Dismemberment Brigade

From HorizonXI Wiki
Dismemberment Brigade
Type: BCNM
Zone: Horlais Peak
Entry Item: Moon Orb
Level: 60
Members: 6
Time: 30 minutes


Possible Rewards

  • Your armoury crate will load out of the following groupings:


  • All have the Orc special attacks.
  • Armsmaster Dekbuk has Mighty Strikes.
  • Invulnerable Mazzgozz has Invincible and casts Cure IV, Protect III and Banish III.
  • Keeneyed Aufwuf has Manafont.
  • Longarmed Gottditt has Hundred Fists.
  • Mind's-eyed Klugwug has Eagle Eye Shot.
  • Undefeatable Sappdapp has Blood Weapon and casts Bio II and Fire II.
  • All are susceptible to Lullaby and Sleep.


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