Dare to try out the Harvest Festival 2024!?
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From HorizonXI Wiki
- Hydra Salade
- Hydra Sollerets
- Hydra Spats
- Hydra Tiara
- Hydra Tights
- Hydro Axe
- Hydro Axe +1
- Hydro Baghnakhs
- Hydro Baghnakhs +1
- Hydro Chopper
- Hydro Chopper +1
- Hydro Claws
- Hydro Claws +1
- Hydro Claws + 1
- Hydro Cutter
- Hydro Cutter +1
- Hydro Patas
- Hydro Patas +1
- Hydro Pump
- Hyo
- Hyorin Obi
- Hyoton
- Hyoton: Ichi
- Hyoton: Ni
- Hyper Empty Notorious Monster
- Hypno Staff
- Hysteroanima
- I'll Take the Big Box
- I Can Hear a Rainbow
- Ibwam
- Ice
- Ice Arrow
- Ice Belt
- Ice Carol
- Ice Crystal
- Ice Elemental
- Ice Fragment
- Ice Gauntlets
- Ice Lance
- Ice Lance +1
- Ice Pendulum
- Ice Ring
- Ice Shield
- Ice Shield +1
- Ice Spikes
- Ice Spirit
- Ice Spirit Pact
- Ice Staff
- Ice Threnody
- Ice Trousers
- Iceday
- Icefallo
- Icefish
- Icicle Sword
- Icon Templates
- Idol Thoughts
- Ifdet
- Ifrit
- Ifrit's Blade
- Ifrit's Bow
- Ifrit's Cauldron
- Ifrit's Cauldron/HELM
- Ifrit's Cauldron/Maps
- Ifrit's Cauldron/Mining
- Ifrit's Cauldron/Treasure Coffer
- Ifrit's Cauldron/Weather Icons
- Ifrits Cauldron
- Ignaz
- Ignis Fatuus
- Igqira Huaraches
- Igqira Lappas
- Igqira Manillas
- Igqira Tiara
- Igqira Weskit
- Ihintanto
- Ihsan
- Ikra Gunkan
- Ikra Gunkan +1
- Ikucheechee
- Ildy-Goldy
- Ilgusin
- Ilieumort, R.K.
- Illu Bohjaa
- Illuminink
- Illusion
- Ilms
- Ilrusi Atoll
- Ilumida
- Imanotsurugi
- Imasuke
- Immigration NPC
- Immortal's Cape
- Immortal's Earring
- Immortal's Sash
- Immortal's Scimitar
- Immortal's Shotel
- Impact Knuckles
- Impaction
- Imperial Bhuj
- Imperial Bow
- Imperial Dart
- Imperial Egg
- Imperial Gun
- Imperial Kaman
- Imperial Neza
- Imperial Pole
- Imperial Ring
- Imperial Standing
- Imperial Wand
- Impish Bats
- In Defiant Challenge
- In a Pickle
- In a Stew
- In areas outside own nation's control
- In areas under own nation's control
- In the Mood for Love
- In the Name of Science
- In the running
- Incinerator
- Increases Critical Hit Damage
- Incredibly Tough
- Indich
- Indigested Meat
- Indigested Ore
- Indigested Stalagmite
- Indika
- Indiran
- Indomitable Spirit
- Indra Katars
- Induration
- Inferno
- Inferno Axe
- Inferno Sabots
- Inferno Sabots +1
- Inferno Sword
- Infiltrate Davoi
- Infiltrator
- Infinity Core
- Info Moogle
- Ingredients
- Inheritance
- Initial Egg
- Inner Horutoto Ruins
- Inner Horutoto Ruins/HELM
- Inner Horutoto Ruins/Maps
- Inner Horutoto Ruins/Treasure Chest
- Inoshishinofuda
- Insect Ball
- Insect Ball/Fishing
- Insect Fletchings
- Insect Ring
- Insect Slayer
- Insect Wing
- Inside the Belly
- Insomnia Earring
- Inspector's Gadget!
- Instant Reraise
- Instant Warp
- Instruments
- Intellect Torque
- Intelligence
- Intensifying Cape
- Interactive Map
- Intermediate Macro Guide
- Intermediate Teamwork
- Intimidate
- Introduction To Teamwork
- Introduction to Teamwork
- Intruder Earring
- Invasive Mandie
- Inventory
- Inventory/Types
- Invigorating Cape
- Invincible
- Invincible (Status Effect)
- Invincible Shield
- Invincible Shield (Vana'diel Tribune)
- Invisible
- Invisible (Status Effect)
- Invisible Mantle
- Iolite
- Iota Ring
- Ioupie, R.K.
- Irmilant
- Iron-splitter
- Iron-splitter +1
- Iron Arrow
- Iron Bread
- Iron Bullet
- Iron Cuisses
- Iron Cuisses +1
- Iron Eater
- Iron Finger Gauntlets
- Iron Finger Gauntlets +1
- Iron Greaves
- Iron Greaves +1
- Iron Ingot
- Iron Mask
- Iron Mask +1
- Iron Mittens
- Iron Mittens +1
- Iron Muscles
- Iron Musketeer
- Iron Musketeer's Armet
- Iron Musketeer's Armet +1
- Iron Musketeer's Armet +2
- Iron Musketeer's Bolt
- Iron Musketeer's Cuirass
- Iron Musketeer's Cuirass +1
- Iron Musketeer's Cuirass +2
- Iron Musketeer's Cuirass Set
- Iron Musketeer's Cuisses
- Iron Musketeer's Cuisses +1
- Iron Musketeer's Cuisses +2
- Iron Musketeer's Gambison
- Iron Musketeer's Gambison +1
- Iron Musketeer's Gambison +2
- Iron Musketeer's Gauntlets
- Iron Musketeer's Gauntlets +1
- Iron Musketeer's Gauntlets +2
- Iron Musketeer's Gorget
- Iron Musketeer's Quiver
- Iron Musketeer's Sabatons
- Iron Musketeer's Sabatons +1
- Iron Musketeer's Sabatons +2
- Iron Ore
- Iron Scale Mail
- Iron Scale Mail +1
- Iron Sheet
- Iron Subligar
- Iron Subligar +1
- Iron Sword
- Iron Tempest
- Iron Visor
- Iron Visor +1
- Iru-Kuiru
- Isacio
- Island Goop
- Ismenios Cutsilver
- Isonade
- Istvan
- It's Not Your Vault
- It's Raining Mannequins
- Item Deliverer
- Items
- Ito
- Ivory Chip
- Ivory Lizard
- Ivory Mitts
- Ivory Sickle
- Ivory Sickle +1
- Ix'aern (DRG)
- Ix'aern (DRK)
- Ix'aern (Dark Knight)
- Ix'aern (Dragoon)
- Ix'aern (MNK)
- Ix'aern (Monk)
- Ix'ghrah
- Ix'zdei
- Iya Rihyo
- Izabele
- Izayoi
- Izayoi +1
- Jabbar
- Jabbos
- Jack-o'-Lantern
- Jack of Clubs
- Jack of Diamonds
- Jack of Hearts
- Jack of Spades
- Jacknife
- Jacodaut
- Jadagna
- Jadagna +1
- Jadagna -1
- Jadeite Ring
- Jaeger Mantle
- Jaeger Ring
- Jagd Gorget
- Jagdplaute
- Jagdplaute +1
- Jaggedy-Eared Jack
- Jagidbod of Clan Reaper
- Jaguar Mantle
- Jailer of Faith
- Jailer of Fortitude
- Jailer of Hope
- Jailer of Justice
- Jailer of Love
- Jailer of Prudence
- Jailer of Temperance
- Jakaka
- Jakoh Wahcondalo
- Jalzahn's Ring
- Jamadhars
- Jamadhars +1
- Jambiya
- Jambiya +1
- Janizary Earring
- Janshura-Rashura
- Janta-Jonta
- Janus Guard
- Januwiyah
- Januwiyah +1
- Januwiyah -1
- Japanese Midnight
- Jar of Firesand
- Jar of Goblin Grease
- Jaridah Bazubands
- Jaridah Khud
- Jaridah Nails
- Jaridah Peti
- Jaridah Salvars
- Jatan-Paratan
- Jatata
- Jaucribaix
- Jazmin
- Jeantelas, R.K.
- Jeanvirgaud
- Jelly Ring
- Jennet Shield
- Jersey
- Jester's Cape
- Jester's Cape +1
- Jester's Headband
- Jet Seraweels
- Jet Sickle
- Jeuno
- Jeuno (Mission)
- Jeunoan Tree
- Jeweled Collar
- Jeweled Collar +1
- Jeweled Egg
- Jidwahn
- Jimaida
- Jindachi
- Jindachi +1
- Jirokichi
- Job
- Job Abilities
- Job Ability
- Jobs
- Jody Shield
- Johanna