
From HorizonXI Wiki
Revision as of 08:37, 15 August 2023 by Spiffly (talk | contribs)

Status effect 4.png Paralyze
Type Enfeebling
Description Paralyzes an enemy.
Cost 6 MP
Element Ice Ice
Monster Family {{{blue family}}}
Blue Physical Damage Type Unspecified damage
Skillchain Properties
Magic Burst Ice ElementIn­du­ra­tion
Water Element and Ice ElementDis­tor­tion
Dark, Earth, Water and Ice ElementsDark­ness
Status Bonus {{{blue stats}}}
Job Trait {{{blue trait}}}
Points Required {{{blue points}}}
Ninjutsu Tool {{{ninjutsu tool}}}
Casting Time 3 seconds
Recast Time 10 seconds
Affected Targets Single
Base Duration 2 minutes
Range 21


Scroll of Paralyze
WHM Lv.4 / RDM Lv.6
Teaches the white magic Paralyze.
Paralyzes an enemy.
The potency of the paralysis is a function of the difference between caster and target MND.

The lowest activation rate of Paralyze is 5%, at ΔMND = -40. The highest activation rate of Paralyze is 25%, at ΔMND = 40.[1]

Partial resists of this spell halve the duration.

Automatons will cast this spell with every Head configuration except Valoredge Head, maneuvers and attachments permitting.

Other Uses

Used in Quest: [[|]]
Resale Price: ~31 gil

How to Obtain

Auction House Category: Scrolls > White Magic AH Black.png

Dropped By

Name Level Zone
Yagudo Acolyte 1-8 East Sarutabaruta
4-8 West Sarutabaruta
3-10 Giddeus
Amber Quadav 3-8 North Gustaberg
3-8 South Gustaberg
3-10 Palborough Mines
Amethyst Quadav 3-8 North Gustaberg
3-8 South Gustaberg
3-10 Palborough Mines
8-10 Konschtat Highlands
Goblin Leecher 21-23 Dangruf Wadi
21-25 Jugner Forest
22-25 Valkurm Dunes
22-26 Ordelle's Caves
25-29 The Sanctuary of Zi'Tah
