
From HorizonXI Wiki

Level 40-50

Level Zone/Camp Mob(s) Notes
40-42 Crawlers' Nest At least 2 camps. Dispel and/or BLM recommended for cocoon. Camp at rocks/boulders on map 3.
40-42 Yhoator Jungle
  • (F-9), Yhoat Telepoint
Popular BST camp
40-43 Eastern Altepa Desert Goblins Bomb Toss can be an issue, stuns recommended. Lower level parties should beware of the diggers as they are higher in level. Supports 2 parties.
40-43 Beaucedine Glacier
  • (J-8)/(J-9) Lower level, by the coast.
Supports 1 party. Dispel recommended.
41-44 Yhoator Jungle Mobs do not raise defense (Confirmed by Charsi)
41-44 Western Altepa Desert Beetles all around Revelation Rock, supports many parties, Beetles link.
42-45 Xarcabard
  • Baileys Zone, (E-8)
1 party
43-45 Yhoator Jungle
  • Ifrit Cauldron zones (H-6)
2 parties. RNG and WAR Goblins. 6 Spawns at west entrance. 8 at east entrance. Barfira for bombs.
43-45 Toraimarai Canal
  • (F-9) 1st map, by Full Moon Fountain
Supports 1 party. Dispel and BLM recommended. Need either Key ItemPortal Charm for [[Three Mage Gate] or Key ItemRhinostery Certificate to access. Will need sneak/oils to access without aggro.

(~15 minute walk from Sarutabarta OP going through 3 mage gate).

43-45 Crawlers' Nest Supports 1 party. Lizards aggro sound and link!

About a 7.5 minute walk from Derfland OP.

43-46 Lufaise Meadows Beware of Thunder Elemental that spawns by Leshys. Uses damaging area-of-effect moves as well as Slumber Powder.
43-45 Labyrinth of Onzozo
  • (I-9), in the two tunnels
Supports 2 parties. Know when Cockatrice in tunnels will repop. WHM required for Stona. Cockatrice do not link but are aggressive via sound. Echo Drops strongly recommended. Avoid Goblins Miners if possible (THF Goblins)
44-47 Quicksand Caves
  • Map 1 (J-5), (E-5) Titan entrance from East Desert (K-7)
  • Helm Beetle (51-54)
  • Sand Spider (52-54)
  • Antica (52-59)
Beetles and spiders no aggro but link. Bring WHM for Erase if you fight spiders. Antia have AoE silence. Supports 2 parties. Drops coffer keys.
44-46 HorizonXI specific changesBeaucedine Glacier Does NOT raise defenses. Bring silena and paralnya. Supports 1 party. 2 parties doubtful.

~8.5 minute walk from Fauregandi OP

44-47 Crawler's Nest (J-8), (H-9) Map 3
  • Hornfly (50-53)
  • Blazer Beetle (52-54)
  • Exoray (51-54)
Can also mix in Exorays(51-54) or other mobs in the area. Typically enough spawns for 2 parties, can camp at other entrances to room as well.
45-51 Garlaige Citadel (G-6) or (J-8) Basement Map
  • Funnel Bats(52-54)
  • Chamber Beetles(56-58)
Funnel Bats initially, moving up to Chamber Beetles around level ~48. Supports 2 parties.
46-48 Bostaunieux Obuliette (Must progress through certain rank missions to enter Chateau, have rank 3 Bastok and Windurst to enter) South of Sewer Hatch Landing, (G-8)
  • Funnel Bats (52-55)
Sneak up before dropping down, slimes below. Watch out for pops. Lots of link potential. Bring a Bard and/or Carby pull. Don't go past the hounds. Supports at least 2 parties.
46-48 Crawler's Nest (G-9) Map 3, (G-7) Map 2
  • Rumble Crawler (53-55)
Dispel/Finale recommended.
48-50 Quicksand Caves (H-9) Map 3. Entry at West Desert (J-9)
  • Helm Beetle(51-58)
  • Antica(52-59)
High level range of mobs. Bring echo drops and/or mages /whm for silena.
48-50 Misareaux Coast HorizonXI specific changes (G-7), (G-5)
  • Migrant Dobsonfly (55-57) HorizonXI specific changes
1 camp by the Qufim warp. Other camp is by waterfall near Sacrarium. Need to be at least on CoP Chapter 2 to access.
48-50 Crawler's Nest (G-6, F-6) 2nd map
  • Dragonfly (55-58)
  • Den Beetle (56-58)
Will need sneak/oils to reach camp. Take the NW tunnel at the sack room (H-8) to the 2nd map. Supports 1 party. Flies link. About a 10.5 minute walk from Derfland OP
48-51 Western Altepa Desert (F-6), (G-6)
  • Antica Lanista, Hoplomachus (54-58)
Pull Antica from below. They do not link. Bring RDM/Silencer- Lanista are BLM. Silena/echo drops recommended. Could also fight manticore and beetles in the area.
49-51 Garlaige Citadel Basement, Behind banishing gate 2
  • Chamber Beetle (56-58)
Supports 2 parties in the basement. Another 2 behind banishing gate 2. BLM Recommended.