
From HorizonXI Wiki
Revision as of 21:29, 16 April 2024 by Aramachus (talk | contribs) (expansion plain text)
These extensive underground ruins have been controlled by the Tenshodo for many years, their secrets known only to a select group of researchers.

Archaeologists believe the grand hallways and countless chambers are the remains of a city populated by the ancients. However, the existence of numerous traps within the ruins leads others to dispute this theory.

In addition, reliefs that exhibit geometric patterns and avatars in recurring themes can be found carved into the walls. The origins of these carvings still remain a mystery.

What lies behind the Tenshodo's sudden decision to open the ruins to adventurers...?

Pso'Xja header.jpg
Table of Contents
Interactive Map
©Remapster |©Square Enix| ©FFXI-Atlas
Zone Information
Area Name Pso'Xja
Type Dungeon
Map Acquisition Chest or Purchase
Miscellaneous Able to use Escape Able to use Tractor

Ffxi hby 08.PNG

Weather Gloom Snow
Region Fauregandi
Expansion Chains of Promathia
Requirements None
Background music "Words Unspoken - Pso'Xja"
Notes None
Weather Forecast
VanaDays from Today Normal (50%) Common (35%) Rare (15%)
BlizzardsBlizzards Blizzard
BlizzardsBlizzards Blizzard
BlizzardsBlizzards Blizzard
Snow Snow
Clouds.png Clouds
BlizzardsBlizzards Blizzard
BlizzardsBlizzards Blizzard
BlizzardsBlizzards Blizzard
BlizzardsBlizzards Blizzard
Snow Snow
Gloom Gloom
BlizzardsBlizzards Blizzard
BlizzardsBlizzards Blizzard
BlizzardsBlizzards Blizzard
BlizzardsBlizzards Blizzard
No Change
Snow Snow
Gloom Gloom
BlizzardsBlizzards Blizzard
No Change
BlizzardsBlizzards Blizzard
BlizzardsBlizzards Blizzard
BlizzardsBlizzards Blizzard
Snow Snow
Gloom Gloom
BlizzardsBlizzards Blizzard
BlizzardsBlizzards Blizzard
BlizzardsBlizzards Blizzard
BlizzardsBlizzards Blizzard
No Change
Snow Snow
Clouds.png Clouds
BlizzardsBlizzards Blizzard
Snow Snow
Clouds.png Clouds
Clouds.png Clouds
BlizzardsBlizzards Blizzard
BlizzardsBlizzards Blizzard
BlizzardsBlizzards Blizzard
Snow Snow
Gloom Gloom
BlizzardsBlizzards Blizzard

Involved in Quests/Missions

Quest Type Starter Location
A Reputation in Ruins General Migliorozz    Upper Jeuno H-9
Chips General Ghebi Damomohe    Lower Jeuno I-7
The Naming Game General Raibaht    Metalworks G-8
Mission Nation Starter Location
Darkness Named Promathia --- ---
The Enduring Tumult of War Promathia --- ---
Promathia Mission 5-3/Tenzen Path Promathia Cid Metalworks H-8

Other Information

Item Abundance
Gil: 5,200 - 12,500 (??? Gil)More data needed
76.2%More data needed.(76.2%)
Map of Pso'Xja 101%Received if not previously obtained
Ametrine 0%More data needed.(0%)
TurquoiseVerification Needed 0%More data needed.(0%)
Sphene 0%More data needed.(0%)
Garnet 4.8%More data needed.(4.8%)
Onyx 4.8%More data needed.(4.8%)
Peridot 9.5%More data needed.(9.5%)
Goshenite 4.8%More data needed.(4.8%)

Pso'Xja Chest Key

Treasure Maps
PsoXjaChests3.png PsoXjaChests1.png PsoXjaChests2.png

  • Note: There are at least two additional chest spawns down the elevator, near the Avatar Gate in the unmapped area. One is at the end of one hallway. There is another behind the teleporter at the end of the other hallway. The chest that is in the intersection is a mimic.
  • Note: To differentiate between mimics and real chest, put Sneak up, and hit enter on a chest (do NOT use key). If targeting arrow disappears, it's a real chest. If arrow remains, it's a mimic. You will receive the message about using a key either way, so watch what the arrow does.
Possible Weather Weather Reporter
Resistance vs. Dark Information Needed
Resistance vs. Ice

Elemental Maps

Notorious Monsters Found Here

Name Level Drops Steal Family Spawns Notes
Golden-Tongued Culberry
84-85 Uggalepih Pendant Tonberries Golden-Tongued Culberry Spawn Location

A, L

Concealing Cuffs
Diremites 3

A, H

A = Aggressive; NA = Non-Aggresive; L = Links; S = Detects by Sight; H = Detects by Sound;
HP = Detects Low HP; M = Detects Magic; Sc = Follows by Scent; T(S) = True-sight; T(H) = True-hearing
JA = Detects job abilities; WS = Detects weaponskills; Z(D) = Asleep in Daytime; Z(N) = Asleep at Nighttime; A(R) = Aggressive to Reive participants

Regular Monsters Found Here

Name Level Drops Steal Family Spawns Notes
Archaic Chest
80 Cyan Chip Mimics 2 A, H
75 Snoll Arm Snolls 3 A, M
Aura Pot
75 - 75 Magic Pot Shard Snolls 3 A, S, M
Blubber Eyes
53-58 Mercury
Pso'Xja Chest Key
Hecteyes 5 A, H
52-57 Bat Fang
Bat Wing
Fiend Blood
Pso'Xja Chest Key
Giant Bats 9 A, H
Cryptonberry Cutter
53-59 Manji Shuriken
Pso'Xja Chest Key
Scroll of Tonko: Ni
Tonberry Coat
Mythril Beastcoin Tonberries 9 A, L, S
Cryptonberry Harrier
Assisted by Tonberry's Elemental (48-49)
53-60 Pso'Xja Chest Key
Tonberry Coat
Water Spirit Pact
Mythril Beastcoin Tonberries 8 A, L, S
Cryptonberry Plaguer
53-59 Ordrynite
Pso'Xja Chest Key
Tonberry Coat
Mythril Beastcoin Tonberries 11 A, L, S
Cryptonberry Stalker
53-60 Magnolia Lumber
Pso'Xja Chest Key
Tonberry Coat
Mythril Beastcoin Tonberries 10 A, L, S
Dark Elemental
84-86 Dark Cluster Elementals 7 A, M
Dire Bat
64-68 Bat Fang
Bat Wing
Fiend Blood
Florid Stone
Giant Bats 14 A, L, H
42-45 Avatar Blood
Florid Stone
Gray Chip
Lizard Blood
Fiend Blood Diremites 24 A, H
Diremite Assaulter
63-68 Avatar Blood
Florid Stone
Gray Chip
Lizard Blood
Fiend Blood Diremites 20 A, H
Diremite Dominator
74-77 Avatar Blood
Florid Stone
Gray Chip
Fiend Blood Diremites 6 A, H
Diremite Stalker
57-59 Avatar Blood
Florid Stone
Gray Chip
Fiend Blood Diremites 7 H
Frost Lizard
73-77 Carmine Chip
Lizard Egg
Lizard Skin
Lizards 6 L, H
53-57 Doll Shard
Pso'Xja Chest Key
Dolls 6 A, M
43-46 Hecteyes Eye
Hecteyes 10 A, H
Goblin Alchemist
62-68 Goblin Armor
Goblin Mask
Goblins 5 A, L, S
Goblin Bandit
62-67 Goblin Armor
Goblin Mask
Goblins 5 A, L, S
Goblin Bouncer
56-58 Goblin Helm
Goblin Mail
Mythril Beastcoin
Goblins 1 A, L, S
Goblin Enchanter
56-58 Goblin Armor
Goblin Mask
Mythril Beastcoin
Goblins 1 A, L, S
Goblin Hunter
56-58 Crossbow Bolt
Goblin Armor
Goblin Mask
Goblins 1 A, L, S
Goblin Jeweler
56-58 Goblin Armor
Goblin Mask
Goblins 1 A, L, S
Goblin Mercenary
63-68 Goblin Helm
Goblin Mail
Goblins 4 A, L, S
Goblin Veterinarian
Assisted by Goblin's Bat (68-69)
70-71 Goblin Armor
Goblin Mask
Goblins 3 A, L, S
Ice Elemental
63-80 Ice Cluster
Pso'Xja Chest Key
Elementals 10 A, M
Labyrinth Lizard
52-58 Lizard Egg
Lizard Skin
Lizard Tail
Pso'Xja Chest Key
Lizards 17 L, H
Magic Millstone
54-58 Magic Pot Shard
Pso'Xja Chest Key
Magic Pots 13 A, M
Maledict Millstone
65-68 Magic Pot Shard Magic Pots 11 A, M
Maze Lizard
43-45 Lizard Egg
Lizard Skin
Lizard Tail
Lizards 16 L, H
Million Eyes
74-77 Hecteyes Eye
Hecteyes 8 A, H
65-66 Snoll Arm Snolls 3 A, S, M
Purgatory Bat
72-76 Bat Fang
Bat Wing
Giant Bats 7 A, L, H
57-58 Snoll Arm Snolls 8 A, S, M
Snow Lizard
65-68 Carmine Chip
Lizard Egg
Lizard Skin
Lizard Egg Lizards 6 L, H
43-46 Snoll Arm Snolls 7 A, S, M
56-56 Doll 6 A, S, M
Thousand Eyes
64-68 Hecteyes Eye
Hecteyes 13 A, H
Treasure Chest (Monster)
55-60 Cyan Chip
Pso'Xja Chest Key
Mimics 6 A, H, M
Vampire Bat
42-44 Bat Fang
Bat Wing
Giant Bats 10 L, H
A = Aggressive; NA = Non-Aggresive; L = Links; S = Detects by Sight; H = Detects by Sound;
HP = Detects Low HP; M = Detects Magic; Sc = Follows by Scent; T(S) = True-sight; T(H) = True-hearing
JA = Detects job abilities; WS = Detects weaponskills; Z(D) = Asleep in Daytime; Z(N) = Asleep at Nighttime; A(R) = Aggressive to Reive participants

Event Monsters Found Here

A = Aggressive; NA = Non-Aggresive; L = Links; S = Detects by Sight; H = Detects by Sound;
HP = Detects Low HP; M = Detects Magic; Sc = Follows by Scent; T(S) = True-sight; T(H) = True-hearing
JA = Detects job abilities; WS = Detects weaponskills; Z(D) = Asleep in Daytime; Z(N) = Asleep at Nighttime; A(R) = Aggressive to Reive participants