
From HorizonXI Wiki
Revision as of 22:07, 24 February 2024 by Chiimi (talk | contribs)
Family: Dolls
Family 2: [[:Category:{{{family2}}}|{{{family2}}}]]
Family 3: [[:Category:{{{family3}}}|{{{family3}}}]]
Crystal: Ice
Weak against: Lightning Lightning
Resistant to:
Immune to:
Notorious Monster
Spawn Type:
Title Obtained:
Zone Level Drops Steal Spawns Notes

Ru'Aun Gardens



A*, S, M

A = Aggressive; NA = Non-Aggresive; L = Links; S = Detects by Sight; H = Detects by Sound;
HP = Detects Low HP; M = Detects Magic; Sc = Follows by Scent; T(S) = True-sight; T(H) = True-hearing
JA = Detects job abilities; WS = Detects weaponskills; Z(D) = Asleep in Daytime; Z(N) = Asleep at Nighttime; A(R) = Aggressive to Reive participants
  • Despot will only be aggressive to the one who claimed him, at least by sight
Spawns: H-9/10


  • Lottery Spawn from the aggressive Groundskeepers located in the blue lights around H-9 to H-10. The lottery window opens 2 hours after the previous death. HorizonXI specific changes
  • The person that defeats the placeholder of Despot will automatically claim it.
    • Upon dealing the killing blow to the proper placeholder, Despot will pop wherever the placeholder has died(usually within 5 seconds of the placeholder fading away). If soloing it is a good idea to run away from the dead placeholders, should Despot spawn he will do so from a safe distance.
    • Despot will spawn unclaimed if the person to defeat the placeholder is engaged to another mob at the time of the spawn.
    • If the placeholder is killed by a pet, and the pet is released, Despot will pop unclaimed. This is also true for avatars.
  • Despot will spawn even if a placeholder dies as a result of using Meltdown.
  • If left unclaimed Despot will walk to the main center entrance of The Shrine of Ru'Avitau and despawn within a minute.
  • Uses only the standard Doll special Panzerfaust.
  • Gradually builds resistance to Gravity, but not Bind Verification Needed
  • Drops around 9000-18000 gil.
  • Around 13,500HP
  • (see testimonials)

Historical Background

Despotism is a form of government by a single authority, either an individual or tightly knit group, which rules with absolute political power. In its classical form, a despotism is a state where one single person, called a Despot, wields all the power and authority, and everyone else is considered his slave. This form of despotism was the first known form of statehood and civilization; the Pharaoh of Egypt is exemplary of the classical Despot.