Shell Crusher

From HorizonXI Wiki


Name: Shell Crusher
Weapon Type: Staff
Weapon Skill Type: Physical
Skill Level: 175
Quest: [[]]
Description: Lowers enemy's defense. Amount lowered varies with TP.
Sneak Attack: Will stack with Sneak Attack.
Aligned with:


  • Defense Down effect is -25% defense.
    • Additional Effect is Wind-based, so it is unlikely to land on Wind or Ice enemies.
    • Duration has three resist states, so "unresisted duration" is shown, "resisted duration" is half of that, and it is possible for the monster to fully resist.
  • Defense Down effects do not stack with each other. Only one may be active at a time.


Skillchains De­to­na­tion
Modifiers: STR: 35%
Damage Multipliers by TP:
1000 TP 2000 TP 3000 TP
1.00 1.00 1.00
Critical Hit Rate by TP:
1000 TP 2000 TP 3000 TP
Duration by TP:
1000 TP 2000 TP 3000 TP
180s 240s 300s


  • Staff skill level 175 is obtainable by the following jobs at these corresponding levels:
Job Rating Level
Paladin A- 55
Warrior B 56
Monk B 56
Summoner B 56
Black Mage B- 56
Dragoon B- 56
White Mage C+ 57
Bard C+ 57
Scholar C+ 57
Geomancer C+ 57