Alchemists' Guild (Bastok)

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Alchemists' Guild (Bastok)
Alchemists' Guild (Bastok)
Bastok Mines (K-7 / K-6), Ore Street
One of two Alchemists' Guild headquarters. The other is located in Empire of Aht Urhgan. The Goldsmiths' Guild (Bastok) is open 8:00 - 23:00.
Closed for holiday on Iceday.



Maymunah & Odoba (Guild Shop)

Restocked Wares

The guild will restock some amount of these items every Vana'diel day.

Item Price [gil] Max Available Daily Restock
Dried Marjoram 36 - 51 64 24
Chamomile 97 - 369 64 24
Sage 138 - 777 64 24
Vial of Mercury 1,125 - 4,320 64 24
Malboro Vine 1,084 - 5,899 48 24
Glass Fiber 600 - 3,040 36 12
Wijnruit 90 - 95 64 24
Sulfur 573 - 765 48 24
Triturator 75 - 242 64 24
Cobalt Jellyfish 114 - 153 48 24
Battery 114 64 24
Hydro Pump 114 64 24
Wind Fan 21 64 24

Not Restocked Wares [toggle]

Items which are not restocked will not be available until a player has sold some of that item to the guild, and may not show up on the list of items to buy.


These items are bought using Alchemy Guild Points.
Rank Points Item Notes
Novice 200 High Quality Crystal Can be used to sign a crafted item. For available options see High Quality Crystals.
10,000 Key ItemTritu­ration This special alchemy ability allows you to place ingre­dients in a Tritu­rator, making it easier to process more medicines with one crystal.
10,000 Key ItemIatro­chemis­try This special alchemy ability allows you to augment an automaton using the techniques of chemical medicine.
20,000 Key ItemConcoc­tion This special alchemy ability allows you to concen­trate ingre­dients to create medicines in the form of a solid drop. These drops have the same effect as their liquid equi­valents.
20,000 Key ItemAnima Syn­thesis This forbidden type of alchemy is used to drain elemental energy from remnants of lost memories, and transform it into a partially materia­lized "quasi­spirit" known as Anima.
40,000 Key ItemAlche­mic Ensorcell­ment This special alchemy ability allows you to enchant catalysts with the power of black magic.
40,000 Key ItemAlche­mic Puri­fication This special alchemy ability allows you to enchant catalysts with the power of white magic.
Appren­tice 10,000 Alche­mist's Belt A belt that has Enchant­ment: Syn­thesis Image Support
Journey­man 70,000 Caduceus A Club that gives +1 to your Alchemy skill.
Title obtained: Information Needed
Artisan 100,000 Alche­mist's Apron An apron that gives +1 to your Alchemy skill.
Title obtained: Information Needed
Veteran 150,000 Emeralda A piece of Furniture that gives Mog­hance­ment: Alchemy Skill.
Title obtained: Information Needed


Name Purpose
Abd-al-Raziq Guild Master
Hemewmew Guildworker's Union
Azima Advanced Synthesis Image Support
Information on synthesis materials
Titus Synthesis Image Support
Information on synthesis materials
Sieglinde Synthesis Image Support
Information on synthesis materials