Anniversary 2024
About this page
- This is a working title which can be renamed if necessary.
- Please add to this page as information is discovered.
- Patch notes can be found here.
- New character models can be found here and finally we have the Barbershop page also. Players can purchase a "haircut" for 250,000 gil. The "free" haircut is yet to be discovered.
Enjoy everyone!
- There is a misconception circulation amongst the community that touching the glowing spot behind the Shady Dealer gives an additional 5 Mog Satchel slots. This is a long-standing bug and you will be unable to use these 5 slots if activated.
Event NPCs
Event NPC's with unknown interactions:
- Aristaeus, Port Jeuno (H-8)
- Aerec (Anniversary 2024), Lower Jeuno (J-8) (Tenshodo H.Q.)
- ???, Lower Jeuno (I-7)(Above Auction House)
- Anny Moogle, Lower Jeuno (I-6) - Sells fireworks.
Scavenger Hunt
On speaking with an NPC they'll present a series of riddles about some items they're seeking you to find. Obtain the requested items and trade them to the NPC one at a time to receive the message "Ah! Yes this is one of the items I was looking for.." for each correct item. Note that you don't need to trade all items in a single visit and the items are not returned to the player.
Here are the riddles from each NPC grouped by location. When confirmed, a link to the item is posted. Any wiki page missing is followed with an external link to a retail wiki to help you learn more about the item.
Xarcabard (I-8 northwest corner against mountain)
- Tracent:
- 1. Sweet and rich, a regal treat, From the hive where queens meet. What am I, nectar so sweet? Royal Jelly
- 2. I dwell in the depths, where water's still, From a crab's claw, I'm gathered with skill. What am I, from a well's quiet chill? Lufet Salt
- 3. Carved with a grin, I glow at night, A fiery face that sparks delight. What am I, on Hallows End's sight? Jack-o'-Lantern
- 4. Twelve fiery fruits, from jungles deep, Spicy and bold, their secrets they keep. What am I, where heat does creep? Kazham Peppers x12
- Drowsy:
- 1. In shadows I grow, with magic's breath, A pungent bulb, to ward off death. What am I, from the shaman's wreath? Shaman Garlic
- 2. In a bubbling brew, dark and deep, A fish leaps forth from the jug to leap. What am I, where flavors meet? Mole Broth
- 3. Dark as night with a crimson twist, A sweetened treat you can't resist. What am I, where blood and cocoa persist? Bloody Chocolate
- 4. Thirty-three cookies, wild and free, Flavors scattered, no recipe. What am I, a chaotic spree? Wild Cookie x33
After completing all 8 of Tracent and Drowsy's items, you will receive the Anniversary Ring and their text will change.
- Tracent:
- 5. I lift the weave that enchances grace. Unravel mana, erase its trace.
- Drowsy:
- 5. What I touch turns bare and dull. What am I, when power's null?
The Boyahda Tree (J-7)
- Ah Puch:
- 1. From flames reborn, I rise and fly, A fiery plume that sparks the sky. What am I, as ashes lie? Phoenix Feather
- 2. Soft and warm, I line the floor, A cozy nest for feathers to adore. What am I, where clucklings roar? Chocobo Bedding
- 3. Woven by a ghost, in moon's pale light, I drift unseen, through endless night. What am I, a fabric of fright? Luminicloth [1]
- 4. Three dark feathers, soft and light, From wings that vanish in the night. What am I, with shadows in flight? Black Chocobo Feather x3
- Kipling:
- 1. In the tomb's dark silence, I rest alone, A forgotten message on defiant reeds. What am I, where the past has grown? Ancient Papyrus
- 2. Dark and smooth, caressed by air, Wind and light weave through its flare. What am I, glowing everywhere?
- 3. Crafted with care, too strong to break, Its shine endures, no rust to wake. What am I, made flawed for sciences' sake?
- 4: Woven from Crystal, yet soft to touch, I breathe with life, through stone is such. What am I, where rock and fabric clutch?
After completing all 8 of Ah Puch and Kipling's items, you will receive ??? and their text will change.
- Ah Puch:
- 5. ?
- Kipling:
- 5. ?
Yhoator Jungle (H-8)
- Kore:
- 1. Amid the canyon's dusty sprawl, I stand alone, silent and tall. Armed with spines, who am I at all? Tahrongi Cactus [2]
- 2. In a jug I dwell, with roots that grow, A plant with life, but not for show. Who am I, where the green winds blow?
- 3. From moss-clad roots of ages old, I rise in wood, both rich and bold. What am I, from a tree untold? Wisteria Lumber [3]
- 4. In my grip, the storm is sealed, Electric power, fate revealed. What am I, with skies to wield? Thunder Staff
- Tiberon:
- 1. From a labyrinth beast, I'm won in strife, A wooden prize from a horned one's life. Carved from conflict and toil, what am I? Spruce Lumber [4]
- 2. Beneath the stars where the sea winds sigh, Our hidden ranks are bound by tie. By invite-only-what am I? Tenshodo Invite
- 3. With one switch wing, I seal your fate, A journey ends at my home's gate. What am I, both tool and state? Warp Cudgel
- 4. I'm a throne of quiet, a resting place, Where burdens vanish without a trace. In a private space, what am I? Commode
After completing all 8 of Kore and Tiberon's items, you will receive ??? and their text will change.
- Kore:
- 5. ?
- Tiberon:
- 5. ?
Throne Room
- Frank:
- 1. From a beast that roams the crag's vast site, I coat the wool, soft and bright. What am l, born from lumbering might? Lanolin [5]
- 2. I walk through flame and chill of ice, Neither grand nor poor, a humble price. What am l, from a kingdom's slice?
- 3. With claws of strength and skill so bright, I'm crafted too well, a fearsome sight. What am I, from tiger's might? Spike Necklace (unconfirmed)
- 4. Too strong, too fast, I was built too well, Overengineered, where soft leather shoes should dwell. What am I, spoiled before my spell?
- Hookstar:
- 1. On an icy isle where giants stride, A tower stands where cold winds collide. Attack plans written on leather, far and wide. Ram Leather Missive [6]
- 2. Boots of great speed, I dash with grace, I blur through the land, a swift embrace. What am l, in the race's chase? Powder Boots
- 3. Where sirens blare and waters churn, A golden mask, for secrets to burn. What am l, in depths where treasures turn? Moblin Mask
- 4. Tough as stone, yet soft to the touch, From coastal beasts with skin so much, What am l, exceptional and such? High-Quality Bugard Skin
Korroloka Tunnel (Map 2, I-10)
- Tangent:
- 1. I write with mana, inked in despair, my words twist fate, with darkened air. What am I, from a demon's lair? Demon Pen
- 2. From earth I crawled, and leaps I took, But shrimp and lizard, I could not look. What am I, in a worms mistake? Frog Lure
- 3. I mend the cracks, I seal the leak, With just one coat, my power's unique. What am I, a fix so sleek? Sieglinde Putty [7]
- 4. I shimmer and flow, with a radiant glow, A liquid of light, where purity grows. What am I, where brilliance will show,
- Kanryu:
- 1. A soft white sphere, so gentle and light, found where silence reigns, in a void bright. What am I, in an empty sight? White Memosphere [8]
- 2. In desert heat, I hide and wait, my sting is deadly, a cruel fate. What am I, from Scorpion's state? Desert Venom
- 3. I rage in fire, I flow in water, I chill in ice, and echo in thunder. What am I, with stone, wind, light and dark to ponder? Photoanima [9]
- 4. Sharp as a whisper, hidden in green, I sting with a touch, yet go unseen. What am I, in desert's keen? Cactuar Needle
Ru'Aun Gardens
- Hugin:
- 1. I swim with weight that's hard to bear, A ring inside, I wander where. What am I, with treasures to share?
- 2. In waters deep, where shadows play, I glide with silver, far from the bay. What am I, from the west of town, in disarray?
- 3. I dwell where desert sands may bake, In waters cool, my path I make. What am I, in an oasis lake?
- 4. In waters far and wide, I swim with ease, Caught by hands still learning, please. What am I, caught by apprentices with ease?
- 5. I dwell where deep waters swirl and sway, with armor blue, I hide away. What am I, in the tunnel's fray?
- 6. Inside the belly, I twist and hide, In a pirate's feast, I silently bide. What am I, where zombies collide?
- 7. I swim upstream, with silver gleam, in elven waters, pure and serene. What am I, with a river's dream?
- 8. I swim in water, where goblins toil, in a quarry deep, where earth does boil. What am I, with shell so royal?
What's next?
- It has been discovered that the monster Frank in Crawler's Nest drops the item Frank's Stick. Aerec does react to Frank's Stick by saying you are not prepared to someone that has not yet completed the Scavenger Hunt.
- Note: He says this with any item you try to trade, not just Frank's Stick.
- After having provided all the necessary items to the NPCs listed above, trade Frank's stick to Aerec and report your findings here. Thank you.