RoZ Rewards

From HorizonXI Wiki
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Divine Might Earrings

Awarded for completing the quest Divine Might in conjunction with Zilart Mission 14 (Ark Angels).

Name Level Slot Jobs Stats Horizon Changes HorizonXI specific changes
Abyssal Earring 72 Ear All Jobs INT +2 Scythe Skill +5 Great Sword Skill +5 Dark Magic Skill +5
Beastly Earring 72 Ear All Jobs CHR +2 Polearm Skill +5 Axe Skill +5 Pet: Accuracy +10
Bushinomimi 72 Ear All Jobs STR +2 Great Katana Skill +5 Great Axe Skill +5 Parrying Skill +5
Knight's Earring 72 Ear All Jobs VIT +2 Shield Skill: +5 Sword Skill +5 Club Skill +5
Suppanomimi 72 Ear All Jobs DEX +2 Evasion Skill +5 Dagger Skill +5 Katana Skill +5

Apocalypse Nigh Earrings

Awarded for completing the quest Apocalypse Nigh, which requires finishing Rise of the Zilart Missions and Chains of Promathia Missions.

Name Level Slot Jobs Stats Horizon Changes HorizonXI specific changes
Ethereal Earring 72 Ear All Jobs HP +15 Attack +5 Evasion +5 Converts 3% of damage taken to MP
Hollow Earring 72 Ear All Jobs DEX +2 Accuracy +3 Ranged Accuracy +3 Sword enhancement spell damage +3


Magnetic Earring 72 Ear All Jobs MP +20 "Conserve MP" +5 Spell interruption rate down -8% MP recovered while healing +1
Static Earring 72 Ear All Jobs MND +2 "Magic Def. Bonus" +2 Bonus damage added to magic burst
