Giant Bird Feather

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Giant Bird Feather


Giant Bird Feather
A pinion feather from a giant bird.
Stackable: 12

Other Uses

Used in Quest: A Feather in One's Cap
Resale Price: 148~156 gil

Synthesis Recipes


Used in Recipes

Desynthesis Recipes


Obtained from Desynthesis

How to Obtain

Auction House Category: Materials > Clothcraft AH Black.png

Chocobo Digging

Zone Abundance
Konschtat Highlands Very Rare


Seed Crystal 1 Crystal 2 Results
Tree Cuttings None Light Crystal 1 - 5 Giant Bird Feather (10%)
Tree Cuttings Fire Crystal Light Crystal 1 - 5 Giant Bird Feather (10%)
Tree Cuttings Ice Crystal Light Crystal 1 - 5 Giant Bird Feather (10%)
Tree Cuttings Wind Crystal Light Crystal 1 - 5 Giant Bird Feather (10%)
Tree Cuttings Earth Crystal Light Crystal 1 - 5 Giant Bird Feather (10%)
Tree Cuttings Lightning Crystal Light Crystal 1 - 5 Giant Bird Feather (10%)
Tree Cuttings Water Crystal Light Crystal 1 - 5 Giant Bird Feather (10%)
Tree Cuttings Light Crystal None 1 - 5 Giant Bird Feather (10%)
Tree Cuttings Light Crystal Fire Crystal 1 - 5 Giant Bird Feather (10%)
Tree Cuttings Light Crystal Ice Crystal 1 - 5 Giant Bird Feather (10%)
Tree Cuttings Light Crystal Wind Crystal 1 - 5 Giant Bird Feather (10%)
Tree Cuttings Light Crystal Earth Crystal 1 - 5 Giant Bird Feather (10%)
Tree Cuttings Light Crystal Lightning Crystal 1 - 5 Giant Bird Feather (10%)
Tree Cuttings Light Crystal Water Crystal 1 - 5 Giant Bird Feather (10%)
Tree Cuttings Light Crystal Light Crystal 1 - 5 Giant Bird Feather (20%)
Tree Cuttings Light Crystal Dark Crystal 1 - 5 Giant Bird Feather (10%)
Tree Cuttings Dark Crystal Light Crystal 1 - 5 Giant Bird Feather (10%)

Dropped From

Name Level Zone
Axe Beak 25-28 Meriphataud Mountains
Tabar Beak 34-37 Sauromugue Champaign
Deadly Dodo (NM) 39-40 Sauromugue Champaign
Diatryma 47-50 Eastern Altepa Desert
47-51 Misareaux Coast
Lesser Roc 49-53 Riverne - Site #B01
Phorusrhacos 57-60 Western Altepa Desert
Okyupete (NM) 60 Misareaux Coast
Peryton 69-72 Valley of Sorrows
Unknown Nyzul Isle
Sand Cockatrice 71-74 Cape Teriggan
Ziz 76-78 Mamook
Greater Cockatrice 78-80 Kuftal Tunnel
Kreutzet (NM) 79 Cape Teriggan
Abraxas 80-83 Lufaise Meadows

Stolen From

Name Level Zone
Axe Beak 25-28 Meriphataud Mountains
Tabar Beak 34-37 Sauromugue Champaign
Deadly Dodo (NM) 39-40 Sauromugue Champaign
Skewer Sam (NM) 54 Garlaige Citadel
Waraxe Beak (NM) 55-56 Meriphataud Mountains
Ziz 76-78 Mamook