Knight's Minne IV: Difference between revisions

From HorizonXI Wiki
Line 62: Line 62:
! Combined Skill Level !! Base +Defense !! Song +1 !! Song +2
! Combined Skill Level !! Base +Defense !! Song +1 !! Song +2
| 0-14 || 10 || 12 || 15
| 0-14 || 12 || 14 || 17
| 15-29 || 11 || 13 || 16
| 15-29 || 13 || 15 || 18
| 30-44 || 12 || 14 || 17
| 30-44 || 14 || 16 || 19
| 45-59 || 13 || 15 || 18
| 45-59 || 15 || 17 || 20
| 60-74 || 14 || 16 || 19
| 60-74 || 16 || 18 || 21
| 75-89 || 15 || 17 || 20
| 75-89 || 17 || 19 || 22
| 90-104 || 16 || 18 || 21
| 90-104 || 18 || 20 || 23
| 105-119 || 17 || 19 || 22
| 105-119 || 19 || 21 || 24
| 120-134 || 18 || 20 || 23
| 120-134 || 20 || 22 || 25
| 135-149 || 19 || 21 || 24
| 135-149 || 21 || 23 || 26
| 150-164 || 20 || 22 || 25
| 150-164 || 22 || 24 || 27
| 165-179 || 21 || 23 || 26
| 165-179 || 23 || 25 || 28
| 180-194 || 22 || 24 || 27
| 180-194 || 24 || 26 || 29
| 195-209 || 23 || 25 || 28
| 195-209 || 25 || 27 || 30
| 210-224 || 24 || 26 || 29
| 210-224 || 26 || 28 || 31
| 225-239 || 25 || 27 || 30
| 225-239 || 27 || 29 || 32
| 240-254 || 26 || 28 || 31
| 240-254 || 28 || 30 || 33
| 255-269 || 27 || 29 || 32
| 255-269 || 29 || 31 || 34
| 270-284 || 28 || 30 || 33
| 270-284 || 30 || 32 || 35
| 285-299 || 29 || 31 || 34
| 285-299 || 31 || 33 || 36
| 300-314 || 30 || 32 || 35
| 300-314 || 32 || 34 || 37
| 315-329 || 31 || 33 || 36
| 315-329 || 33 || 35 || 38
| 330-344 || 32 || 34 || 37
| 330-344 || 34 || 36 || 39
| 345-359 || 33 || 35 || 38
| 345-359 || 35 || 37 || 40
| 360-374 || 34 || 36 || 39
| 360-374 || 36 || 38 || 41
| 375-389 || 35 || 37 || 40
| 375-389 || 37 || 39 || 42
| 390-404 || 36 || 38 || 41
| 390-404 || 38 || 40 || 43
| 405-419 || 37 || 39 || 42
| 405-419 || 39 || 41 || 44
| 420-434 || 38 || 40 || 43
| 420-434 || 40 || 42 || 45
| 435-449 || 39 || 41 || 44
| 435-449 || 41 || 43 || 46
| 450+ || 40 || 42 || 45
| 450-464 || 42 || 44 || 47
| 465-479 || 43 || 45 || 48
| 480-794 || 44 || 46 || 49
| 495-509 || 45 || 47 || 50
| 510-524 || 46 || 48 || 51
| 525-539 || 47 || 49 || 52
| 540+ || 48 || 50 || 53

Revision as of 03:13, 18 September 2023

Knight's Minne IV
Type Song
Description Increases defense for party members within the area of effect.
Cost {{{mp}}} MP
Element Earth Earth
Monster Family {{{blue family}}}
Blue Physical Damage Type Unspecified damage
Skillchain Properties
Magic Burst Earth ElementScis­sion
Dark Element and Earth ElementGra­vi­ta­tion
Dark, Earth, Water and Ice ElementsDark­ness
Status Bonus {{{blue stats}}}
Job Trait {{{blue trait}}}
Points Required {{{blue points}}}
Ninjutsu Tool {{{ninjutsu tool}}}

Level 61 Bard

Casting Time 8 seconds
Recast Time 24 seconds
Affected Targets AOE, centered on caster
Base Duration 120 seconds
Range {{{range}}}



Scroll of Knight's Minne IV
BRD Lv.61
Teaches the Knight's Minne IV.
Enhances defense for party members
within area of effect.
Defense bonus is a function of combined Singing and Instrument Skill of the Bard. The natural cap of the Defense Bonus is +40.

Equipment that gives "Minne +" or "All Songs +" increases the total defense. The base duration of the song is also increased by 10% for every +1 granted.

The Group 1 Merit Point category Minne Effect grants an additional +1 defense per merit level for all active Minne Songs.

Other Uses

Used in Quest: [[|]]
Resale Price: ???~??? gil

How to Obtain

Auction House Category: Scrolls > Songs AH Black.png

Dropped By

Name Level Zone
Coastal Sahagin 62-72 Sea Serpent Grotto
Yagudo Conductor 63-67 Castle Oztroja
Abyss Sahagin (NM) 72-74 Sea Serpent Grotto
Denn the Orcavoiced (NM) 64-65 Sea Serpent Grotto


+Defense Based on Skill Level
Combined Skill Level Base +Defense Song +1 Song +2
0-14 12 14 17
15-29 13 15 18
30-44 14 16 19
45-59 15 17 20
60-74 16 18 21
75-89 17 19 22
90-104 18 20 23
105-119 19 21 24
120-134 20 22 25
135-149 21 23 26
150-164 22 24 27
165-179 23 25 28
180-194 24 26 29
195-209 25 27 30
210-224 26 28 31
225-239 27 29 32
240-254 28 30 33
255-269 29 31 34
270-284 30 32 35
285-299 31 33 36
300-314 32 34 37
315-329 33 35 38
330-344 34 36 39
345-359 35 37 40
360-374 36 38 41
375-389 37 39 42
390-404 38 40 43
405-419 39 41 44
420-434 40 42 45
435-449 41 43 46
450-464 42 44 47
465-479 43 45 48
480-794 44 46 49
495-509 45 47 50
510-524 46 48 51
525-539 47 49 52
540+ 48 50 53