Beaucedine Glacier

From HorizonXI Wiki
Revision as of 10:22, 18 April 2024 by Redbaren (talk | contribs)
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A severe ground where snow storms always rage. Deep crevasses abound in this region; falling here is likely fatal to a traveler. Around the glacier, ruins of the same type as the Horutoto ruins of Sarutabaruta were discovered. Controversy over the specific creators of these structures continue among archaeologists of Windurst and the priests of San d'Oria.
Table of Contents

Ranguemont Pass at (E-11)
Batallia Downs at (H-11) (to the isolated NW area)
Xarcabard at (F-6)
Fei'Yin at (J-4)
Pso'Xja at (F-7), (G-9), (I-7), (H-8), (J-8), and (H-10)

Dynamis - Beaucedine at (F-11) via the Trail Markings
Interactive Map
Zone Information
Area Name Beaucedine Glacier
Type Outdoor
Beaucedine glacier.jpg
Map Acquisition Quest or Purchase
Miscellaneous Able to use Tractor

Ffxi gld 01.png

Weather MiasmaMiasma BlizzardsBlizzards
Region Fauregandi
Expansion Final Fantasy XI
Requirements None
Restrictions None
Background music None
Notes None

Involved in Quests/Missions

Quest Type Starter Location
Curses, Foiled A-Golem!? Scroll Shantotto    Windurst Walls K-7
Expeditionary Force/Beaucedine Glacier Expeditionary Force ---    ---
Fistful of Fury General Vola    Lower Jeuno J-8
Garrison/Beaucedine Glacier Garrison ---    ---
Love and Ice General Carmelo    Port Bastok E-6

Tuning Out General Leepe-Hoppe    Windurst Waters J-9
Mission Nation Starter Location

Other Information

Fish Cap Body of Water
Yellow Globe
17 Seaside Only
Tiger Cod
Nosteau Herring
Cone Calamary
Gigant Squid
Black Sole
Arrowwood Log
Copper Ring
Mythril Sword
Rusty Subligar
Rusty Leggings
49 Pond Only
Emperor Fish
Arrowwood Log
Copper Ring
Mythril Dagger
Rusty Subligar
Silver Ring

Fishing Map

HorizonXI specific changes
[ edit ]
Item Abundance
Beaugreens HorizonXI specific changes 12.5%Uncommon(12.5%)
Blue Peas HorizonXI specific changes 16.5%Common(16.5%)
Frost Turnip HorizonXI specific changes 11.7%Uncommon(11.7%)
Sobbing Fungus HorizonXI specific changes 0.9%Extremely Rare(0.9%)
Popoto HorizonXI specific changes 18.7%Common(18.7%)
Wolf Fur HorizonXI specific changes 5.4%Rare(5.4%)
Raw Wool HorizonXI specific changes 6.2%Rare(6.2%)
Sage HorizonXI specific changes 0.6%Extremely Rare(0.6%)
Insect Wing HorizonXI specific changes 0.4%Extremely Rare(0.4%)
Harvesting Map


Possible Weather Weather Reporter
Resistance vs. DarkResistance vs. Dark

Maleme - Southern San d'Oria (J-8)

Resistance vs. IceResistance vs. Ice

Elemental Map

NPCs Found Here

Name Location Type
Gueriette H-9 Outpost Merchant
Rattling Rain, I.M. G-6 Conquest Overseer: Bastok: Outland Guard
Akane, I.M. H-9 Conquest Overseer: Bastok: Outpost Guard
Leaufetie, R.K. G-6 Conquest Overseer: San d'Oria: Outland Guard
Parledaire, R.K. H-9 Conquest Overseer: San d'Oria: Outpost Guard
Chopapa, W.W. G-6 Conquest Overseer: Windurst: Outland Guard
Ryunchi-Pauchi, W.W. H-9 Conquest Overseer: Windurst: Outpost Guard
Torino-Samarino I-7 Quest NPC
Leigon-Moigon I-7 NPC
Potete I-7 NPC
Goblin Grenadier H-8 Mission NPC

Notorious Monsters Found Here

Name Level Drops Steal Family Spawns Notes
47-48 Elemental Charm
Mythril Ore
Golem Shard
Golems Gargantua Spawn Location

A, S, M

41 Black Tiger Fang
Boreas Cesti
Tiger Hide
Tigers Kirata Spawn Location

A, S, Sc

41-42 Black Tiger Fang
Nue Fang
Tiger Hide
Land Crab Meat Tigers Nue Spawn Location

A, S, Sc

A = Aggressive; NA = Non-Aggresive; L = Links; S = Detects by Sight; H = Detects by Sound;
HP = Detects Low HP; M = Detects Magic; Sc = Follows by Scent; T(S) = True-sight; T(H) = True-hearing
JA = Detects job abilities; WS = Detects weaponskills; Z(D) = Asleep in Daytime; Z(N) = Asleep at Nighttime; A(R) = Aggressive to Reive participants

Regular Monsters Found Here

Name Level Drops Steal Family Spawns Notes
Greater Pugil
Fished up
32-34 Pugils 1
Fished up
32-34 Pugils 1
Tundra Tiger
34-37 Black Tiger Fang
Tiger Hide
Land Crab Meat Tigers 50 A, S, Sc
35-38 Bone Chip
Revival Tree Root
Scroll of Absorb-AGI
Scroll of Absorb-VIT
Bone Chip Skeletons 4 A, H, HP
Goblin Furrier
35-38 Goblin Armor
Goblin Mask
Coeurl Leather
Dhalmel Leather
Sheep Leather
Studded Bandana
Studded Gloves
Studded Trousers
Tiger Leather
Mythril Beastcoin
Crossbow Bolt Goblins 4 A, L, S
Goblin Pathfinder
Assisted by Goblin's Tiger (28-30)
35-38 Brass Greaves
Brass Mask
Counterfeit Gil
Goblin Armor
Goblin Mask
Mythril Beastcoin
Silver Beastcoin Goblins 4 A, L, S
Goblin Shaman
35-38 Chestnut Sabots
Goblin Armor
Goblin Mask
Wool Hat
Wool Slops
Mythril Beastcoin
Silver Beastcoin Goblins 4 A, L, S
Goblin Smithy
35-38 Brass Cuisses
Chain Hose
Chain Mittens
Goblin Helm
Goblin Mail
Iron Mask
Silver Beastcoin Goblins 4 A, L, S
37-40 Bone Chip
Revival Tree Root
Scroll of Absorb-INT
Bone Chip Skeletons 5 A, H, HP
Living Statue
37-39 Doll Shard
Dolls 17 A, M
Fished up
38-40 Sea Monks 1
39-42 Cotton Cloth Cotton Cloth Ghosts 5 A, H, HP
Fished up
40-42 Pugil Scales Fish Scales Pugils 1 A, H
Bat Eye
40-42 Ahriman Lens
Ahriman Tears
Ahriman Tears Ahriman 29 A, L, S, H
Stone Golem
47-49 Golem Shard
Mythril Ore
Golems 5 A, S, M
Cold Gigas
40-43 Magnolia Lumber
Tiger Leather Missive
Gigas 10 A, L, S
Goblin Poacher
40-43 Cuir Bandana
Goblin Armor
Goblin Mask
Mythril Beastcoin
Crossbow Bolt Goblins 9 A, L, S
Goblin Reaper
40-43 Goblin Helm
Goblin Mail
Scroll of Absorb-AGI
Scroll of Absorb-INT
Scroll of Absorb-VIT
Scroll of Stun
Mythril Beastcoin Goblins 9 A, L, S
Goblin Robber
Cuir Bandana
Cuir Highboots
Goblin Armor
Goblin Mask
Mythril Beastcoin
Mythril Beastcoin Goblins 9 A, L, S
Goblin Trader
Assisted by Goblin's Tiger (33-35)
40-43 Cuir Gloves
Goblin Armor
Goblin Mask
Mythril Beastcoin Goblins 9 A, L, S
Rime Gigas
Assisted by Gigas's Tiger (33-40)
40-43 Magnolia Lumber
Tiger Leather Missive
Gigas 10 A, L, S
Sleet Gigas
40-43 Magnolia Lumber Gigas 10 A, L, S
Snow Gigas
40-43 Magnolia Lumber
Tiger Leather Missive
Gigas 10 A, L, S
Fished up
44-45 Shall Shell Sea Monks 1
Dark Elemental
During dark weather
44-46 Dark Cluster Elementals 4 A, M
Ice Elemental
During ice weather - Around the 3 frozen ponds.
44-46 Ice Cluster Elementals 6 A, M
Rime Lynx
HorizonXI custom mob HorizonXI custom mob
51-53 Coeurl Hide
Coeurl Whisker
Coeurl Meat
Coeurls 8 L, A, S
A = Aggressive; NA = Non-Aggresive; L = Links; S = Detects by Sight; H = Detects by Sound;
HP = Detects Low HP; M = Detects Magic; Sc = Follows by Scent; T(S) = True-sight; T(H) = True-hearing
JA = Detects job abilities; WS = Detects weaponskills; Z(D) = Asleep in Daytime; Z(N) = Asleep at Nighttime; A(R) = Aggressive to Reive participants