Jadeite: Difference between revisions

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Latest revision as of 14:50, 20 February 2025


A green jewel.
Stackable: 12

Horizon Changes HorizonXI specific changes


Other Uses

Synthesis Recipes

Goldsmithing (20)
Yield: Tourmaline x 1
HQ 1: Peridot x 1
HQ 2: Jadeite x 1
HQ 3: Emerald x 1
Wind Crystal
Goldsmithing (51)
Yield: Tourmaline x 1
HQ 1: Peridot x 1
HQ 2: Jadeite x 1
HQ 3: Breeze Gem x 1
Wind Crystal
Goldsmithing (81)
Yield: Jadeite x 1
HQ 1: Emerald x 1
HQ 2: Aventurine x 1
HQ 3: Garutear x 1
Wind Crystal

Used in Recipes

How to Obtain

Auction House Category: Materials > Goldsmithing AH Black.png


Price: 23,400 -
Name Location Type
Visala Bastok Markets (H-8) Guild Merchant



Dropped By


Campaign Ops

Name Level Cap Zone
Splitting Heirs No Level Restriction, 30 minutes, 6 members La Vaule (S)
Plucking Wings No Level Restriction, 30 minutes, 6 members Castle Oztroja (S)