Starlight Celebration 2023/Guide
Event Summary
This is a guide to the Starlight Celebration 2023.
The event consists of four mini-quests.
- Smilebringer quest (Presents for the kiddies)
- Goblin Merrymaker quest (
Star-themed Gift Token)
- Gift Delivery quest (
Snow-themed Gift Token)
- Smilebringer Bootcamp quest (
Bell-themed Gift Token)
All but the Smilebringer quest reward you with a different gift token key-item. Redeeming these tokens with the Token Redemption Moogles, will reward you with items. For details, please see each mini-quest section.
- Please note, that some quests can only be completed once per ingame day.
Event Moogles
For this event, there are three different type of Moogles - unfortunately, they are all called Moogle. We have the following Moogle categories:
Vendor Moogles
There are two Moogles in each city. Each Moogles has its own wares - make sure you check them both.
- Locations
- Northern San d'Oria (D-8), near the West Ronfaure Exit
- Bastok Mines (H-8), near the Auction House
- Windurst Waters, North (G-10), near the General Goods store.
- Wares
- Moogle 1
Items: | Prices: |
Popstar | 40 |
Brilliant Snow | 40 |
Sparkling Hand | 25 |
Air Rider | 100 |
Cracker | 8 |
Twinkle Shower | 25 |
Little Comet | 25 |
Dream Hat | 500 |
San d'Orian Tree | 10,000 |
Bastokan Tree | 10,000 |
Windurstian Tree | 10,000 |
- Moogle 2
Items: | Prices: |
Snowman Knight | 10,000 |
Snowman Miner | 10,000 |
Snowman Mage | 10,000 |
Snowman Cap | 5,000 |
Fortune Fruits | 777 |
Goblin Chocolate | 50 |
Quest Giver Moogles
There are also two quest giver Moogles in each city. Each Moogle is responsible for one quest. Below are their locations:
Token Redemption Moogles
These Moogles will hand out rewards for the Tokens you can get from the Mini-quests. The locations of the Moogles can be found below:
- Northern San d'Oria (J-8)
- Southern San d'Oria (J-9)
- Bastok Mines (I-9)
- Bastok Markets (G-8)
- Windurst Waters, North (F-5)
- Windurst Woods (K-10)
There is equal chance to get any of the items in the loot tables. Once an item is picked from the loot table the game checks if it was a food item. If it is the player is given the item. If it is a rare and exclusive item, the game will check the player's inventory if they already own it. If they do, it is removed from the loot table (the player cannot own a rare item twice) and the game picks again. The picking ends when the player can be awarded a food item or a rare + exclusive item the player doesn't already have in their inventory. This means that it is a good idea to keep rare + exclusive in your inventory to increase the chances of obtaining rare + exclusive items that the player doesn't already own.
The exception is Silberkranz. If the player already owns the item and the game attempts to award it, the NPC will say that their inventory is full and to come back when they've sorted their inventory, even if there's room in the player's inventory. The player cannot re-obtain the item and will miss out on a reward (the game won't roll again as it normally would). This could be counted as a bug.
Bell-themed Gift Token | Snow-themed Gift Token | Star-themed Gift Token |
Own all 3 tokens simultaneously
If the player owns all 3 tokens at the same time and speaks to the token redemption moogle, the moogle will offer the player to trade all 3 for a big reward. It is recommended NOT to accept. The Dream Bell can be obtained via a single token and the player will typically repeat the quest for the rewards so by the time the player has the items they like they will most likely also have a Dream Bell. Once the player has it via those means, then the player can trade all 3 tokens at once and get the Dream Bell +1 instead.
- First completion: Dream Bell (if the player already owns it, get the Dream Bell +1 instead)
- Second completion: Dream Bell +1 (if the player already owns it, get food instead)
- Third completion: 1 Roast Turkey, 1 Candy Ring, 1 Candy Cane
Mini Quests
Below you can find more detailed instructions on each mini quest. All but one quest can only be done once every ingame day.
Smilebringer quest (Kiddie presents)
Objective | Make the children happy and hand out presents to maximize fame. |
Starter | Smilebringer NPCs |
Reward(s) | Dream Hat +1 (Fame 9 required) |
Repeatable | Once every ingame day |
- Talk to a Smilebringer NPC to receive the item Kiddie Present
- Acquire a Dream Hat for 500gil from a Vendor Moogle
- Equip the hat and offer the Kiddie Present to any child.
- Additionally, offer them any of the celebration toys you were awarded or buy them from event moogles. The Present for Kiddies will provide more fame than the celebration toys. If the child doesn't accept the items, you weren't wearing a Dream Hat or you've already reached maximum fame.
- Smilebringers will offer a Kiddie Present every day starting from 0:00 (in-game).
Obtaining the reward
- Place a tree of any nation inside your mog house.
- Max out your fame by giving Kiddie Presents and celebration toys to children.
- Wait at least one Vana’diel day.
- Talk to your Moogle.
- You will receive a Special Present that when opened contains a Dream Hat +1.
If at any point you wait a day and the moogle fails to offer you the gift, move your tree and wait again.
Children locations
Bastok Mines children (6)
Northern San d'Oria children (4)
Windurst Waters North children (9)
Windurst Waters South children (3)
Fame levels
The player must reach fame level 9 to obtain the reward.
Talk to a Smilebringer to see your Fame level.
- Fame 0: You haven't brought any happiness to the children!
- Fame 1-2: You've done some good.
- Fame 3: You've done fairly well.
- Fame 4: You've made the children very happy!
- Fame 5-8: You've brought lots of smiles!
- Fame 6-8: You have the children bursting with glee!
- Fame 9: The children love you!
You will know if you have Fame 9 when every child that you try to offer a gift will respond with the message: "Another present? Sorry, but I only have two hands."
Goblin Merrymaker quest (Star-themed Gift Token)
Objective | Receive a colored present from a Goblin Merrymaker and hand how the present to the correct NPC |
Starter | Quest Giver Moogle (left one) |
Reward(s) |
Repeatable | Yes, no waiting time |
- Acquire goblin chocolate from the Moogle Vendor for 50 gil each.
- Trade to a Goblin Merrymaker one chunk of goblin chocolate and talk to the Goblin Merrymaker up to six times to obtain a
<colored> Present (chance 1 in 3).
- If you didn't get a <colored> Present, then repeat step 1 to the same goblin, or a different one.
- The following presents are available:
- Return to the event moogle and speak to them. They will tell you to deliver the present to <NPC a>.
- Speak to <NPC a>. They will tell you to deliver the present to <NPC b>.
- Speak to <NPC b>. Report your successful delivery to <NPC a>.
- Report back to the event moogle for your reward.
Adult Gift NPC locations
Windurst Waters
Northern San d'Oria
Bastok Markets
There is no waiting period so the quest can be attempted immediately upon completion.
Gift Delivery quest (Snow-themed Gift Token)
Objective | Moogle hands you over four presents which you need to deliver to the respective NPCs within an ingame day |
Starter | Quest Giver Moogle (right one) |
Reward(s) |
Repeatable | Once every ingame day. |
- Talk to event moogle to start the quest.
- The moogle will ask you to deliver 4 gifts to 4 NPCs. It's important to note that you should not zone during the quest or the quest fails and the player has to begin again. Warping also counts as zoning and will fail the quest.
- Note: you will not receive an item or key item. After accepting the quest, you head torwards all NPCs and talk with them
- It might be necessary to talk to the NPCs more than one time to trigger a dialog with "Starlight Celebration".
Windurst gift-receivers
NPC | Location | Directions |
Angelica | Windurst Waters, North (F-10) | Located upstairs on the side of the building. |
Kayeel-Payeel | Windurst Waters, North (G-7) | Located by the home-point crystal. |
Kenapa-Keppa | Windurst Waters, South (J-9) | Located on the ground floor, inside the building. |
Honoi-Gomoi | Windurst Waters, South (E-7) | Located on the second floor, inside the building. The front door cannot be opened, so the player must go around to the east-side of the building and go up the stairs to enter the building. |
Southern San d'Oria gift-receivers
NPC | Location | Directions |
Ullasa | Southern San d'Oria (B-6) | Just inside Count's Manor to the left. |
Chanpau | Southern San d'Oria (E-7) | Open grassy area standing next to well. |
Balasiel | Southern San d'Oria (F-7) | Upper level on a bridge. One way is access from doorway with multiple turns to get there. If familiar, it's the NPC that starts Paladin unlock quest line. |
Femitte | Southern San d'Oria (I-8) | Underneath Christmas tree standing next to Rouva. |
Bastok Mines gift receivers
NPC | Location | Directions |
Tami | Bastok Mines (J-8) | By herself just north of chocobo stable |
Christina | Bastok Mines (I-9) | Next to Moogle near fence if chocobo stable. |
Virnage | Bastok Mines (I-5) | In Bat's Lair Inn alone in the far right room. |
Tall Mountain | Bastok Mines (J-7) | Bottom floor just out front of Alchemists' Guild. |
This quest will reset when the clock strikes 0:00 in-game. It is recommended to keep the celebration toy reward as it will be used in another quest.
Smilebringer Bootcamp quest (Bell-themed Gift Token)
Objective | Smilebringer leader tasks you with running around to all the Smilebringer checkpoints in the area |
Starter | Starting NPCs: |
Reward(s) |
Repeatable | Once every ingame day. |
- It's recommended to be level 20 or bring Silent Oil to prevent aggression from monsters while doing the course.
- Talk with the Quest starter and run.
- To complete the quest, talk to 10 Smile Helpers. Each Smile Helper will buff the player with 30 seconds of Flee.
- Return to the starting NPC for your reward.
- The player must complete the course within 9 minutes for the rewards to be given.
Smile Helper locations
East Sarutabaruta Map:
East Ronfaure Map:
South Gustaberg Map:
The quest will reset when the clock strikes 0:00 in-game.
- Each nation will have the same quests and are all functionally the same. They also share cooldowns so changing to another nation's quest will not allow you to attempt them again until they reset every 0:00 in-game.