Anniversary Scavenger Hunt 2023: Difference between revisions

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"You feel the memory slip from your mind.."<br>
"You feel the memory slip from your mind.."<br>

*One person so far has the HorizonXI Shirt, there is still something more to do, though whether this message plays any part in that is still being speculated.
*Two people so far have the HorizonXI Shirt, there is still something more to do, though whether this message plays any part in that is still being speculated.
*Aerec has confirmed that the oddly capitalised letters are not relevant and it does not form an anagram.
*Aerec has confirmed that the oddly capitalised letters are not relevant and it does not form an anagram.

Revision as of 04:10, 19 December 2023

Scavenger Hunt 2023!

Hello Adventurers!
December 17th 2023 marks the 1 year anniversary of the HorizonXI server!
With that has come a Scavenger Hunt!
On the eve of the servers anniversary the following Hint was given by Aerec.

Anniversary Scavenger Hunt 2023 Photo 0.png

Note: While many adventurers have reached Hint 37 and received the below rewards, it has been confirmed that (as of writing this) no one has completed the fully Anniversary quest yet, and there may be additional steps/rewards. It is unknown whether the above riddle points to a different location, or if the message given after completing hint #37 has some hidden meaning.


Consider doing this on your own, below is just the locations with none of the fun!


Note: For the extra Mog Satchel spaces, it is required that you link your main Horizon character to the Discord via the Harlequin Bot. For more details, please go to the official Horizon Discord and visit the #welcome channel.

Hints and Locations

Hint 1

Hidden Since this morning something has been, its really caused such a scene.
For tomorrow, another celebration you will glean. But tonight a small hint I will bring:

In shadows I dwell, obscured from view.
A mystery warpped in veils, know to few,
Find me now, Hidden in time and space.

Yet fear not the dark, for soon a reveal,
More of me will emerge, a bit more truth to unseal.
In the dance of anticipation, patience abide,
Where am I waiting in the realms in which I hide?

Hint 2

In a castle grand, where royalty roams,
Lies a grden of beauty, in hushed, quiet tones.
Note in halls of power or thrones of might,
But where nature whispers in the gentle light.
Seek your next clue where flowers keep,
in a regal garden, peaceful and deep.

Hint 3

In a city of iron, where the forges glow,
There's a genius at work, with much to show.
Not amidst the sparks or the flames so hot,
But in a shop where brilliant ideas are wrought.
Seek your next clue where gears and dreams overlap,
In the workshop of a master, marked on the map.

  • The answer and next clue is found in Metalworks (G-8) in Cid's room.

Hint 4

Where land's end greets the ocean's vast span,
A silent sentinel stands, apart from the clan.
Not amidst the clamor of streets or the market's din,
But where the sky meets the sea, and the stars begin.
Seek your next clue where a lone guardian's sight,
Keeps vigil in the quiet, at the edge of night.

Hint 5

Rise above the common path, where feet seldom tread,
To a place that surveys the land, high and widespread.
Not in the depths of valleys or the bustle below,
But where the winds whisper secrets that only the heights know.
Seek your next clue where earth and sky kiss,
Upon a hill's crown, in a realm of quiet bliss.

Hint 6

Where the mountain's gift descends in grace,
A hidden jewel in nature's embrace.
Not where rivers run or streams flow free,
But where water's dance ends in a silent spree.
Seek your next clue where the cascade's song is near,
In a tranquil haven, both clear and dear.

  • The answer and next clue is found in North Gustaberg (F-7) at the bottom of the waterfall on the north side of the river. You must enter from Dangruf Wadi (J-3) to reach this part of the zone.

Hint 7

In a land where whispers float through the air,
Stands a sentinel ancient, both rare and fair.
Not amidst the fields where the common trees grow,
But where the night sparkles and the mystical show.
Seek your next clue where the stars seem to descend,
In a place where the wonders of nature blend.

  • The answer and next clue is found in West Sarutabaruta (I-6) next to the tree on the top of Starfall Hillock.

Hint 8

In the realm where waters embrace the earth's touch,
Lies a secret, hidden, not seen very much.
Not on the mirrored surface where reflections play,
But where shadows linger and the curious stray.
Seek your next clue where the still waters rest,
Behind the lake's mirror, find your next quest.

Hint 9

In the land where ancient trees whisper tales of old,
A hidden spot lies, shy and bold.
Not where paths cross or knights might wander,
But beneath a ladder, in quiet yonder.
Seek your next clue where wood meets earth,
In a silent embrace, a place of rebirth.

  • The answer and next clue is found in East Ronfaure (J-11) at the bottom of the ladders in the watchtower.

Hint 10

In a realm where green expanses meet the sky,
Lies a passage to secrets, where shadows lie.
Not within the dungeon's dark, forbidding gate,
But at its threshold, where two worlds relate.
Seek your next clue where freedom's light graces,
Just outside the oubliette's dark embraces.

  • The answer and next clue is found in West Ronfaure (E-8). You must travel through Bostaunieux Oubliette to reach this location. (NOTE: Do NOT use Escape. It puts you at the bottom of the cliff and you will not be able to reach the location. You must run there by foot.)

Hint 11

In the northeast, where horizons and dreams blend,
Seek a hidden corner, where earth's whispers send.
After quests bring rainbows, in a sky so bright,
Find your clue where colors dance with light.

Hint 12

In a realm where winds weave through rugged terrain,
A secret challenge, part of an ancient refrain.
Not in the quiet valleys or under tranquil skies,
But where a test of valor silently lies.
Seek your next clue where the earth meets fire,
In a land of rolling hills, where heroes aspire.

Hint 13

In a land where secrets hide and winds whisper low,
Near the west, a hidden trail where few choose to go.
Not under the open sky or in the valley's deep flow,
But where spiky sentinels in silent vigil grow.
Seek your next clue where the arid earth meets sky,
In the embrace of thorns, under the sun's watchful eye.

Hint 14

In a land where the sea's song fills the air,
A secret hides in the north, fair and rare.
Not where the beaches stretch or the palm trees sway,
But where stone watchers stand in silent array.
Seek your next clue in a hidden nook's guise,
Behind the rocky guardians under the open skies.

Hint 15

In a realm where the ocean's breath caresses the shore,
A hidden haven lies, a gem to explore.
Not where the crowds gather or the common path leads,
But in the northwest, where quiet waters heed.
Seek your next clue where sand meets the sea's might,
In a tranquil cove, tucked away from sight.

  • The answer and next clue is at Valkurm Dunes (B-6) on the north side of the secret beach.

Hint 16

In the realm where th eocean's heart beats strong,
A path of water, where the horizon's drawn long.
Not where land's embrace or port's call resound,
But in the voyage's soul, where freedom is found.
Seek your next clue where the seafarers roam,
In the dance of waves, their transient home.

Hint 17

In a place where past and present softly meet,
A secret path, where hidden wonders greet.
Not on well-trodden roads where daylight shines,
But through a maze, where darkness intertwines.
Seek your next clue where waters part in silent fare,
In a secluded haven, pure and rare.

Hint 18

Through a fortress of shadows, where silent tales weep,
Past echoes of battles, in stone halls deep.
Where a once mighty stand, now a quiet fall,
Lies a path to the plains, where wild winds call.
Seek your next clue where history's gate unveils,
In a land beyond battles, where peace prevails.

Hint 19

In shadows draped, where the past lies in repose,
Above the gates of silence, my mystery arose.
Stone sentinel at death's door, a guardian in the night,
I mark the realm of spirits, bathed in pale moonlight.
What am I, perched upon the necropolis's crown,
A quiet witness to the tales of the burial ground?

Hint 20

In a garden of grandeur, where rulers roam,
Beyond halls of power, a secret home.
Not in the rooms where decisions are made,
But on a balcony high, where light and shadow fade.
Seek your next clue where the city sleeps,
Past the office of power, in silent keeps.

  • The answer and next clue is at Ru'Lude Gardens (H-7) Balcony, second Floor, Opposite Door:Audience Chamber.

Hint 21

In a realm where the sea's whisper touches the land,
A secret awaits at the ramp's final stand.
Not where the island basks in the sun's embrace,
But in a shadow's hold, a monster's face.
Seek your next clue where the deep's guardian roves,
Near blossoms that bloom under starlit coves.

  • The answer and next clue is at Qufim Island (F-8) by BST Quest, night flowers.

Hint 22

In a place where echoes of the ancient ring,
Amidst lofty spires, a hidden thing.
Not in the chambers where light pours from above,
But near a door to the depths, a place less loved.
Seek your next clue where whispers fade to lore,
In the shadows of giants, on a forgotten floor.

Hint 23

Where ancient spires touch the heavens high,
A secret lies where the old legends lie,
Not in the depths of stone or earthly mire,
But at the peak, where aspirations aspire.
Seek your next clue where dreams of paradise dwell,
Near the core of a crystal an ancient spell.

Hint 24

In the heart of the woods,
Where trees stand tall, something guarded by a keeper, strong and small.
Near this watchful guardian, secrets softly whipser,
Hidden in the green embrace, a treasure near glimmer.
Seek within the shadows where nature's whispers play,
What am I, discovered close to the keeper's sway.

Hint 25

On the edge of tempest's roar, where chaos takes its form,
A secret lies, concealed amid the fury of the storm.
Veiled in thunder's dance, obscured by rain's descent,
I'm hidden on the fringe, a mystery heaven-sent.
Search where lightning weaves tales, and wind and rain conform,
What am I, concealed on the edge of the storm?

Hint 26

In a corridor where echoes of divinity tread,
Between the realms of the living and ethereal thread.
Not just a passage, but a gallery of old.
Wehre gods in stone, their stories untold.
Seek your next clue where twilight and dawn align,
In the presence of deities, both dark and divine.

Hint 27

In the icy realm where frosty whispers blow,
Close to breaking limits, where crystalline daggers grow.
Held in snow's embrace, a secret locked in chill,
Near the brink of boundaries, yet silent and still.
Find me where frost defies, and cold tests its might,
What am I, hidden near the edge of snow's delicate fight?

Hint 28

In the realm where snow whispers secrets of old,
On the highest peaks, where stories are told.
Past Orcish paths and knights' brave stands,
Wehre storms dance wildly over snow-clad lands.
Seek your next clue in a tunnel's embrace,
Atop the mountain, where elements trace.

  • The answer and next clue is found in Uleguerand Range (F-8). To reach this you must climb to the top of the mountain, and then slide down the mountain at F-8 on the north side. This is the same hole where the Mountain Worm can be found.

Hint 29

In a land of arid whispers and rugged divide,
Where secrets of earth and air collide.
Past cliffs once forbidding, new pathways reveal,
To a palce of legend, stark and bare.
Seek your next clue where the reflection shows true,
Atop the crown, is where I am found.

  • The answer and next clue is found at Attohwa Chasm (J-8) at the top of Mount Parradamo Tor. If you have done Promathia Mission 3-3 you will no doubt remember having to climb this mountain. If you are unfamiliar with the climb, it is recommended to search a Youtube video.

Hint 30

In the realm of anticipation, where dreams take flight,
Close to your future steps, yet veiled from present sight.
Not yet formed in the now, but destined to appear,
A whisper of what's to come, drawing you near.
Look ahead, envision where your journey unfurls,
A place most likely a puppet will stand.

  • The answer and next clue is found at Bastok Markets (F-9) on the edge of the fountain.

Hint 31

In a forest where ancient whispers weave,
A hidden spring, where legends believe.
Not in the dense heart where shadows play,
But where water murmurs and spirits sway.
Seek your next clue where the maiden's tears fall,
In a tranquil haven, embraced by nature's call.

  • The answer and next clue is found at Jugner Forest (E-6) on the north side of Maiden's Spring.

Hint 32

In a land where echoes of a lost realm sigh,
Where river's gentle song meets sky.
Beneath a bridge, in water's embrace,
A secret hides in the quiet space.
Seek your next clue where the currents sweep,
In the whispering depths, where shadows keep.

Hint 33

In a haven of solace, where peace takes its stand,
I'm concealed with care, like a jewel in the sand.
Within the refuge's embrace, where tranquility dwells,
Discover my secret, where sanctuary tells.
What am I, tucked away in this haven's grace,
A hidden essence waiting in the refuge's embrace?

Hint 34

In the shadows of ages, where echoes softly play,
A treasure awaits where ancients once held sway.
Outside the ruins and whispers of histories untold,
My secret lies, a tale of ancients to unfold.
Beneath the dust of time, a relic may revive,
A hidden gem in the realm they called home.
A piece of the ancient puzzle waiting to be known?

Hint 35

In sorrow's fall, a hint shaped like a bead,
A silent plea, in a drop's quiet deed.
Glistening in solitude, a gem upon the cheeck,
Follow the trail of emotion, where answers may peek.

Hint 36

I dance in the air, where breezes freely flow,
In the midst of winds, a secret to bestow.
Whispers of zephyrs carry tales of my grace,
Seek me in the tempest's arms, a fleeting embrace.
Elusive yet present, in the aerial spins,
What am I, found in the midst of the winds?

Hint 37

At the start, I beckon, a journey's genesis,
Yet in truth, I'm the finale, an unexpected bliss.
Beginning with hope, yet concluding the race,
A paradox in time, a mystery to embrace.
What am I, an illusion of the start,
Yet a destination where endings impart?

Hint 38

At the end you are, but is the end.. Ever the true end?
Time is precious to us and precious is the time you spend with us.
Thank you for the wonderful year, we hope there is many more.
When we began is special and hopefully there are many more like it.
Enjoy your Holidays, each and every player who Spends Time on Horizon.
Means so much to the Staff of HorizonXI.

When you click the final point after getting the items it will say:
"You feel yourself drawn to your recent memories.."
"As if you are missing something.."
"You feel the memory slip from your mind.."

  • Two people so far have the HorizonXI Shirt, there is still something more to do, though whether this message plays any part in that is still being speculated.
  • Aerec has confirmed that the oddly capitalised letters are not relevant and it does not form an anagram.