Brothers D'Aurphe

From HorizonXI Wiki
Brothers D'Aurphe
Type: BCNM
Zone: Qu'Bia Arena
Entry Item: Moon Orb
Level: 60
Members: 6
Time: 30 minutes


Horizon Changes HorizonXI specific changes

Possible Rewards

  • Your armoury crate will load out of the following groupings:


  • Vaicoliaux B D'Aurphe has Mighty Strikes.
  • Maldaramet B D'Aurphe has Manafont.
  • Disfaurit B D'Aurphe has Perfect Dodge. (Can Counter)
  • Jeumouque B D'Aurphe has Eagle Eye Shot.
  • All are susceptible to Gravity and Bind (Sleep will be resisted somewhat, but not with Elemental Seal).
  • Lullaby has very high resistance.
  • All are able to use Shadow AND Fomor TP moves


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