HorizonXI Wiki
Welcome to the Official HorizonXI Wiki!
HorizonXI Wiki
Welcome to the HorizonXI Wiki, the official Wiki for the level 75 cap, 'Era+' private FFXI server, HorizonXI (link to site). The server is currently based upon the Chains of Promathia era but with some custom balancing changes, new exp camps etc. A list of discovered changes can be found via the Horizon Changes page and for a list of content outside the current era, check the Out of era page.
The wiki is endorsed but not maintained by HorizonXI staff. The Fandom Wiki has not been supported since May 2023.
Editing the HorizonXI Wiki
Anyone looking to help edit the HorizonXI Wiki, please refer to the Editing Guidelines page for further information. All edits are appreciated, however large or small. For further assistance, please visit the HorizonXI Wiki discord server.
About HorizonXI
HorizonXI launched on December 17th 2022 in the "Chains of Promathia" era and provides its adventurers with a level 75 era+ experience that maintains the spirit of Final Fantasy XI (FFXI) as if SquareEnix had continued to develop the game without ever having raised the level cap above 75. For further information about the server, please visit the official website found here.
AirSkyBoat is the code base that HorizonXI uses as a base for the server code. You can find their repository on GitHub by clicking on this link.
ASB is always looking for people to contribute as well. You can learn more by checking out their discord here or apply to join the HorizonXI/AirSkyBoat Team by filling out an application in the HorizonXI Discord and checking out this channel.
HorizonXI Wiki News
This section contains the most recent and important snippets of HorizonXI Wiki news. For a full list of all previous Wiki news, please visit the Wiki News page.
- How to Obtain - AH sections now link directly to their AH listings.
- New Wiki feature - ASB Search. Check it out now!
- The HorizonXI Wiki discord has had a revamp! Check it out here!.
- Another milestone, 38k visitors and 180k pageviews for the month of October!
- New milestone, the Wiki now has 5k content pages!
- All White Mage, Black Mage and Bard spells are in. Job pages getting a refresh and better mobile functionality
- Artifact Armor & +1 and Relic Armor & +1 images needed!
- Tagging Out of Era Content project is largely complete and very much active!
- The Horizon era+ changes tag
now provides a tooltip when hovered over.
- Chocobo digging is now considered complete, but we still need digging results.
- New sections: Tech Support and Ashita Support.
- Do you want to help to edit the HorizonXI Wiki? Visit this new page to find out how.
- After the big livestream reveal, we have a functioning relic weapons page with all of HorizonXI's era+ changes included.
- All area pages have been added mostly.
- The xp party camps page has had a major overhaul.
- We have moved! The old wiki is no longer supported. A massive thanks to Hugin for the work involved.