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Revision as of 21:05, 12 April 2023 by Spiffly (talk | contribs)

The Yagudo are a race of birdlike bipeds inhabiting the continent of Mindartia.

Violently devout and ritualistic, the Yagudo are a race of religious zealots, their society appearing to be based on a strict religious hierarchy. Yagudo evince little technological development, living instead in austere constructions of wattle-and-daub, as well as cliff side caves.

Their most formidable architectural construct is Castle Oztroja, which may be more appropriately considered a temple than a castle, for it exists as a gateway to the location of the current manifestation of their Godhead, Tzee Xicu.

They use few tools or weapons, except for occasional clubs and swords, and wear no armor, excepting the fact that magic-using classes cover their faces with ceremonial masks.

While apparently unconcerned with efforts of conquest, as the Orcish race is, the Yagudo's primary conflict with outsiders comes as a response to disputes over the right to occupy the land which they consider to be hereditary and traditionally their own.

The Yagudo hold a tentative treaty of non-aggression with the Tarutaru nation of Windurst, representing the only case of such between a Beastman race and a developed nation.

General Information

Yagudo Job Distribution as of 5/2005

Special Attacks

Special Abilities Original and Zilart Areas
Sweep - 10' AOE physical damage and Stun, absorbed by Utsusemi Check.png
Feather Storm - Single Damage, chance of Poison Check.png
Double Kick - Single Damage, chance of Stun Check.png
Parry - Defense Boost Check.png
Doom - Single target Doom, wears off if NM is defeated before countdown finishes. Only used by Vanguard Notorious Monsters. Check.png
Note: Notorious Monsters in this family may use all of the above and/or additional unique special abilities.

Notorious Monsters in Family

Name Spawn Information Level Zone Notable Drop(s)
Coo Keja the Unseen Timed Spawn approximately every 21 hours near the entrance to Castle Oztroja 37 Meriphataud Mountains Ajase Beads
Hoo Mjuu the Torrent Lottery Spawn of Yagudo Mendicants around (H-10) on the first map 16-17 Giddeus Monster Signa

Zealot's Mitts

Juu Duzu the Whirlwind Lottery Spawn of Yagudo around (J-12) on the first map 13 Giddeus Hunter's Longbow

Light Soleas

Mee Deggi the Punisher Lottery Spawn at (H-8) on first courtyard map approximately every one to two hours 36 Castle Oztroja Impact Knuckles

Ochimusha Kote

Moo Ouzi the Swiftblade Lottery Spawn from the various Yagudo around (I-9) on the first map 30 Castle Oztroja Barbarian's Sword

Demonic Sword

Quu Domi the Gallant Lottery Spawn of the Yagudo Herald and Yagudo Oracle at (H-8) on second courtyard map approximately every 1-3 hours 36 Castle Oztroja Strider Sword

Sarutobi Kyahan

Tzee Xicu the Manifest Lottery Spawn of the Yagudo Avatar around (H-6) on the fourth map approximately every 3-5 days 85 Castle Oztroja Astral Signa

Daylight Dagger

Vuu Puqu the Beguiler Lottery Spawn of the Yagudo around (I-14) on the first map 21-22 Giddeus Bird Whistle

Bonze's Circlet

Yaa Haqa the Profane Lottery Spawn from the two Yagudo in the hidden room at (I-10) on the second map 43 Castle Oztroja Frost Robe

Earth Doublet

Yagudo Avatar Timed Spawn around (H-5) on the fourth map approximately every 21-24 hours 75 Castle Oztroja Walrus Staff
Yagudo High Priest Spawns around (H-5) on the fourth map 72-74 Castle Oztroja Scroll of Reraise III
Yagudo Templar Qmark.gif 72-74 Castle Oztroja Samurai's Testimony

Quest NMs: Duu Masa the Onecut, Fee Jugu the Ramfist, Goo Pake the Bloodhound, Huu Xalmo the Savage, Kee Taw the Nightingale, Laa Yaku the Austere, Poo Yozo the Babbler, Vaa Huja the Erudite, Yagudo Muralist

Mission NMs: Buu Xolo the Bloodfaced, Chaa Paqa the Profound, Eyy Mon the Ironbreaker, Juu Zeni the Poisonmist, Nuu Kofu the Gentle, Zhuu Buxu the Silent, Gessho

Battlefield NMs: Aa Nawu the Thunderblade (BCNM), Cuu Doko the Blizzard (BCNM), Gii Jaha the Raucous (BCNM), Voo Tolu the Ghostfist (BCNM), Yoo Mihi the Haze (BCNM), Zuu Xowu the Darksmoke (BCNM)

Dynamis NMs: Baa Dava the Bibliophage, Bhuu Wjato the Firepool, Caa Xaza the Madpiercer, Doo Peku the Fleetfoot, Foo Peku the Bloodcloak, Guu Waji the Preacher, Haa Pevi the Stentorian, Hee Mida the Meticulous, Knii Hoqo the Bisector, Koo Rahi the Levinblade, Koo Saxu the Everfast, Kuu Xuka the Nimble, Loo Hepe the Eyepiercer, Maa Febi the Steadfast, Maa Zaua tha Wyrmkeeper, Muu Febi the Steadfast, Nee Huxa the Judgmental, Puu Timu the Phantasmal, Ree Nata the Melomanic, Ryy Qihi the Idolrobber, Soo Jopo the Fiendking, Vanguard Assassin, Vanguard Chanter, Vanguard Exemplar, Vanguard Inciter, Vanguard Liberator, Vanguard Ogresoother, Vanguard Oracle, Vanguard Partisan, Vanguard Persecutor, Vanguard Prelate, Vanguard Priest, Vanguard Salvager, Vanguard Sentinel, Vanguard Skirmisher, Vanguard Visionary, Wuu Qoho the Razorclaw, Xaa Chau the Roctalon, Xhoo Fuza the Sublime, Xoo Kaza the Solemn

Limbus NMs: Pee Qoho the Python, Yagudo Archpriest, Yagudo Discipilnant, Yagudo Eradicator, Yagudo Kapellmeister, Yagudo Knight Templar, Yagudo Prelatess

Expeditionary Force NMs: Theoyagudo Bard, Theoyagudo Black Mage, Theoyagudo Monk, Theoyagudo Ninja, Theoyagudo Samurai, Theoyagudo Summoner, Theoyagudo White Mage

Garrison NMs: Yagudo Condottiere, Yagudo Follower, Yagudo Missionary

Other Nms Warder Liberator (Event), Warder Partisan (Event)

Monsters in Family

Name Level Zone
Yagudo Acolyte 1-10

East Sarutabaruta (1-8)
Giddeus (3-10)
West Sarutabaruta (4-8)
Tahrongi Canyon (8-10)

Yagudo Initiate 1-10

East Sarutabaruta (1-8)
Giddeus (3-10)
West Sarutabaruta (4-8)
Tahrongi Canyon (8-10)

Yagudo Scribe 1-10

East Sarutabaruta (1-8)
Giddeus (3-10)
West Sarutabaruta (4-8)
Tahrongi Canyon (8-10)

Yagudo Mendicant 11-20

Giddeus (11-18)
Tahrongi Canyon (12-16)
Meriphataud Mountains (16-20)

Yagudo Persecutor 11-20

Giddeus (11-18)
Tahrongi Canyon (12-16)
Meriphataud Mountains (16-20)

Yagudo Piper 11-20

Giddeus (11-18)
Tahrongi Canyon (12-16)
Meriphataud Mountains (16-20)

Yagudo Priest 21-30

Meriphataud Mountains (21-25)
Giddeus (22-28)
Castle Oztroja (24-28)
Sauromugue Champaign (26-30)

Yagudo Theologist 21-30

Meriphataud Mountains (21-25)
Giddeus (23-27)
Castle Oztroja (23-27)
Sauromugue Champaign (26-30)

Yagudo Votary 21-30

Meriphataud Mountains (21-25)
Giddeus (22-26)
Castle Oztroja (22-26)
Sauromugue Champaign (26-30)

Yagudo Herald 30-36

Sauromugue Champaign (30-36)
Castle Oztroja (32-36)

Yagudo Drummer 30-37

Sauromugue Champaign (30-36)
Castle Oztroja (33-37)

Yagudo Oracle 30-38

Sauromugue Champaign (30-36)
Castle Oztroja (34-38)

Yagudo Interrogator 30-39

Sauromugue Champaign (30-36)
Castle Oztroja (35-39)

Yagudo Lutenist 42-49

Castle Oztroja (42-48)
Castle Zvahl Baileys (47-49)
Castle Zvahl Keep (47-49)

Yagudo Zealot 42-49

Castle Oztroja (42-46)
Castle Zvahl Baileys (47-49)
Castle Zvahl Keep (47-49)

Yagudo Conquistador 43-49

Castle Oztroja (43-47)
Castle Zvahl Baileys (47-49)
Castle Zvahl Keep (47-49)

Yagudo Prior 45-49

Castle Oztroja (45-49)
Castle Zvahl Baileys (47-49)
Castle Zvahl Keep (47-49)

Yagudo Sentinel 50-56

Castle Zvahl Keep (50-52)
Castle Oztroja (51-56)

Yagudo Chanter 50-57

Castle Zvahl Keep (50-52)
Castle Oztroja (53-57)

Yagudo Abbot 50-59

Castle Zvahl Keep (50-52)
Castle Oztroja (53-59)

Yagudo Inquisitor 50-58

Castle Zvahl Keep (50-52)
Castle Oztroja (54-58)

Yagudo Flagellant 62-72 Castle Oztroja (64-72)
Yagudo Conductor 63-67 Castle Oztroja (63-67)
Yagudo Assassin 64-72 Castle Oztroja (64-72)
Yagudo Prelate 65-69 Castle Oztroja (65-69)

See Also