Starlight Celebration 2023/Guide

From HorizonXI Wiki
Revision as of 03:52, 18 December 2023 by Dejey (talk | contribs) (minor edits. added more maps(prior edit))

HorizonXI Wiki - Starlight Celebration 2023 Guide

What we know

  • Trade Goblin Chocolate to a Goblin Merrymaker
  • Talk to the Goblin Merrymaker twice

Obtain a <colored> Present key item (chance 1 in 3)

  • Return to the event Moogle. He will tell you to deliver the present to a specific NPC
  • That NPC will tell you to deliver the present to a random NPC
  • Report your successful delivery to the original NPC
  • Report back to the event Moogle

Adult Gift NPC locations: Windurst Waters
Starlight Celebration 2023 Windurst Waters NPC locations.png
Northern San d'Oria
Starlight Celebration 2023 Northern-San doria NPC locations.png
Bastok Markets
Starlight Celebration 2023 Bastok Markets NPC locations.png

Snow Token Quest

Talk to 4 NPCs to deliver gifts

  • the moogle will ask you to deliver 4 gifts to 4 NPCs

Windurst Waters NPC locations

Southern San d'Oria NPC locations.

Bastok Mines NPC locations.

Bell Token Quest

Rewards: First completion: Jeunoan Tree Second+ completion: Bell Themed Gift Token

Requirements: 600 gil, level 20 suggested to avoid aggro

Starting NPC: East Ronfaure: Stampeding Bison (G-6)
South Gustaberg: Wandering Cloud(I-7)
East Sarutabaruta: Whispering Tortoise (G-11)

  • Talk to 10 Smile Helpers while under the effect of Flee, then return to NPC.

East Sarutabaruta Map: Placholder for map to be added East Ronfaure Map: placeholder for map to be added South Gustaberg Map: placeholder for map to be added

Token Redemption Moogles

Northern San d'Oria, J-8
Southern San d'Oria J-9
Bastok Mines, I-9
Bastok Markets, G-8
Windurst Waters North, F-5

Snow-Themed Gift Token

Source: Gift Delivery - Talk to four adults

Chance to obtain: 1 in 10

Bell-Themed Gift Token Source: Smilebringer Bootcamp with Flee outside of town

Chance to obtain: 1 in 8

Star-Themed Gift Token Source: Complete Dream Pants/Trousers quest for the third+ time. Adds 30 seconds (+10 hp) to Selbina Milk Chance to obtain: 1 in 10

All three Tokens simultaneously:

Dream Bell / Dream Bell +1

Unlocks /bell emote when equipped

Redeem a Snow, Star and Bell token at the same time First completion:Dream Bell Second completion: Dream Bell +1 Third completion: Roast Turkey, Candy Ring, Candy Cane


Dream Hat +1 / Fame Boosting Quests Requirements: Dream Hat (500 gil from event Vendor moogle), Fireworks

Dream Hat +1

Place a Starlight Celebration Tree of any nation inside your mog house Max out your Holiday Fame by giving Kiddie Presents and Fireworks to children Wait at least one Vana’diel day and talk to your Moogle You will receive a Special Present, that when opened contains a Dream Hat+1

While wearing a Dream Hat, talk to a Smilebringer NPC: North San d’Oria: Charmealaut (J-9) Bastok Mines: Christina (I-9) Windurst Waters North: Atagei-Portagei (F-5)

Once per day you can receive a Kiddie Present. Trade them to the children NPC for a big Fame boost.

You can additionally trade Fireworks to children, one at a time, for a small Fame boost.

Children can receive up to 14 items traded. If you have reached the trade cap, the child will respond with: “Another present? Sorry, but I only have two hands”

Talk to a Smilebringer to see your Fame level.

Fame 0: You haven't brought any happiness to the children! Fame 1-2: You've done some good. Fame 3: You've done fairly well. Fame 4: You've made the children very happy! Fame 5-8: You've brought lots of smiles! Fame 6-8: You have the children bursting with glee! Fame 9: The children love you!

IMPORTANT NOTE: In order to get the Dream Hat+1, you need Fame 9.

You will know if you have Starlight Fame 9 when every child that you can trade to will respond with the message: “Another present? Sorry, but I only have two hands”

Valid Children NPCs

Bastok Mines children (6)
Starlight Celebration 2023 Bastok Mines Children NPC locations.png

Windurst Waters North children (9)
Starlight Celebration 2023 Windurst Waters South Children NPC locations.png

Windurst Waters South children (3)
Starlight Celebration 2023 Windurst Waters North Children NPC locations.png

Northern San d'Oria children (4)
Starlight Celebration 2023 North SandOrian Children NPC locations.png