
From HorizonXI Wiki

Job Ability

Feeds pet to restore its HP.
Job: Beastmaster
Level: 12
Recast Time: 3 minutes (-3 seconds with each merit upgrade)
Duration: Instant


  • Pet Food is used in conjunction with this ability to restore pet HP.
  • In order to use the ability, players must equip Pet Food in the ammo slot.
  • Usage of this ability will restore some of user's pet's HP and will generate enmity toward the pet.
  • Reward includes a Regen effect with this item. The amount of HP restored will be determined by the level of the pet and the type of pet food used.
    • The Regen effect lasts a total of 3:00, allowing for 100 ticks of the regen amount.

Horizon Changes HorizonXI specific changes


Macro Syntax

  • /ja "Reward" <me>

Pet Food Listing

  • All listed figured need to be verified for HorizonXI.
Pet Food Level HP Restored & Regen
Pet Food Alpha 12 40 + 2*(MND-10) & 1 hp / tic
Pet Food Beta 24 147 + MND & 3 hp / tic
Pet Food Gamma 36 265 + MND & 5 hpVerification Needed / tic
Pet Food Delta 48 530 + ?*(MND-?) & 8 hpVerification Needed / tic
Pet Food Epsilon 60 750 + 2*(MND-45) & 11 hp / tic
Pet Food Zeta 72 900 + 3*(MND-45) & 14 hp / tic

Equipment Which Enhances "Reward" Effect

Item Level Enhancement
Beast Gaiters 52 +10% HP restored
Beast Jackcoat 58 Removes Paralyze, Poison, Blind
Beast Jackcoat +1 74 Removes Paralyze, Poison, Blind, Slow, Weight and Silence
Ogre Gloves 70 +10% HP restored
Ogre Gloves +1 70 +11% HP restored
Monster Jackcoat 72 Removes Weight, Slow, Silence
Beast Gaiters +1 74 +11% HP restored
Monster Gaiters 74 +20% HP restored
Monster Gaiters +1 75 +20% HP restored
Monster Jackcoat +1 75 Removes Paralyze, Poison, Blind, Slow, Weight and Silence
  • These enhancements all stack together Verification Needed