Commonly Used Templates

From HorizonXI Wiki
Revision as of 09:52, 17 March 2024 by Aramachus (talk | contribs) (added links to templates and put some in the tables)

Commonly Used Templates

This page is a list of all the templates we commonly use on the Wiki. In each section you will find categorised lists of our most commonly used templates, an example page where they are in use and a description of their use cases. Some templates may have multiple use cases and as such may appear multiple times.

The page is still a work in progress so please bear with us.

Templates to Assist Editing

Name Example Page Description
Preview Only Infobox This template only works in 'preview mode' whilst editing. The template can be attatched to the 'Usage' section of any other template, which will then display instructions on how to fill out each parameter.

DPL Templates

These tables allow an editor to easily create a table for a list of items from it's corresponding category. An editor can also create a custom list from the names of desired items only. Any item page that uses the Item Statistics template (most do and need converting if not) are eligble for use. I cannot stress enough how amazing and simple these templates are, please try them.

Name Example Page Description
WeaponsTable Used to easily create a table for weapons. Editors can filter the table to display certain jobs, weapon types or a custom list of weapons.
ArmorTable Used to easily create a table for armor. Editors can filter the table to dsiplay certain jobs, armor types or a custom list of armor.
InstrumentTable Used to easily create a table for instruments. Editors can filter to display string instruments, wind instruments or a custom list of intruments.


Name Example Page Description
Infobox Magic Displays an infobox on the right of a page, designed for the spells of FFXI. Editors shouldn't need to use this template from scratch as spell pages have all been added but they may find the template page useful if editing is required.

Item / Item Pages

Name Example Page Description
Item Statistics The basic template for all items.
Item Image Used to generate the images at the top of each item page so they all have the same size
AuctionHouseNavigation Used to specify the succession of auction house categories to display the appropriate box.
Used In For use on all item pages, under the "Other Uses" heading. Commonly used alongside other templates such as Guild Points Value and Resale Price.
Resale Price For use on all item pages, under the "Other Uses" heading. Commonly used alongside the Used In template. Please see the examples on on the "Used In" template page for correct template formatting, it can be a little wonky!
Guild Points Value For use on all item pages, under the "Other Uses" heading. Commonly used alongside the Used In template. Please see the examples on on the "Used In" template page for correct template formatting, it can also be a little wonky!

Monster/Notorious Monster Pages

Name Example Page Description
Hxi Drop Rate This is an upgrade of the original and deprecated Template:Drop Rate. Please use this template instead. It allows the user to include drop rates found in the ASB code and also overwrite them if hard data is available too.

Job Related

Name Example Page Description
Job Ability Used on any "Job Ability" pages.
Pet Command Used on any "Pet Command" pages.


  • Template:Location - used to generate maps on hover with coordinate square highlighted. Calls template:position to achieve this, which calls template:Location Tooltip... its a mess
  • Template:Location Tooltip - similar to Location but with more funcationality I think. Calls Template:tooltip
  • Template:Tooltip - this seems to be the base template used by all tooltip functionality. Assigns html id and css classes so some javascript function can pick it up and display a tooltip.


  • Template:Hxi_Drop_Rate - used for drop rates. Has an ASB drop rate. Please read how to use it on its page for horizonXI.
  • Template:Item Tooltip - not used commonly but Ill mention here. I built that one to generate the tooltips on the Template:ArmorTable and Template:WeaponsTable. Can be used on any Item really. Uses a dpl call to get the icon from the item page by looking into the Item Image template on that page and grabbing the filename. calls Template:Tooltip to generate the tooltip. (Note: The use of this template is a bit more memory intensive than most others. Please don't use excessively on a page.)
  • Template:Stat - used to display stats in a uniform manner on item pages, capital letters, link, bold, ...
  • Template:NPC - the basic template for all NPCs.
  • Changes - comes with the tooltip.
  • Template:Verification - adds a warning triangle that information may not be accurate.
  • Template:Command - to be used on any Command/??? pages.
  • See Elemental Colors and Icons for templates to generate colored text and elemental icons.
  • Template:Icon - used to display commonly used icons. The template page also serves as an overview on available icons.


Name Example Page Description
Delete Examples should be all deleted, see Template page. Simply add " {{Delete}} " to any page that you feel needs to be deleted. Administators will occassionally check the list this generates and delete as they feel appropriate. Feel free to add your reasoning alongside it.

Out of Era Content

  • TOAU, WOTG, SOA, afterera, noera

Uncategorised (so far)