
From HorizonXI Wiki
Revision as of 11:50, 5 February 2024 by Aramachus (talk | contribs) (replaced pet food table by dpl table which draws from the items pages. item pages are ASB values.)
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Job Ability

Feeds pet to restore its HP.
Job: Beastmaster
Level: 12
Recast Time: 3 minutes (-3 seconds with each merit upgrade)
Duration: Instant


  • Pet Food is used in conjunction with this ability to restore pet HP.
  • In order to use the ability, players must equip Pet Food in the ammo slot.
  • Usage of this ability will restore some of user's pet's HP and will generate enmity toward the pet.
  • Reward includes a Regen effect with this item. The amount of HP restored will be determined by the level of the pet and the type of pet food used.
    • The Regen effect lasts a total of 3:00, allowing for 100 ticks of the regen amount.

Horizon Changes HorizonXI specific changes


Macro Syntax

  • /ja "Reward" <me>

Pet Food Listing

  • All listed figured need to be verified for HorizonXI.
Name Level Effect
Pet Food Alpha 12
Pet Food Beta 24
Pet Food Gamma 36
Pet Food Delta 48
Pet Food Epsilon 60
Pet Food Zeta 72

Equipment Which Enhances "Reward" Effect

Item Level Enhancement
Beast Gaiters 52 +10% HP restored
Beast Jackcoat 58 Removes Paralyze, Poison, Blind
Beast Jackcoat +1 74 Removes Paralyze, Poison, Blind, Slow, Weight and Silence
Ogre Gloves 70 +10% HP restored
Ogre Gloves +1 70 +11% HP restored
Monster Jackcoat 72 Removes Weight, Slow, Silence
Beast Gaiters +1 74 +11% HP restored
Monster Gaiters 74 +20% HP restored
Monster Gaiters +1 75 +20% HP restored
Monster Jackcoat +1 75 Removes Paralyze, Poison, Blind, Slow, Weight and Silence
  • These enhancements all stack together Verification Needed