Bastok Mission 4-1

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Revision as of 14:25, 29 October 2023 by Aramachus (talk | contribs) (→‎Main Part: added map tooltip)
Series Bastok Missions
Starting NPC Bastokan Embassy in Ru'Lude Gardens
Title Have Wings Will Fly
Repeatable No 
Description Capture the three magicites in Davoi, Beadeaux, and Castle Oztroja to prevent the Shadow Lord's return.
Rank 5
10,000 gil
Airship pass
(If already in possesion of an Airship pass you receive 20,000 gil)
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Jeuno Darkness Rising


  • Overview: This is a quite lengthy mission which requires you to visit the three beastman strongholds of Davoi, Beadeaux and Castle Oztroja and interact with the Magicites deep within. To be able to enter the area where the Magicite resides, you need to fulfill prerequisites particular to each beastman stronghold.
  • If you have completed this mission in another nation, you will not have to complete the prerequisite quests again, which give you access to the Magicites in the beastman strongholds.
  • The entire mission can be soloed at around level 50 with access to Sneak and Invisible.


  • Trade crystals to the conquest NPC until your Rank bar is almost or completely full.
    • You may do this in Jeuno or your home nation.
  • Click the "Door: Bastokan Emb." in your city's embassy in Ru'Lude Gardens to start the mission and for the Archducal Audience Permit if you dont have it already.
  • Click on the door to the Audience Chamber up the stairs in Ru'Lude Gardens (H-6). You will receive the Key ItemLetter to Aldo.

Access to the Tenshodo Headquarters to talk to Aldo requires you to complete the Quest Tenshodo Membership


To access the Magicite in Davoi, you need to complete the sidequest Crest of Davoi to receive Key ItemCrest of Davoi (Key Item). Note: the prerequisite can be skipped if you have someone Tractor you through the Wall of Dark Arts.

Prerequisite: Crest of Davoi

Main Part

  • Make your way to Davoi. The entrance lies in the south of Jugner Forest (G-12).
  • Head to Davoi (G-7). There will be two Orcs in the lv.40-50 range here - either kill them or sneak past them. Drop invisible and click on the Wall of Dark Arts. If you aggro the Orcs you can quickly run through the Wall to the zone a few feet ahead.
    • Note: you may need to interact with the wall twice.
  • Inside there will not be any monsters. Walk down the path into a large room and inspect the Magicite for the Key ItemMagicite: Optistone.
Path to the Wall of Dark Arts (hover for larger size)

Castle Oztroja

Prerequisite: Yagudo Torch

Main Part

  • The goal here is to get to the Altar Room.
  • This part of the Mission can be soloed but a group or high level help is highly recommended.
  • You will need both Silent Oils and Prism Powders.
  • There are areas of this zone where anyone under level 60 will still receive aggro.
  • Castle Oztroja is located at (L-8) in Meriphataud Mountains.
  • Enter and head to the Brass Door at (I-8). You will see a lever at either side of the door. One lever will open the door and the other will open a trap in the floor and cause you to fall into a pit. There is a very easy way to open this door.
    • Stand between the two levers in front of the door.
    • Select one of the levers
    • Click the lever and immediately run back. If it is the trapped lever there is some lag between when the lever is clicked and when the trap door opens. If the door opens run through, if the trap opens wait for it to close and then use the other lever.
    • The game is very picky about where you stand to hit the lever. You may have to move around a bit until you don't see the "Target is out of Range" message.
  • On the second floor, head to (G-7) where you will exit into a courtyard.
  • On this map, head north (without falling off) to a cave entrance at (I-7).
  • Here follow the right wall until you reach a door at (H-9).
    • The mobs in this area are much higher level then the ones previously encountered.
  • At the door, light the torch and you will be taken through.
  • Head South and take a right to another Brass Door. Click on the door to open it.
  • The zone is just beyond this door so run like hell if you have aggro.
  • Inside you will be in an area with no mobs. If you spoke to Paya-Sabya and Muckvix, you will get a cutscene with Fickblix. You must view this scene in order to get the Magicite Key Item.
  • Click on the Magicite to obtain Key ItemMagicite: Orastone.
File:Oztroja path altar-room.png
Path to the Altar Room


To access the Magicite in Beadeaux, you need to complete the sidequests Mysteries of Beadeaux I and Mysteries of Beadeaux II to receive Key ItemBlack Matinee Necklace and Key ItemCoruscant Rosary. For these Quests, you need to travel to Beadeaux and kill a Quadav NM each. Note: the prerequisite can be skipped if you have someone Tractor you through the Door.

Prerequsite I: Mysteries of Beadeaux I

Prerequsite II: Mysteries of Beadeaux II

Main Part

  • From the entrance, head back to the tunnel at (H-7) inside follow the left wall to zone into Qulun Dome.
  • There are no monsters in here. Check the Magicite to obtain Key ItemMagicite: Aurastone.
  • Make your way back to Jeuno.
Path to the Qulun Dome Part 1 (hover for larger size)
Path to the Qulun Dome Part 2 (hover for larger size)


  • Go back to the Audience Chamber for a Cutscene and your reward (either an Airship pass, or, if you already have one, 20,000 gil).
  • Return to your Consulate in Ru'Lude Gardens to receive 10,000 gil and Message to Jeuno (Bastok).
  • You have now completed the mission and will advance to Rank 5.