AGI+2
Parrying skill +4
Rai Kunimitsu 74 34 227 8.99 Critical hit rate +5%
On Firesdays: DMG:41 Resistance vs. Fire+15
Ihintanto RareExclusive 75 1 999 0.06 NIN
Isatu RareExclusive 75 21 222 5.68 NIN
Kibashiri Exclusive 75 25 227 6.61 NIN
Kikoku RareExclusive 75 42 210 12.00 Attack+20
"Blade: Metsu"
Additional effect: Paralysis
Koruri Exclusive 75 30 227 7.93 NIN
Kuina Exclusive 75 27 227 7.14 NIN
Mimizuku RareExclusive 75 1 227 0.26 In Dynamis: Resistance vs. Dark+7 NIN
Mozu RareExclusive 75 36 227 9.52 NIN
Nagi RareExclusive 75 37 227 9.78 NIN
Nagi RareExclusive 75 37 227 9.78 Magic Accuracy+10
Enmity+10 Augments "Mijin Gakure"
"Blade: Kamu"
Aftermath: Increases Acc./Atk.
Occasionally attacks twice
Rogetsu RareExclusive 75 33 227 8.72 In Dynamis: Resistance vs. Dark+9 NIN
Sasuke Katana RareExclusive 75 33 227 8.72 NIN
Tsukumo 75 23 190 7.26 Main hand: DMG:27 NIN
Yoshimitsu RareExclusive 75 42 227 11.10 In Dynamis: "Blade: Metsu" NIN