Beastmaster Leveling Guide

From HorizonXI Wiki

Levelling Guide for Beastmaster (mains and subs)

Note: This is personal and community experience that said please feel free to add, modify, correct or update any information.

7/18 updated to 55 and making /bst it's own section at the end. 7/19 updated to add 54-59 camps 8/12 updated to add 58-65 camps 11/30 updated 65-75 camps

So your a beastmaster or want to level up as /bst which has a lot of pros to it:

1) you level on your time, no waiting for parties or feeling guilty if you can't do a long time commitment

2) all the drops are yours, this includes beastseals and kindred seals

2a) Beastseals and Kindred Seals have a 300 second (5 minute) timer associated with them. Once one drops another one of the same type will not drop for 5 minutes. This timer can be reset by (1) zoning out of the zone and back in or (2) logging out and back in. So a beast with a jug pet can log out and back in (keeping pet) or a thf/bst in say iffrits cauldron sending bats at bombs can log out and back in. This increases the "drop rate" of seals by a good number if you are killing things quick enough.

2b) your no thief but do have more money making/farming opportunities than other melee classes

3) sometimes people and level ranges just suck

4) grouping up with fellow beastmasters

5) easier to solo/lowman stories/missions/quests/BCNMs

6) pets can provide debuffs/utility (For instance the lizard jug pets can do a "lower evasion" move on ready command. Or silence. Sheeps have "Sheep song" an AOE sleep.)

7) beastmaster burn parties at different level ranges

8) mining/farming charm and widescan go a long way and refresh from gaudy harness (COP up to 39 mp) or Black Cotehardie (up to 26 mp) will go a long way for sneak/invis or regen spell or useing rune axes (5hp a tic regen per mp tick)

There are cons:

1) exp without exp band will probably cap out at 5-6k per hour solo, at higher levels grouping can get more exp/hour

2) desirability endgame for groups is low right now

Basics/Tips and Tricks for Levelling

Long gone is the days of charm/release on EM-Ts for exp and now its about chewing out eps for highest exp hour. When a mob you can kill in 30 seconds gives 50 exp you're looking at 500 exp in 5 minutes and 6k exp an hour. It is my hope that others will also contribute to the camps as well as exp/hour so that everyone can enjoy the experience better.

1) keep a scythe and axe on you. You want to keep both leveled up as you go along with the preference for scythe. Dual wielding axes can give you decent dps as /nin or use with shield if your worried about survival and don't have /nin. At 125 sythe you can do aoe scythe weaponskill. This opens up being able to aoe packs with jugs.

2) /whm /nin and /thf are most used subjobs. /whm for sneak/invis/cures. /nin 24+ for invis/duelwield/utsumi /thf 30+ for sneak attack, flee, steal, treasure hunter and 60+ for triple attack and trick attack. sythe works better for any subjob than /nin due to max tp gains per hit and more dps. This will change over probably around level 50+ with rampage if your /nin but then you miss out on the benifits of /thf and /whm. If your in a bst burn any sub is probably fine though /nin would be best used. /war is more viable than I first though it provides DA, berserk, defender and viable for axe and sythe builds for bst. This can allow more constant damage boost on EP farming and allows flexability of swapping weapon types easier on fly. /sam is almost never used but does allow more ws, faster delay reduction and limited shadow on JA.

2A) IMO for exp its /nin =>/war >/thf = /whm reasons based on kill speed. The biggest drawback to not being /whm is you will want sneak/invis and a way to recover HP and avoid camps with bad status ailgnments/aoes. I recomend Uleguerand Milk. It's cheap, stacks to 12 and does 2 HP per second for 80 HP. You may also want to carry a emergency potion. If your /whm consider getting MP recover drinks as a back up or gaudy harness.

3) food use meats for attack if your killing EM and lower and sushi if your killing T or higher. Acc to 95% cap is the best dps stat.

4) jugs and pet food. Jugs have caps but you get them 23+ as bst main. It summons pets your level up to cap (HQ jugs have no level cap). Pet food is cheap and a stack of 12 would last 1 hour of exping (3 minute reward timer). At worst its good in a pinch to help keep jug alive if call beast timer is down (5 minutes). At high levels you'll have to decide to either part with going through jugs more often or giving them hp to reduce downtime for exp. Remember maximum exp means as little time resting as possible.

5) charm set at 14 covers a lot of what you will need as both bst and /bst.

Head 14 - Noble's Ribbon - CHR+3

Neck 15 - Bird Whistle - CHR+3

Rings 14 - Opal Ring +1 x2 - CHR+2 x2

So at 14 you can have +7 CHR and at 15 +10. CHR is what affects charm and this set is universal for all classes at 40 you can add Corsette/+1 for +5/+6 CHR as well and 51+ Light Staff for charming. I'd recomend 2 charm sets one with the light staff and one without so you can use as needed for the situation.

6) if you know you'll do an exp session next time you'll be logging on pop your exp band and get signet. When you log in next day (16 hours later) you can then use up that exp band and then pop it again for +8k bonus exp. that's 1-2 extra levels work of exp from 10-50 for doing what you already were going to do.

7) gobbie bag quest are your friends. it lets you hold more gear and drops/crystals when exping.

8) respawns in open world are 5 minutes from kill and dungeons/other areas are 15 minutes.

9) skill up easy method, equip level 1 weapon, charm mob A and attack mob B. Before charm on A is complete relase it (or it dies) then charm mob B and release or have it kill another mob. Rinse repeat. Get first ws in starter zone. To level 22-25 use Buburimu Penisula lighthouse beach. 22-30 quifim or korrokolla tunnel leaches/crabs. 30-41 eastern altepa desert beetles and dmhals, 41-51 western altepa desert beetles. 51-63 Gustav tunnel crabs.

BST Burn Party Locations

23-33 (23-26 sync) Meriphataud Mountains, Pumas. These are courle type mobs with paralyze and silence. The key to this camp (or any paralyze camp) is to not get hate until after the mob TP moves on a pet. Then you toss out a WS. Don't be afraid to turn away to avoid hate. While the beastmaster is paralyzed, all moves can be lost/eaten by paralyze. This includes a move like "Fight" or "ready" or "sic" Since most of your dmg comes from your pet losing a ready or sic move can slow your exp an hour. When the pet is paralyzed (but the beastmaster isn't) the pet will still do the sic or ready moves. So the fastest exp per hour means having the pets take the TP moves from the enemy. Which means letting them keep hate. (Don't forget reward IT is the single biggest hate generation you can do to pull hate back onto a pet.)

31-41 (31-34 sync) Eastern Altepa Desert, Dhamels and Beetles

34-44 (34-36 sync) Crawlers' Nest, Crawlers and Bees

39-49 (39-41 sync) Yhoator Jungle, Crawlers (at the Telepoint Crystal)

41-51 (41-44 sync) Yhoator Jungle, Coeurls (at the Telepoint Crystal) Parlyze mob, see the notes above about puma.

51-61 (51-53 sync) Kuftal Tunnel, Crabs (dispel helps) (So does barwatera which will massively lower the AOE damge the crabs can do.)

54-64 (54-55 sync) King Ranperre's Tomb, Bats and Worms

57-67 (57-58 sync) Kuftal Tunnel/Valley of Sorrows, Raptors

60-70 (60-63 sync) Uleguerand Range, Rabbits and Raptors (Raptors do no link. This is a great camp @60) Tungi is one of the highest DPS axes you can get (use it from 60->72) and at 61 you get amment mantle. Bst can really laydown the damage out here so exp goes fast.

61-71 (61-63 sync) Bibiki Bay, Tragopans

61-71 (61-63 sync) Labyrinth of Onzozo, Courels and Goblins near Ose (Ose drop Assult jerkin, a regular party exping here can fight this NM)

65+ (65-67 sync) Bibiki Bay, Dhamels and Goblins

65+ (65-67 sync) Boyahda Tree, Goobues and Crawler

Solo Levels/Camps


Kill everything in the starting zone until level 1 mobs no longer give exp

West Sarutabaruta (J-8 or H-10) just outside the gate. There were very people around here. Charm the highest level around here and kill everything until level 1 no long give exp at around 11 or so. Then make your way to (G-6 / G-7 / G-8) up on the cliff. Charm high level bees and kill everything until your 12/13

North Gustaberg Make your way up to the monument (I/J-6/7/8) charming and killing. Target is mainly bees but again purpose is exp/hour for leveling at this point.


Tahrongi Canyon

There are 3-4 camps for exp in here as there is some overlap.

11-14/16 at (G-10 / H-10) around the luck rune. Charm the highest level and kill everything. Mandragora aren't the best charm as you can pull hate off them easily but go around and chew them up to at least 14 if you can, grind this to 15 or 16 so that charming Dhalmels is easier.

Alternative is (G-7 / G-8) along the cliff but there is Goblins so beware.

14-18 (E-5 / F-5). Charm Wild Dhalmels to kill everything in sight, including the occasional Wild Dhalmel, and go up to Akbabas at (E-5). There are ghouls that spawn around birds at E5 but you can use those as intermediate charms until you can safely charm the dmhals which range 14-16. When exp starts to peter out at 19 you can move onto new area or next camp.

18-23/25 4-6k exp an hour (F-6)

Kill the bees here. Charm the high level bees and kill the lower level ones. Goblins are also 18-20 so build up tp and high level charms before killing them. The idea is to kill low level bees to respawn as high level ones to help kill Goblins. There is the rare level 20 bee spawn here. Pop exp band to get through 20-23 here and then it gets better with a jug pet. With the Hare Familiar at 23 I was getting 6k exp/hour killing everything and using macro for cures and /sic to full. I was able to clear all the bees and Goblins and /sic to full in about 5 minutes respawn. I did this to 25 but if you want to move on earlier you can. Lots of good drops with beehive chips and crystals.


Maze of Shakhrami

I didn't personally do this but what i gather is 2 camps.

at entrance bats to bats or worms.

(E-7 / F-7 / G-7) Charm and sic everything against each other. Main target is crawlers. Charm the Maze Scorpion once you hit level 25.

If your using jug pets, bring lots of Pet Food Alpha/Pet Food Beta and jug pets. Good exp per hour.

Buburimu Peninsula

20-25 (F-7 / G-7) Charm birds and kill the rabbits/sprouts. Beware of goblins

20-25 (G-6 / G-6) Charm Bees or Cape Coney (Even Matched lvl 20) (Horizon Specific) and kill the Mighty Rarab, Sylvestre, and Zu. You can kill goblins. Mobs Easy Prey to Decent are the target.

25-30/32 (G-6) kill the new horizon mobs here with jug. Rabbit shouldn't need food that often but it goes fast.


30-36 - Buburimu Peninsula (I-7 / H-7) - Bull Dhalmels (20-24), Cape Dhalmels Horizon specific mobs (24-26)

There are Bull Dhalmels and Cape Dhalmels Horizon specific mobs in about 3 packs around (I-7 / H-7). Run around and kill them with any pet. Pet Food Beta recommended.

30-36 - Korroloka Tunnel, Map 1 (M-6 / L-7 / K-8) - Tunnel Worms (20-25), Seeker Bats (22-26)

I'd recommend starting in Korroloka Tunnel at 35 but there are alternatives you can use to start here at 30. Target Tunnel Worms (20-25) and Seeker Bats (22-26) right at the the entrance and side. Be careful with links.

30-40 - Korroloka Tunnel, Map 5 (G-11 / H-11)

Kill mobs around (G-11 / H-11) on Map 5 by charming the Sea Monk (32-35) that spawns there near the Giant Clam. Can also target Thread Leeches near the ninja quest location if you run out of things to kill

33-38 - Korroloka Tunnel, Map 3 - Clippers (29-32), Greater Pugils (28-31), Huge Spiders (28-31)

Kill Clippers and Greater Pugils on Map 3 at (J-8 / K-8) or (E-8 / F-8 / G-8).
Or kill Huge Spiders (28-31) (I-7 / J-7) or in the main tunnel. These give decent drops but the slow will hurt dps. Charm mobs from other rooms and kill them or use a jug pet.

35-45 - Korroloka Tunnel (main tunnel)

I'd recommend the Tiger Familiar (Meat Broth) and some Pet Food Beta / Gamma. You kill everything (bats/leaches/spiders) except Gigas. Gigas are around level 35 you might want to avoid them as they have a lot of hp and take time to kill. The oozes are also farmed and will fall off exp around 35. Still high exp and will last up to 45 if you want to grind it out here. Good exp hour


40-44 - Eastern Altepa Desert (J-8 / J-7 / K-7) - Giant Spiders (30-34)

Plenty of Giant Spiders (30-34) spawn around the exit from Korroloka Tunnel and further north (J-8 / J-7 / K-7). Can add in Antican Auxiliarius (35-39) once your level gets higher.

40-45 - Yuhtunga Jungle (F-11) - Sahagin (34-38)

Charm Makara (if /bst) and kill Creek Sahagin / River Sahagin / Stream Sahagin (34-38). Or just kill everything. Exp parties can be here so be warned.

41-48 - Sauromugue Champaign - Sauromugue Skinks (28-32), Tabar Beaks (34-37)

Sauromugue Skinks (28-32) and Tabar Beaks (34-37) in the middle of the map. Good drops for gil. /thf if you think you can get away with it.

44-52 - Eastern Altepa Desert (J-7 / K-7) - Antican Auxiliarius (35-39)

There are 8 Antican Auxiliarius (35-39) spawns which drop Antican Pauldrons (22k/stack ~20% drop rate). BST/THF suggested for farming. 6-7k xp/hr - Tesmony-fumbles

45-50 - Sea Serpent Grotto, Map 1 - Royal Leech (35-38)

Drop Leech Saliva, which can be npc'ed, as well as Carbuncle's Ruby in case you want to unlock summoner. /thf works well.

45-50 - Oldton Movalpolos (bst main only)

I'm using the HQ Rabbit Jug Pet (Famous Carrot Broth) and get groups of 3-7 Goblins / Moblins (33-36) and Dark Bats (31-35) and aoe them down. Bring Pickaxes to mine if you want a break and want to get extra gil.

45-55 - Sea Serpent Grotto, Map 1

Near entrance kill everything. This is speculation on my part but where I plan to go next.


50-55 - Eastern Altepa Desert (I-5 / I-6) - Desert Dhalmel (38-44)

This camp is 4.5k an hour. Target the 6 Dmhals (2 south 4 north) with 2 beatles on south camp makes a nice loop. /THF for flee to cover the gap in the loop helps. It's decent farming. Beatles spawn as low as 36 and as of 54 become TWW so watch out. There is also a way to farm Beast Seals by killing in East Altepa then Running to West Altepa and killing the spiders (40-42) until another seal drops and rince and repeat. It is much ligher exp but a viable way to hunt seals at these levels as there are expensive perchases (Hauby, touraders ring, Light/dark staff) So keep that in mind.

52-60 - Crawlers' Nest, Map 1 (I-8 / I-9 / K-8) - Worker Crawler (40-44), Death Jacket (40-42)

Target the bees and add in the crawlers as needed. There are 3 groups of 4 bees and 3 crawlers here. You can do two routes. One is a circle that kills the crawlers and bees. You will have to go out further to get your pet to come down from the cliff. The other is targeting nothing but bees here but it becomes less circle but easier and faster exp. Bees do only 3 moves. pollen, final sting and sting. 1/3 chance for easy death and minimal damage to your pet and yourself plus good drops in chips and wind crystals. If you go crawler your pet will end with slow/poison at some point possibly slowing down kills. I did both and prefered the bees. ~6k-8k exp per hour at 54 (kill every 45 seconds or less and get 59-66 exp per kill or 700 exp per loop average with crawlers)

52-60 - Western Altepa Desert (L-6 / L-7 / L-8 / M-8) - Desert Spider (40-44), Desert Dhalmel (44-48)

Spiders here are 40-44 and dhalmels 44-48. Target spiders but be warned slow sucks also have to watch out for cactaurs but they can be charmed as well as the 2 scorpians nearby. Would be a decent /bst location if you have ranged attacks to build tp or are ok with dealing with the slow.

52-60 - Garlaige Citadel, Map 1 - Wingrats (40-42), Siege Bat (40-43), Borer Beetle (41-44)

Beetles and bats on the first floor. You can do a loop around the whole outside path. Might need to leave some up around the entrance for exp parties but should be free. Bonus is that there are two places to duo nearby. One (see below) is past banish gate 1 and the other is basement trying to blow up bombs if killing bats and beetles isn't up for you duo.


55-70(?) - The Sanctuary of Zi'Tah Master Coeurls at F6-F8 do watch for some undead pops at night though. Could do the goblins parasites as well at lower levels in zone.

58-65(?) - Garlaige Citadel Just past banish gate one can do a loop on all the bats duo or solo (58+ recommended) At 60 killing the bats i was getting ~59-70 exp per bat without the exp band for around ~5.2k- an hour.

58-65(?) - Fei'Yin Target the shades here. They are squishy just send in pet first on blm ones in case they ga. Can do 8 at bottom and 8 at top in 4 rooms. Chance to drop key that can be used for life belt. Better if you can get crystal drops as well if region is occuipied. ~5k an hour.

58-70 - Fei'Yin Beaucedine Glacier I-5 linx they are lvel 51 and can take you a long way will cap out at 70/71

70-75 - Uleguerand Range F10-F11 mainly bunnies> buffalo>snoll (danger on explosion)= tigers (paralyze)


70-75 - Ifrit's Cauldron There level 60 bombs in the zone or if your willing to risk it 75+bombs near the zone for ifrit. Plus side could mine as /whm safely if your going to charm seriously consider a light staff to assist.

71-75 - Ro'Maeve weapons 61-64 its ~4-5k an hour at 74. Diagga II strips shadows but otherwise relaxing to kill near the entrance making a loop. As long as you have a answer for dealing with Diaga II dot very decent (or otherplaces in the zone))

75 - Sea Serpent Grotto if you want to charm near the zone to levithan are lots of chamable pugils and one undead. So if you want old school charm exp your welcome

/BST Levelling Section

1-10 outside city (20-25k) Charm the lvl 4+ bunny or crow to attack a different target.

10-14 Ghelsba Outpost (8k) in group or solo both same exp. Just dont take the mobs from the group you can do other areas of the zone for same exp. Charm the lvl 6 pugil if inba group.

14-20 Tahrogi Canyon 5-6k Charm birds and giraffes.

20-27 Buruburu (7k) Charm birds (20-23) kill mandies and rabbits

27-30 Buruburu (6k) Charm giraffes and pugils (Use beta biskets to keep them alive) kill anything for exp

30-37 Maze of Shak (6-8k) charm scorps and oozes kill crawlers, bats, and leeches.


What I go so far. Remeber to bring tons of hp regen drinks (ulegrand milk stacks and is cheap), beta biskets, Tuna (or Rice Dumplings if you playing something with xbow/bow like rng, drk, war, thf)

Markmanship and/or status bolts can help a lot and allow range tp building safely if killing aoe mobs.

This will get all your jobs to max sub lvl at least.

These exp rates are when no one is competing near you. So will be much lower if you have 2-3 people killing around you which it does happen