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Revision as of 01:49, 27 December 2022 by Mewwgoat (Fandom) (talk | contribs)

Job Overview

A bright tune to soothe a party's wounds.... A brisk march to raise a party's spirits... A demoralizing lamentation to weaken a party's foes... The Bards of Vana'diel use music as their weapon.

A Bard (BRD) uses songs as the job's main advantage to boost the party's stats. Bards have many songs but only four non-meritable Job Abilities. A bard without an instrument or a player with the sub job bard can only keep one song up at a time, as opposed to instrument players that can use two. A party with multiple bards may stack more than 2 songs on the party as long as they are not the same song. The Bard job is available after completing the quest Path of the Bard.

Job Abilities

Level  Name
01  Soul Voice
75 (Merit)  Nightingale
75 (Merit)  Troubadour

Job Traits

Level  Name
 Resist Silence
 Resist Silence II
 Resist Silence III
 Resist Silence IV

Group 1 Merits

Level  Name
Merit  Lullaby Recast
Merit  Finale Recast
Merit  Minne Effect
Merit  Minuet Effect
Merit  Madrigal Effect

Song List

Level  Song
01  Knight's Minne
03  Valor Minuet
05  Army's Paeon
07  Foe Requiem
09  Herb Pastoral
10  Light Threnody
11  Sword Madrigal
12  Dark Threnody
13  Sheepfoe Mambo
14  Earth Threnody
15  Army's Paeon II
16  Foe Lullaby
16  Water Threnody
17  Foe Requiem II
18  Wind Threnody
19  Scop's Operetta
20  Fire Threnody
21  Knight's Minne II
22  Enchanting Etude
22  Ice Threnody
23  Valor Minuet II
24  Lightning Threnody
24  Spirited Etude
25  Mage's Ballad
26  Learned Etude
27  Horde Lullaby
Level  Song
28  Quick Etude
29  Advancing March
30  Vivacious Etude
31  Hunter's Prelude
32  Dextrous Etude
33  Fowl Aubade
33  Magic Finale
34  Sinewy Etude
35  Army's Paeon III
36  Light Carol
37  Foe Requiem III
37  Raptor Mazurka
38  Earth Carol
39  Battlefield Elegy
40  Water Carol
41  Knight's Minne III
42  Wind Carol
43  Valor Minuet III
44  Fire Carol
45  Army's Paeon IV
46  Ice Carol
47  Foe Requiem IV
48  Lightning Carol
49  Goblin Gavotte
50  Dark Carol
51  Blade Madrigal
Level  Song
53  Dragonfoe Mambo
54  Gold Capriccio
55  Mage's Ballad II
56  Shining Fantasia
57  Foe Requiem V
59  Carnage Elegy
60  Victory March
61  Knight's Minne IV
62  Bewitching Etude
63  Valor Minuet IV
64  Logical Etude
65  Army's Paeon V
66  Sage Etude
67  Foe Requiem VI
68  Swift Etude
69  Puppet's Operetta
70  Vital Etude
71  Archer's Prelude
71  Goddess's Hymnus
72  Uncanny Etude
73  Chocobo Mazurka
73  Warding Round
74  Herculean Etude
75  Maiden's Virelai
75 (Merit)  Adventurer's Dirge
75 (Merit)  Foe Sirvente

+ Requires spending 100 Job Points.

Combat Skill Ratings

 Skill Skill Ranking Cap at Level 1 Cap at Level 37 Cap at Level 75
 Dagger B- 5
 Staff C+ 5 139 378
 Sword C- 5
 Club D 4
 Throwing E 4
 Evasion D 4
 Parrying E 4

Magic Skill Ratings

 Skill Skill Ranking Cap at Level 1 Cap at Level 37 Cap at Level 75
 Singing C 5
 String C 5
 Wind C 5