
From HorizonXI Wiki
Revision as of 08:29, 2 February 2025 by Stealthduck0 (talk | contribs) (Added baseline proc)
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Status effect 4.png Paralyze
Type Enfeebling
Description Paralyzes an enemy.
Cost 6 MP
Element Ice Ice
Monster Family {{{blue family}}}
Blue Physical Damage Type Unspecified damage
Skillchain Properties
Magic Burst Ice ElementIn­du­ra­tion
Water Element and Ice ElementDis­tor­tion
Dark, Earth, Water and Ice ElementsDark­ness
Status Bonus {{{blue stats}}}
Job Trait {{{blue trait}}}
Points Required {{{blue points}}}
Ninjutsu Tool {{{ninjutsu tool}}}
Casting Time 3 seconds
Recast Time 10 seconds
Affected Targets Single
Base Duration 2 minutes
Range 21


Scroll of Paralyze
WHM Lv.4 / RDM Lv.6
Teaches the white magic Paralyze.
Paralyzes an enemy.
Paralyze will have a chance to prevent a successful activation of a basic attack, spell, job ability, and item. The chance that an action is prevented is the difference between the caster and the target's Mind.

The minimum activation rate of preventing an action is 5% and the maximum is 25%. The base rate of activation is 15%, and the rate increases or decreases by 0.25% for every 1 point difference between the caster and the target's Mind. This means that a difference of 40 Mind is needed to reach the maximum activation rate.[1][2]

If Paralyze is resisted, its duration will be halved.

Automatons will cast this spell with every Head configuration except Valoredge Head, maneuvers and attachments permitting.

Horizon Changes HorizonXI specific changes

  • If the status effect paralyze procs whilst a player attempts to use a scroll, the scroll will no longer be lost.

Other Uses

Used in Quest: [[|]]
Resale Price: ~31 gil

How to Obtain

Auction House Category: Scrolls > White Magic AH Black.png

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