Creeping Doom

From HorizonXI Wiki
Creeping Doom
Type: BCNM
Zone: Balga's Dais
Entry Item: Sky Orb
Level: 30
Members: 3
Time: 15 minutes


Name Level Job Type
Bitoso x 1 38 White Mage Crawler

Possible Rewards

  • Your armoury crate will load out of the following groupings:
  • The HorizonXI custom item Shepherd's Hose drops from this BCNM



  • Basic Strategy
    • Kill faster than it can heal
  • Notes
    • It's a race against the clock. You only have 15 minutes and it can use Cure III a good amount of times.
    • Start early. NQ Sheep jug, call beast, and get your sheep on it as soon as you spawn in. Then put on Shadows and eat Tuna Sushi.
  • How You Succeed
    • If you properly unload a good amount of damage, then you'll kill it way faster than it can heal.
  • How You Fail
    • If the hate is on you, and you keep trying to dps, then you might die.
    • It's not that strong, but keeping shadows up is always helpful.
    • It Cure IIIs too many times and you don't kill it in 15 minutes.
    • If both sheep die and you both have Call Beast on cooldown.