Gigas is the general term for enormous members of the Gigas, Giant, and Jotunn tribes. Groups of these giants can be found roaming the island of Qufim. As their appearances imply, the Gigas do not possess much in the way of intelligence. While they do possess a language, it consists of the stringing together of simple words or phrases. Their language is often unintelligible--even by members of their own kind. However, what they lack in intelligence is made up for in brute strength. Also, while not as advanced as that of the allied forces, their ship and castle building abilities are comparable to those of the Orcs or Yagudo.
The Gigas were originally from an island far to the north of Quon. Every few decades, the Gigas send a large ship to Qufim to attack the Hume settlements. Their goal is to retrieve supplies and slaves to take back to their homeland. Before the Great War, the Shadow Lord recognized the potential that lay in the giants, and hired a large number of them to fight as mercenaries. After helping to construct Castle Zvahl, the Gigas led the beastman frontline in laying siege to many of the allied forces' fortresses. However, when the beastmen lost the war, the remaining Gigas were left trapped, unable to return to their homeland in the north. With nowhere to go, they set off for Qufim and Delkfutt's Tower, where they remain today--out of reach of the allied armies.
Special Attacks
Notorious Monsters in Family
Forced Spawn by trading Trophy Shield to ??? @ (C-4)
Abyssea - La Theine
Nifty Mantle Dented Gigas Shield
Timed Spawn every 2 to 6 hours at (H-6).
La Vaule (S)
Iwatsubute Oak Strongbox Sparth
Forced Spawn by trading a Moldy Buckler to (H-8) on the twelfth floor
Upper Delkfutt's Tower
Alkyoneus's Bracelets
Forced Spawn by checking the ??? @ (G-6) with key items Dented Gigas Shield, Warped Gigas Armband,
and Severed Gigas Collar Involved in quest A Goldstruck Gigas
Abyssea - La Theine
Hakke Hachimaki Inmicus Cuisses Helm Of Briareus Briareus's Sash
Lottery Spawn from the Gigas Bonecutter around (F-8) or (J-8) on the tenth floor
Upper Delkfutt's Tower
Enkelados's Bracelets
Lottery Spawn from the various Gigas around (G-8) on the first floor
Lower Delkfutt's Tower
Gigas Necklace
Lottery Spawn from the Giant Sentries at (F-10) on the third floor
Lower Delkfutt's Tower
Gigas Bracelets
Lottery Spawn from the various Gigas around (H-6) on the fourth floor
Middle Delkfutt's Tower
Gigas Bracelets
Forced Spawn by trading a Hickory Shield or Picaroon's Shield to a ??? on the table in front of the tower in (H-8)
Misareaux Coast
Tatami Shield
Forced Spawn by trading Massive Armband to ??? @ (F-10)
Abyssea - La Theine
Cognition Belt Warped Gigas Armband
Lottery Spawn from the various Gigas around (E-8) on the second floor
Lower Delkfutt's Tower
Gigas Bracelets
Timed Spawn every 20 minutes at (H-7) on the tenth floor
Upper Delkfutt's Tower
Huge Moth Axe
Lottery Spawn from various Gigas around (F-8) on the ninth floor approximately every 2 hours
Middle Delkfutt's Tower
Ogygos's Bracelets
Lottery Spawn from the Gigas Kettlemasters around the central pillar on the seventh floor
Middle Delkfutt's Tower
Gigas Necklace
Pallas (1)
Forced Spawn by trading a Hoary Battle Horn to the ??? at (H-8) on the eleventh floor
Upper Delkfutt's Tower
Pallas's Bracelets
Pallas (2)
Lottery Spawn from the Gigas Helmsmen in (K-6) (J-6).
Vunkerl Inlet (S)
Pallas's Shield
Forced Spawn by trading Oversized Sock to ??? @ (F-7)
Abyssea - La Theine
Arctier's Torque Severed Gigas Collar
Lottery Spawn from the various Gigas around (F-9) on the fifth floor
Middle Delkfutt's Tower
Gigas Bracelets
Timed Spawn approximately every 12 minutes around (H-8) on the tenth floor
Upper Delkfutt's Tower
Delkfutt Key
Lottery Spawn from the Gigas Quarriers around (I-7) - (J-7) on the eighth floor
Middle Delkfutt's Tower
Gigas Necklace
Lottery Spawn from the various Gigas in the room at (J-6) on the sixth floor
Middle Delkfutt's Tower
Gigas Necklace
Timed Spawn approximately every 1 hour around (F-9) on the eastern most map
Korroloka Tunnel
Impetus Earring
Quest NMs: Almops (Succor to the Sidhe), Edonus (Succor to the Sidhe),Gigas Flanker, Gigas Trebucket, Ingaevon
Mission NMs: None
Battlefield NMs: Nephiyl Keepcollapser (BCNM - Demolition Squad), Nephiyl Moatfiller (BCNM - Demolition Squad), Nephiyl Pinnacletosser (BCNM - Demolition Squad), Nephiyl Rampartbreacher (BCNM - Demolition Squad), Procrustes (ANNM), Jotunn Ruffian (ANNM)
Campaign NMs: Eurytos, Gigas Mercenary, Shadowhorn Stormer
Dynamis NMs: Antaeus
Limbus NMs: Beli, Cronos, Hyperion, Kari, Okeanos, Skadi, Thrym
Garrison NMs: Gigas Clearcutter, Gigas Hillrazer, Gigas Overseer, Hunting Chief
Monsters in Family
Pages in category "Gigas"
The following 10 pages are in this category, out of 10 total.
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