Category:San d'Oria Quests

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Quests of Note

Quests List

  • Table below is sorted by how quests appear in the completed quest log section.
  • Quests marked w/ bold text have the potential to be Locked.
  • Table is formatted for quick copy and paste to a spreadsheet.

San d'Oria: Completed Quests
Quest Complete
A Sentry's Peril
Waters of the Cheval
Rosel the Armorer
The Pickpocket
Father and Son
The Seamstress
The Dismayed Customer
The Trader in the Forest
The Sweetest Things
The Vicasque's Sermon
A Squire's Test
Grave Concerns
The Brugaire Consortium
Lizard Skins
Flyers for Regine
Gates to Paradise
A Squire's Test II
To Cure a Cough
Tiger's Teeth
Undying Flames
A Purchase of Arms
A Knight's Test
The Medicine Woman
Black Tiger Skins
Growing Flowers
The General's Secret
The Rumor
Her Majesty's Garden
Introduction To Teamwork
Intermediate Teamwork
Advanced Teamwork
Grimy Signposts
A Job for the Consortium
Trouble at the Sluice
The Merchant's Bidding
Unexpected Treasure
The Setting Sun
Distant Loyalties
The Rivalry
The Competition
Starting a Flame
Fear of the Dark
Warding Vampires
Sleepless Nights
Lufet's Lake Salt
Healing the Land
Sorcery of the North
The Crimson Trial
Enveloped in Darkness
Peace for the Spirit
Messenger from Beyond
Prelude of Black and White
Pieuje's Decision
Sharpening the Sword
A Boy's Dream
Under Oath
The Holy Crest
A Craftsman's Work
Chasing Quotas
Knight Stalker
Eco-Warrior (San d'Oria)
Methods Create Madness
Souls in Shadow
A Taste For Meat
Exit the Gambler
Old Wounds
Escort for Hire (San d'Oria)
A Discerning Eye (San d'Oria)
A Timely Visit
Fit for a Prince
Over the Hills and Far Away Note for editor
Signed in Blood
Tea with a Tonberry?
Spice Gals
Thick Shells
Forest for the Trees
Trial Size Trial by Ice
Trial by Ice

Northern San d'Oria


Southern San d'Oria


Quest Type NPC Pos. Fame Reward
A Sentry's Peril General Glenne F-8 1 Bronze Subligar
A Squire's Test General Balasiel F-7 1 Spatha
Eco-Warrior (San d'Oria) General Norejaie K-6 1 Dragon Chronicles
Grave Concerns General Andecia M-7 1 560 gil
Rosel the Armorer General Rosel K-8 1 100-200 gil
Starting a Flame General Legata K-6 1 100 gil
The Merchant's Bidding General Parvipon E-8 1 120 gil
The Seamstress General Hanaa Punaa E-8 1 Leather Gloves
A Purchase of Arms General Helbort K-7 2 Elm Staff
Grimy Signposts General Maugie L-9 2 1500 gil
Lizard Skins General Hanaa Punaa D-8 2 Lizard Gloves
Sleepless Nights General Paouala M-8 2 5000 gil
The Sweetest Things General Raimbroy F-8 2 400 gil
A Timely Visit General Deraquien G-8 3 Medieval Collar
Black Tiger Skins General Hanaa Punaa D-8 3 Tiger Stole
Signed in Blood General Sobane D-6 3 Cunning Earring
Tiger's Teeth General Taumila E-9 3 2100 gil
To Cure a Cough General Nenne F-6 3 3000 gil
Distant Loyalties General Femitte I-8 4 White Cape
Tea with a Tonberry? General Sobane D-6 4 Willpower Torque
A Knight's Test PLD Flag Balasiel F-7 Paladin unlocked
Methods Create Madness WS Balasiel F-7 Impulse Drive unlocked
The Crimson Trial RDM AF1 Sharzalion K-6 Fencing Degen
Spice Gals General Rouva I-8 Miratete's Memoirs
A Squire's Test II General Balasiel F-7 Squire Certificate

Port San d'Oria


Quest Type NPC Pos. Fame Reward
A Discerning Eye General Eddy H-6 1 500 gil
A Taste For Meat General Antreneau G-7 1 Grilled Hare and 150 gil
Flyers for Regine General Regine J-8 1 440 gil
Lufet's Lake Salt General Nogelle G-7 1 600 gil
The Brugaire Consortium General Fontoumant H-9 1 Lauan Shield
The Dismayed Customer General Gulemont G-7 1 560 gil
The Pickpocket General Miene I-8 1 Light Axe
The Rivalry General Gallijaux H-8 1 Lu Shang's Fishing Rod
The Competition General Joulet H-8 1 Lu Shang's Fishing Rod
Thick Shells General Vounebariont I-10 2 500 gil
A Job for the Consortium General Portaure H-9 5 1000 gil
The Holy Crest DRG Flag Arminibit I-9 Dragoon unlocked
Over the Hills and Far Away Map Antreneau G-7 8 Map of the Uleguerand Range
Chasing Quotas DRG AF2 Ceraulian I-10 Drachen Brais

Chateau d'Oraguille


Bostaunieux Oubliette


Quest Type NPC Pos. Fame Reward
The Rumor Scroll Novalmauge G-8 3 Drain scroll
Souls in Shadow WS Novalmauge G-8 Spiral Hell unlocked

West Ronfaure

Quest Type NPC Pos. Fame Reward
Introduction To Teamwork General Vilatroire H-5 2 Shell Ring
Intermediate Teamwork Scroll Vilatroire H-5 3 Mage's Ballad scroll
Advanced Teamwork General Vilatroire H-5 4 Horn Ring

QUESTS: 82 (81/1)

Pages in category "San d'Oria Quests"

The following 9 pages are in this category, out of 9 total.