Petrifying Pair

From HorizonXI Wiki
Petrifying Pair
Type: BCNM
Zone: Ghelsba Outpost
Entry Item: Sky Orb
Level: 30
Members: 3
Time: 15 minutes


Name Level Job Type
Kilioa x 1 Unknown Warrior Lizard
Kalamainu x 1 Unknown Warrior Lizard

Possible Rewards

  • Your armoury crate will load out of the following groupings:


  • The lizards will use Secretion at the beginning of the fight.
  • They will use Baleful Gaze frequently at full TP.
  • Baleful Gaze can be stunned, or avoided by turning your back to it in time.
  • They are immune to Sleep, Lullaby, Sheep Song & Soporific.
  • The lizards attack much faster than normal lizards.
  • Kalamainu may gain resistance to Gravity and Bind with each spell resulting in a shorter duration each time.
  • Kilioa is much stronger then Kalamainu which is why it is suggested to be taken out first while the healer or kiter has a larger MP pool.


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