
From HorizonXI Wiki
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Abbreviation: MNK
Expansion Pack: Final Fantasy XI
How to Unlock: Starter Job
Page Contents: Abilities

Mandy MNK noBG.png

With their bodies that double as deadly weapons, Monks (MNK) attack enemies with explosive strength. They are close combat specialists and in using their Hand-to-Hand skills, they wreak havoc with fast and furious punches. Through prolonged meditation and training, they can expand their arsenal to incorporate devastating kicks too. A mark of a Monk's expertise is the belt that they wear aroud their waist. New players begin with a White Belt whereas a Monk who has mastered his role, may be found wearing the elusive Black Belt.

Preserving Final Fantasy tradition, Monk retains many classic abilities including Martial Arts, Chakra, Max HP Boost, and Counter. Complete with a full set of powerful weapon skills, Monks are a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield.

Horizon Changes HorizonXI specific changes

  • Minor changes to Artifact Armor.
  • AF weapon Beat Cesti has been replaced with Tekko Kagi.
  • Moderate changes to the relic weapon Spharai.
  • Boost has a larger attack bonus of 20% Verification Needed, a longer recast of 30 seconds and a duration 3 minutes.
  • Focus is learned at level 15 instead of 25, has a 3 minute duration. Verification Needed
  • Dodge is learned at level 25, has a 3 minute duration and increases guard rate by ???. Verification Needed
  • Chakra's recast time has been reduced to 2 minutes from 3. It also removes multiple status effects the player is inflicted with.
  • Chi Blast now also removes 1 mob buff (Dispel). Testing is required to see whether this effect is random. Verification Needed
  • Boost's effect on Chi Blast has need lessened from retail.

Melee Skills

Skill Rank 37 75
Hand-to-Hand A+ 114 276
Staff B 109 250
Club C+ 105 230

Ranged Skills

Skill Rank 37 75
Throwing E 94 200

Defensive Skills

Skill Rank 37 75
Guard A- 114 269
Evasion B+ 109 256
Parrying E 94 200

Group 1 Merits

Name Description
Focus Recast -4 seconds per upgrade Verification Needed
Dodge Recast -10 seconds per upgrade Verification Needed
Chakra Recast -10 seconds per upgrade Verification Needed
Counter Rate +1% increase per upgrade Verification Needed
Kick Attack Rate +1% increase per upgrade Verification Needed

Group 2 Merits

  • Currently unavailable on Horizon.

Job Specific Equipment

Artifact Weapons

Name Level Damage Delay DPS Jobs Stats Horizon Changes HorizonXI specific changes
Tekko Kagi 40 +10 +66 +2.2 MNK DEX +2 VIT +2 Accuracy +3
  • Replaces Beat Cesti as the Artifact Weapon reward.

Artifact Armor

Name Level Slot Jobs Stats Horizon Changes HorizonXI specific changes
Temple Gaiters 52 Feet MNK DEF: 12 HP +12 DEX +3 Resistance to Light+10 Enhances "Dodge" effect


Temple Gloves 54 Hands MNK DEF: 14 HP +14 STR +4 Resistance to Dark+10 Enhances "Boost" effect
Temple Crown 56 Head MNK DEF: 21 HP +16 MND +5 Attack +5

Enhances "Focus" effect

Temple Cyclas 58 Body MNK DEF: 41 HP +20 VIT +3 Accuracy +5 Enhances "Chakra" effect
Temple Hose 60 Legs MNK DEF: 29 HP +18 Accuracy +3

Guarding skill +10 "Counter" +1

Artifact Armor +1

Name Level Slot Jobs Stats Horizon Changes HorizonXI specific changes
Temple Crown +1 74 Head MNK DEF: 23 HP +16 MND +8 Attack +5 Enhances "Focus" effect HP recovered while healing +1


Temple Cyclas +1 74 Body MNK DEF: 44 HP +20 STR +6 VIT +6 Accuracy +5 Enhances "Chakra" effect


Temple Gaiters +1 74 Feet MNK DEF: 15 HP +12 DEX +5 MND +5 Evasion +10 Enhances "Dodge" effect


Temple Gloves +1 74 Hands MNK DEF: 15 HP +14 STR +6 Enhances "Boost" effect "Subtle Blow" +4


Temple Hose +1 74 Legs MNK DEF: 31 HP +18 MND +4 Accuracy +3 Guarding skill +15 "Counter" +3


Relic Armor

Name Level Slot Jobs Stats Horizon Changes HorizonXI specific changes
Melee Cape 70 Back MNK DEF: 8 VIT +5 MND +5 HP recovered while healing +5
Melee Gaiters 71 Feet MNK DEF: 15 HP +4% DEX +4 Guarding skill +12 Enhances "Counterstance" effect
Melee Hose 72 Legs MNK DEF: 31 HP +6% AGI +4 "Kick Attacks" +5 "Subtle Blow" +5
Melee Gloves 73 Hands MNK DEF: 15 HP +3% Attack +16 "Subtle Blow" +4 Enhances "Chakra" effect
Melee Cyclas 74 Body MNK DEF: 44 HP +5% VIT +5 Adds "Regen" effect HP recovered while healing +6
Melee Crown 75 Head MNK DEF: 23 HP +5% STR +5 Enmity -3 "Subtle Blow" +6

Relic Armor +1

Name Level Slot Jobs Stats Horizon Changes HorizonXI specific changes
Melee Crown +1 75 Head MNK DEF: 24 HP +5% STR +6 "Subtle Blow" +6 Enmity -4
Melee Cyclas +1 75 Body MNK DEF: 45 HP +6% VIT +6 Adds "Regen" effect HP recovered while healing +6
Melee Gaiters +1 75 Feet MNK DEF: 16 HP +4% DEX +5 Guarding Skill +14 Enhances "Counterstance" effect
Melee Gloves +1 75 Hands MNK DEF: 16 HP +3% Attack +18 "Subtle Blow" +5 Enhances "Chakra" effect II
Melee Hose +1 75 Legs MNK DEF: 32 HP +6% AGI +5 Kick Attacks +5 "Subtle Blow" +6

Relic Weapon

Name Level Damage Delay DPS Jobs Stats Horizon Changes HorizonXI specific changes
Spharai 75 +24 +86 +5.09 MNK Attack +20 "Counter" +10 HorizonXI specific changes "Final Heaven"
  • Base weapon damage increased from 23 to 24
  • Enhances counter effect has been increased from +5 to +10
  • Final Heaven's modifier has been changed to STR and VIT (it was previously only VIT).


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