Sheep in Antlion's Clothing

From HorizonXI Wiki

Type: ENM
Zone: Boneyard Gully
          Level: 75
          Members: Recommended: 6 | Maximum: 18
          Time: 15 minutes
Key Item: Miasma Filter





Tuchulcha x 1



Armored Hunter x 1



Shrewd Hunter x 1



Swift Hunter x 1






ENM Battle

  • You will enter the battlefield facing a single Antlion named Tuchulcha. Despite the three other Antlions in this battlefield, only Tuchulcha must be defeated to win.
  • All buffs including TP are removed upon entry.
  • Tuchulcha is initially buried in the corridor by the entrance that feeds into the larger battlefield area. Mages should stay behind the tank/damage-dealers to avoid initial agro and potentially getting one-shotted.
  • Tuchulcha is completely immune to all forms Sleep, Gravity, Bind, Paralyze, Stun and Charm. It is susceptible, however, to all forms of Damage Over Time, Defense Down, and Slow spells.
  • Every 25% of its HP (at 75%, 50%, and 25%), Tuchulcha will bury itself under the sand, accompanied by use of the ability Sandpit. When this occurs, the party will have to search the battlefield to find Tuchulcha. When it uses Sandpit, all enmity is reset. Sandpit will also remove any enfeebling effects that were on Tuchulcha and Bind whoever had hate.
  • It is possible, though difficult, to kill Tuchulcha in only 3 spawns if a large amount of spike damage is timed to hit it at 25% health.
A tier II Ancient Magic, like Burst II, used as Magic Burst on a level 3 Skillchain, can be a simple way to reduce Tuchulcha's life beyond the 25% range. The Skillchain must be well timed to allow Magic Burst before the use of Sandpit.
  • All Antlions, including Tuchulcha, are "found" via true sound agro, and they will immediately open with Pit Ambush when agro'd. This is a high-damage, single-target attack that removes all Shadow Images on the target. Players searching for Tuchulcha should apply as much defense/physical damage reduction as possible, as well as Stoneskin and/or Phalanx if they are available.
  • Most parties split up to look for the Antlions, but be wary of accidentally finding 2 or more at the same time.
  • The "Hunters" are susceptible to Sleep. Many parties sleep the "Hunters" while looking for Tuchulcha. However, since they do develop resistance to Sleep over time, it is recommended that you kill at least one of the "Hunters" to avoid needless linking and death.
  • Defeating the "Hunters" will have no effect on the outcome or drops of the battle; only Tuchulcha must be defeated.

Job specific strategies

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  • Can be duo'd by a well-geared Samurai/Warrior and Dragoon/White Mage with luck. Dragoon took care of erasing bind as well as curing via wyvern. Samurai used skillchains for each pop, successfully taking out well over 30% HP per skillchain. Icarus Wing and Meikyo Shisui sometimes required.
  • The ENM can be trio'd with different setups also, but mnk is is well suited for this enm because they have a very useful 2hr and can use chakra to gain hp back. You can easily replace the mnk(s) or sam(s) with wars or different jobs but with a different setup you might have to take a tp wing or hp meds. War/sam or war/nin works also burning the Hunters with 2hr>ws>tp wing>ws (or 2hr>ws>meditate>ws).
  • another strategy to trio this fight with Monk/Ninja (we had Galka) Samurai/Ninja (we had Hume) White Mage/Scholar (we had Mithra) is to enter, buff etc, after first pop of Tuchulcha go around as a group (because if you split up other members might be to far if you get a pop alone) if pops an hunter kill it without 2hr, save 2hr of mnk and sam for 2nd and 3rd hunters if should pop. We managed to kill all of 3 hunters and Tuchulcha in this way in 13 minutes with litle trouble and without meds, without use of benediction and with no MP problem.
  • We trio this nearly every 5 days as Samurai/Ninjax2 and White Mage/Scholar. It's fairly straight forward and can take anywhere from 6 minutes to 13 and change depending on how lucky we are with Tuchulcha pops. I wouldn't say 'skilled' is even a pre-requisite, just a standard knowledge of the game and a bit of end-game experience can carry a three man group through this. The Whm can obviously be replaced by pretty much any mage job. Blm might be a little sketchy, but could still probably be pulled off. I see no reason why this ENM should/would be attempted with more than a three man group.
  • Can be beaten with SAM/NIN, PLD/NIN, THF/NIN, WHM/BLM with some difficulty, no 2-hours used.
    • NM hits for about 120-150 (up to 300 on a crit). /WAR is not a great idea unless you want to rely on Counterstance to keep you alive. Me (MNK/WAR) and a friend (RDM/WHM) got the NM down to about 50% before he was completely out of MP. We got unlucky and found two antlions and failed. Kalice 17:39, 5 April 2009 (UTC)
  • Duo this ENM regularly with sam/war and rdm/whm and neither of us use 3rd party tools to locate the NM. A few close calls but no loss so far. See the luck part :P, tho I know 2x rdm/nin and some other job combos can duo the enm with difficulty.
  • Easily killed with Samurai x3 and a White Mage. Even if you find the regular monsters instead of the NM, you can still finish with plenty of time. Some form of refresh is required, and usually one of the Samurai should be /war to take hate off the mage. Possible to rest during fights if the Samurai are skilled enough to not take damage for the 10+ seconds it takes to get mp back. Everyone, including the mage, should follow a single individual to pop the mobs so multiple fights at the same time do not result in a death. Not recommended to rest while the others are looking, because you have a good chance to trigger another Antlion searching for those that are dieing. Not known if using Sneak will avoid aggro from Ants still under the ground.
  • Can be trio'd by RDM,SMN and WHM with ease.
  • Easily trio'd with 2x SAM/NIN and RDM/WHM. SAMs share hate on the NM while taking turns to create skillchains. SAMs each take a turn to use their 2 hour ability on the non-NM monsters. The RDM would sleep the third non-NM monster while the SAMs found and killed the NM. The hardest part of the fight was finding the NM 3 times in the 15 minute time limit.
  • Can be duo'd by a well-geared Samurai/Warrior and Dragoon/White Mage with luck. Dragoon took care of erasing bind as well as curing via wyvern. Samurai used skillchains for each pop, successfully taking out well over 30% HP per skillchain. Icarus Wing and Meikyo Shisui sometimes required.
  • The ENM can be trio'd with different setups also, but mnk is is well suited for this enm because they have a very useful 2hr and can use chakra to gain hp back. You can easily replace the mnk(s) or sam(s) with wars or different jobs but with a different setup you might have to take a tp wing or hp meds. War/sam or war/nin works also burning the Hunters with 2hr>ws>tp wing>ws (or 2hr>ws>meditate>ws).
  • Can be beaten with SAM/NIN, PLD/NIN, THF/NIN, WHM/BLM with some difficulty, no 2-hours used.
  • Duo this ENM regularly with sam/war and rdm/whm and neither of us use 3rd party tools to locate the NM. A few close calls but no loss so far. See the luck part :P, tho I know 2x rdm/nin and some other job combos can duo the enm with difficulty.
  • Can be trio'd by RDM,SMN and WHM with ease.
  • Easily duo'ed as Drg/Blu and Brd/Whm... Could probably solo if it weren't for the Bind affect on Sandpit. Saurian Helm or Relic is a must if your going to attempt a Drg solo.
  • Easily trio'd with 2x SAM/NIN and RDM/WHM. SAMs share hate on the NM while taking turns to create skillchains. SAMs each take a turn to use their 2 hour ability on the non-NM monsters. The RDM would sleep the third non-NM monster while the SAMs found and killed the NM. The hardest part of the fight was finding the NM 3 times in the 15 minute time limit.