Divine Punishers

From HorizonXI Wiki
Divine Punishers
Type: BCNM
Zone: Balga's Dais
Entry Item: Moon Orb
Level: 60
Members: 6
Time: 30 minutes


Possible Rewards

  • Your armoury crate will load out of the following groupings:


  • All have the Yagudo special attacks.
  • Aa Nawu the Thunderblade has Meikyo Shisui.
  • Cuu Doko the Blizzard has Benediction.
  • Gii Jaha the Raucous has Soul Voice.
  • Voo Tolu the Ghostfist has Hundred Fists.
  • Yoo Mihi the Haze has Mijin Gakure.
  • Zuu Xowu the Darksmoke has Manafont.


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