Red Mage

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Revision as of 00:52, 27 February 2023 by Mewwgoat (Fandom) (talk | contribs)
Red Mage

Starting a a Red Mage grants you an Onion Sword HorizonXI specific changes and Dia scroll.

Red Mage
Abbreviation RDM
Expansion Pack Final Fantasy XI
Quest (N/A)

Job Traits & Abilities

Spell List

See Red Mage Spell List for where to find spells as well as other information.

Level Spell
01 Dia
03 Cure
04 Stone
05 Barstone
05 Poison
06 Paralyze
07 Barsleep
07 Protect
08 Blind
09 Barwater
09 Water
10 Barpoison
10 Bio
11 Bind
12 Aquaveil
12 Barparalyze
13 Baraero
13 Slow
14 Aero
14 Cure II
15 Deodorize
15 Diaga
16 Enthunder

Combat Skills (subject to change)


Skill Rank 37 75
Dagger B 109 250
Sword B 109 250
Club D 101 210
Archery D 101 210
Throwing F 86 189


Skill Rank 37 75
Evasion D 101 210
Parrying E 94 200
Shield F 86 189


Skill Rank 37 75
Divine E 94 200
Healing C- 105 220
Enhancing B+ 109 256
Enfeebling A+ 114 276
Elemental C+ 105 230
Dark E 94 200


Group 1

Name Description
Convert Recast Shorten recast time by 20 seconds.
Fire Magic Accuracy Increases Macc by 3, for a maximum bonus of +15 accuracy in the chosen element.
Ice Magic Accuracy Increases Macc by 3, for a maximum bonus of +15 accuracy in the chosen element.
Wind Magic Accuracy Increases Macc by 3, for a maximum bonus of +15 accuracy in the chosen element.
Earth Magic Accuracy Increases Macc by 3, for a maximum bonus of +15 accuracy in the chosen element.
Lightning Magic Accuracy Increases Macc by 3, for a maximum bonus of +15 accuracy in the chosen element.
Water Magic Accuracy Increases Macc by 3, for a maximum bonus of +15 accuracy in the chosen element.

Job Specific Equipment

Artifact Armor (subject to change)

Weapon 40 Fencing Degen HorizonXI specific changes (stats)
AF RDM.png
Feet 52 Warlock's Boots HorizonXI specific changes (stats)
Hands 54 Warlock's Gloves (stats)
Legs 56 Warlock's Tights (stats)
Body 58 Warlock's Tabard (stats)
Head 60 Warlock's Chapeau (stats)

Relic Armor (subject to change)

Feet 71 Duelist's Boots (stats)
Relic RDM.png
Hands 72 Duelist's Gloves (stats)
Legs 73 Duelist's Tights (stats)
Body 74 Duelist's Tabard (stats)
Head 75 Duelist's Chapeau (stats)