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Gil: A Guide of Player Economy
This is a theoretical guide of player economy written by Mspy
AFK in Jeuno with Many Dancing Mithras
Goal 0: Reach level 60 in Thief or Black Mage (officially poor/scrub) <---- You are here
Goal 1: Reach 1,000,000 in character gil gear value (officially average)
Goal 2: Reach 7,000,000 in character gil gear value (officially rich, all right!)
Goal 3: Reach 40,000,000 in character gil gear value (officially wealthy, EZ Clap) <---- this is where the dancing Mithras are
The Journey: For an easier time, choose either Thief or Black Mage and acquire high-value items through patient endeavors. Reach out of the sandy dunes, acquire rank 6, and gain great recognition in all lands (reputation 6 in all areas). Gil gear value is disregarded, acquire NQ items, venture in the full moon fortune in treasure for HQ items, and acquire rare items. Climb the limestone—it is coarse, tough, and endearing like you and me. By great teaching, acquire 'bis' items. Marbles and mannequins will be made in your image as you mount the final step into the AFK Ru'Lude Gardens zone and yes, there are dancing Mithras. Here is the basic breakdown of wealth: Poor, Average, Rich, Wealthy.
Minimum Gil Wage
"A level 60 Red Mage can farm roughly 60k over 5 hours for roughly 13,000 minimum wage." I wouldn't understand this concept without joining Ctownwoody [[1]] by doing all the crafts.
Direct-to-consumer farming, like a long-time faithful everlasting friendship for ideal microcosms in player-run auction houses, often fails. This is how the FFXI minimum wage of Gil at 13,000 per hour was born. It oddly fits in other realms of the games as well. I have found though I often reduce the number of farming time by 1 not considering the planning/setup phase. AF used to keep you selling and a staple challenging bump in the progress to 75 or wealthiness, those days are over. Although one must get to 60 to get rank 6, AF can be outright useless at times or intentionally unproductive. AF is bad. Jobs reach level 40 and double their inventory space due to equipment expansion. Over are the days of running into NMs or killing everything in your path so aiming to reach a point to max your inventory to enable longer sessions is keen in achieving long-term success. Gobbie bag to 60.
Pay-to-win & Avatars
Save 300k to max fame using Reputation-guide in each area. It is better to spend a week to farm 300k to max fame to spend three weeks making 60k each day than it is to farm up 5-50 stacks of a particular item over the course of a month. Plus you can do both if you sweat enough. Doing avatars each day is another way of acquiring currency although it does take 1) reputation 2) quest pick-ups and 3) time commitment. There are a total of 6 quests for the main avatars. Here is the relevant information on each:
Trial by | Avatar | Start NPC location |
Item Needed Tuning fork of |
Location closest zone |
Reputation required |
Earth | Titan | Juroro Port Bastok (I-8) |
Earth | Cloister of Tremors Quicksand Caves |
Bastok 6 |
Fire | Ifrit | Ronta-Onta Kazham (J-9) |
Fire | Cloister of Flames Ifrit's Cauldron |
Kazham 6 |
Water | Leviathan | Edal-Tahdal Norg (H-9) |
Water | Cloister of Tides Den of Rancor |
Norg/Tenshodo 4 |
Lightning | Ramuh | Ripapa Mhaura (I-9) |
Lightning | Cloister of Storms Boyahda Tree |
Windurst 6 |
Wind | Garuda | Agado-Pugado Rabao (G-9) |
Wind | Cloister of Gales Cape Teriggan |
Selbina/Rabao 5 |
Ice | Shiva | Gulmama Northern San d'Oria (E-7) |
Ice | Cloister of Frost Fei'Yin |
San d'Oria 6 |
Waking Dreams diabolos has a 15,000 gil reward but Windurst Reputation 3~ & Chains of Promathia Chapter 3-5 required
Rank Rewards
Acquire rank 10 in each nation and try to switch to a 3rd place nation if possible. (1st- 40,000 2nd- 12,000 3rd- 4,000) This is how I see the difference in value because sadly I can be rank 10 for 2 years then change nations to become a scrub at rank 1 again.
ENM are a complete duh.
Acquire enough reputation to sell scrolls to lazy wealthy players on the auction house.
Conquest items
What i will comment on the conquest items is try to make at least 2 gil per 1 conquest spent. If you're below 2 gil per 1 conquest spent, it is probably not a good item to exchange simply for placing on the auction house for gil.
Teletaxi, TH-whore, I-can-tank-4-you, I-can-dps-4-you, I-can-sing-4-you, or begging.
1k and 10k Paradox
Paradox of player-run auction house behavior detailing the exploit of unknown NPC prices on items placed on auction being resold for profit. So suppose an item can be resold for profit of 2k, the item can be resold for profit at 3-4k while the item is listed on the player-run auction house at 1k while the stack is at 10k thus showing a form of sophisticated meritocracy yet fails to deliver. This will cause items to be under 50k which isn't healthy for the economy nor character Gil gear value. 2nd degree details using crafting on items taken from auction being resold for profit. This is when it is possible to acquire cheap enough crafting materials to resold for profit results. This is an extremely common tactic with popular servers as items tend to fall down in price as their worthwhileness falls due to market maker manipulations by evil Goblins living in the sewers of Jeuno, sometimes emerging in Upper Jeuno to get some scraps from the Royals enjoying their evening until suddenly some Goblin with 18 vowels in their name is cheering my kid on? Jeuno changed. Nu-1k and 24k paradox is a sad situation in which items are being valued between 1k~2k singles making the stack value stuck forever below 24k. Only outside of retail have I seen such levels of obfuscation. Nothing in this guide has said best DPS, fun things to do, where, what to do, or specific unrealistic thing unattainable. What you choose to do in FFXI is up to you yet being all solo dolo will make this game a living hell. It is designed around participation with others. Enjoying the sad and suck of a situation to finally reach a reward phase. So buy sunscreen. 8-) Don't worry, some of us were scrubs in retail for years.
Wait, can't I just be a scrub and also dance with the Mithras in Jeuno? Sure and here's a shortcut to this cool place with all the Mithras. Couldn't we just start here from the beginning? Certainly, I provided that guide below: golden path to wealth is specialty crafting (104 crafting i.e. dusk+1, cursed+1, sushi+1).
Closing Remarks
Time is a valuable thing. 20,000 Gil is 20,000 Gil. 20 bucks is 20 bucks. 20 hot dogs is a lot of hot dogs. At the end of the day, what you manage to acquire for yourself through your deals is based on performance. Each craft and each recipe are either 1 stack or 10 stacks on a larger server such as this. Whatever gets that paw greased makes the Mithras in Jeuno dance.
More info on auction house tactics read Make_Gil_as_a_New_Player_With_This_One_Easy_Trick!
This is a theoretical guide of player economy written by Mspy
Horizon Herald article
Horizon Herald featured a concept of this article taken from an earlier piece by its creator before this page was created. You can see the original page here Good-faith-farming