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Blind (Status Effect) has an identical name. If an internal link incorrectly referred you to this page, please change the link to point directly to Blind (Status Effect).

Type Enfeebling
Description Blinds an enemy, lowers its accuracy.
Cost 5 MP
Element Dark Dark
Monster Family {{{blue family}}}
Blue Physical Damage Type Unspecified damage
Skillchain Properties
Magic Burst Dark ElementCom­pres­sion
Dark Element and Earth ElementGra­vi­ta­tion
Dark, Earth, Water and Ice ElementsDark­ness
Status Bonus {{{blue stats}}}
Job Trait {{{blue trait}}}
Points Required {{{blue points}}}
Ninjutsu Tool {{{ninjutsu tool}}}
Casting Time 2 seconds
Recast Time 10 seconds
Affected Targets Single
Base Duration 180 seconds
Range {{{range}}}


Scroll of Blind
BLM Lv.4 / RDM Lv.8
Teaches the black magic Blind.
Blinds an enemy, lowers its accuracy.
The Accuracy Down potency of Blind uses the following derived formula:

Accuracy Down value = (Caster INT - Target MND) x 0.225 + 23[1]

The minimum Accuracy Down value is 5, the maximum is 50.[2]

A partial resist results in half-duration for the effect.

Automatons will cast this spell with every Head configuration except Valoredge Head, maneuvers and attachments permitting.

Other Uses

Used in Quest: [[|]]
Resale Price: 30~33 gil

How to Obtain

Auction House Category: Scrolls > Black Magic AH Black.png


  • Appears to be drop only at this time

Dropped By
