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In areas outside own nation's control

From HorizonXI Wiki

Items with certain effects listed as being "In Areas outside own nation's Control" will only take effect in Conquest regions where the nation you currently are allied to is not in control of the region you are in (including cities).

For example: If you are currently allied to Windurst, and Bastok controls the region of Elshimo Lowlands, then the effect of any armor's effects with "In areas outside own nation's control" will be active in Kazham, Norg, Sea Serpent Grotto, and Yuhtunga Jungle.

In order to obtain the benefits, you must have Signet, Sanction, or Sigil active. Furthermore, these benefits will always be active in Lumoria (Sea), Dynamis, Limbus, and Promyvion, as long as Signet/Sanction/Sigil is active.These benefits will never be active in Aht Urhgan, Wings of the Goddess, or Abyssea areas.

Melee Stats


Level Name Type Amount
34 Windurstian Kukri (HQ) Dagger +5/7
52 Royal Knight Army Lance +1 (HQ) Polearm +8/9
65 Grand Temple Knight's Collar Neck +5

Ranged Attack

Level Name Type Amount
43 Junior Musketeer's Tuck +1 (HQ) Sword +4/5
52 Musketeer Gun +1 (HQ) Marksmanship +8/9
Level Name Type Amount
65 Grand Temple Knight's Collar Neck +7
65 Windurstian Scarf Neck +7


Level Name Type Amount
34 San d'Orian Halberd (HQ) Polearm +3/4
43 Combat Caster's Boomerang +1 (HQ) Throwing +4/5
65 Grand Temple Knight's Collar Neck +5

Ranged Accuracy

Level Name Type Amount
43 Combat Caster's Boomerang +1 (HQ) Throwing +4/5
43 Junior Musketeer's Tuck +1 (HQ) Sword +4/5
Level Name Type Amount
65 Windurstian Scarf Neck +7

Base Stats


Level Name Type Amount
34 San d'Orian Dagger (HQ) Dagger +1/2
65 Grand Temple Knight's Bangles Hands +2
65 Master Caster's Mitts Hands +2


Level Name Type Amount
52 Tactician Magician's Hooks +1 (HQ) Hand-to-Hand +3/4


Level Name Type Amount
43 Combat Caster's Axe +1 (HQ) Axes +2/3
52 Temple Knight Army Sword +1 (HQ) Sword +3/4
65 Grand Temple Knight's Gauntlets Hands +2


Level Name Type Amount
65 Master Caster's Bracelets Hands +1


Level Name Type Amount
34 San d'Orian Mace (HQ) Club +1/2
65 Master Caster's Bracelets Hands +1


Level Name Type Amount
34 Bastokan Greataxe (HQ) Great Axe +1/2
43 Junior Musketeer's Chakram +1 (HQ) Throwing +2/3


Level Name Type Amount
43 Royal Swordsman's Blade +1 (HQ) Great Sword +2/3
65 Praefectus's Gloves Hands +2

Combat Skills

Elemental Magic Skill

Level Name Type Amount
65 Master Caster's Bracelets Hands +7

Enfeebling Magic Skill

Level Name Type Amount
65 Master Caster's Bracelets Hands +7

Evasion Skill

Level Name Type Amount
65 Grand Temple Knight's Bangles Hands +7
65 Master Caster's Mitts Hands +10
65 Praefectus's Gloves Hands +5

Parrying Skill

Level Name Type Amount
65 Grand Temple Knight's Gauntlets Hands +10
65 Praefectus's Gloves Hands +5

Wind Instrument Skill

Level Name Type Amount
40 Oliphant Wind Instrument +3



Level Name Type Amount
34 Bastokan Sword (HQ) Sword +5/6
52 Musketeer's Pole +1 (HQ) Staff + 10/12
52 Tactician Magician's Espadon +1 (HQ) Sword +18/20
65 Windurstian Scarf Neck +15


Level Name Type Amount
34 Windurstian Scythe (HQ) Scythe +10/12
34 Bastokan Sword (HQ) Sword +5/6
43 Combat Caster's Dagger +1 (HQ) Dagger + 14/16
43 Combat Caster's Scimitar +1 (HQ) Sword +14/16
52 Musketeer's Pole +1 (HQ) Staff +10/12
52 Tactician Magician's Wand +1 (HQ) Club +18/20
52 Musketeer's Sword +1 (HQ) Sword +18/20
65 Republican Gold Medal Neck +50


Level Name Type Amount
65 Presidential Hairpin Head +1 HP/tick

Convert MP to HP

Level Name Type Amount
40 Intruder Earring Ear +40

Magic Damage Taken

Level Name Type Amount
40 Resentment Cape Back -5%