Gemini Subligar

From HorizonXI Wiki

Gemini Subligar


Gemini subligarRareExclusive
[Legs] All Races
Lv. 50 THF / DNC

Horizon Changes HorizonXI specific changes


Other Uses

Synthesis Recipes


Used in Recipes

  • None

Desynthesis Recipes


Obtained from Desynthesis

  • None

How to Obtain

Cannot be auctioned, traded, bazaared, or delivered on retail items could be delivered to a character on the same account. to a character on the same account. AH Black.png

Dropped From

Name Level Zone
Fomor Thief 41-48 Phomiuna Aqueducts
54-58 Sacrarium

Historical Background

Gemini is traditionally the third constellation out of 12 in the Zodiac. It represents a pair of twins. It is an Air-element sign and a Mutable sign (signs considered flexible and adaptable). Gemini governs the 3rd House (rules communication, companions, how we express ourselves, how we interact with our surroundings, adaptability) and it is ruled by the celestial body Mercury, a planet it shares with the zodiac sign Virgo. Gemini is a constellation bounded by Cancer, Leo, Orion, Auriga, Canis Minor, Monoceros, Lynx. Its named stars are (Alpha to Xi): Castor, Pollux, Alhena, Wasat, Mebsuta, Mekbuta, Tejat Prior, Propus, Tejat Posterior, Alzirr. Traditionally, people born from May 21 to June 21 (or June 22, depending on when the Summer Solstice falls) are considered Gemini. Gemini is Latin for "twins".

In Greek mythology, the constellation Gemini was considered to represent Castor and Pollux, mythical twins (called Dioscuri in Greek, the word for "twins" in Greek as well as the Gemini constellation in Greek). One of the twins was immortal (Pollux), one of the twins was mortal (Castor). Both were Argonauts, who sailed with Jason on various missions. Castor was considered a skilled soldier. Pollux was considered a skilled boxer. When Castor was killed, Pollux petitioned Zeus to share his own gift of immortality with his slain brother. Zeus then decided to immortalize the twins as a constellation.