Piercing Damage
From HorizonXI Wiki
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Piercing damage is one of the three types of physical damage. This damage usually corresponds to a thrusting, a stabbing, or a firing animation.
Horizon Changes 
It has been confirmed by Kipling that the damage bonus piercing weak mobs receive has been reduced to 12.5% on Horizon.
Weapon Types
The following weapon types and their physical weaponskills deal piercing damage.
- Polearms - Weapons such as the Harpoon, Partisan, and Gungnir.
- Daggers - Weapons such as the Bronze Knife, Mercurial Kris, and Mandau.
- Ranged - Ammunition such as the Holy Bolt and Kabura Arrow, as well as throwing weapons such as the Shuriken.
Pets and Pet Abilities
*Automatons equipped with the Sharpshot Frame deal piercing damage physical attacks.
*Bourdonasse - Melee attacks deal blunt damage.
- Physical weaponskills performed using the Bourdonasse will still deal piercing damage.
- Chiroptera Dagger - Melee attacks deal slashing damage.
- Physical weaponskills performed using the Chiroptera Dagger will still deal piercing damage.
Mob Family Damage Relation
Weak to Piercing
Strong to Piercing
Immune to Piercing
- Inhumer - Appears on the 3rd floor of Southeast Apollyon
- Grave Digger - Appears on the 3rd floor of Southeast Apollyon
- Jailer of Temperance - Immune to piercing damage when it is closed up or when its rings are out.
Special Notes
- When used on Undead type mobs, the White Magic spell Banish reduces the damage resistance for melee attacks.
- The Warrior merit job ability Tomahawk will temporarily reduce all forms of damage resistance that a mob possesses.
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