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Blue Magic Spell List

From HorizonXI Wiki
LV Spell Name MP Area B Damage
Monster Correlation Cast Re-Cast Description Dur. Stat Bonus
1 Sandspin 10 Caster 2 Magical Earth Amorphs 1.5 9.75 Deals earth damage to enemies within range. Additional Effect: Accuracy Down. 180 VIT+1
1 Pollen 8 Self 1 Magical Light Vermin 2 5 Restores HP. X CHR+1 HP+5
1 Foot Kick 5 Single 2 Physical Slashing
Beasts 0.5 6.5 Deals critical damage. Chance of Critical Hit varies with TP. X AGI+1
4 Power Attack 5 Single 1 Physical Blunt
Vermin 0.5 7.25 Deals critical damage. Chance of Critical Hit varies with TP. X MND+1
4 Sprout Smack 6 Single 2 Physical Blunt
Plantoids 0.5 7.25 Additional Effect: Slow (15%). Duration of effect varies with TP. 90 MND+1
4 Wild Oats 9 Single 3 Physical Piercing
Plantoids 0.5 7.25 Additional Effect: Vitality Down. Duration of effect varies with TP. 90 CHR+1 HP+10
8 Metallic Body 19 Self 1 Magical Earth Aquans 7 60 Absorbs a certain amount of damage from physical and magical attacks. 15m X
8 Cocoon 10 Self 1 Magical Earth Vermin 1.75 60 Enhances Defense (50%) 90 VIT+3
8 Queasyshroom 20 Single 2 Physical Piercing
Plantoids 2 15 Additional Effect: Poison (3HP/tic). Duration of effect varies with TP. 90 MP+5 HP-5
12 Battle Dance 12 Caster 3 Physical Slashing
Beastmen 1 10 Additional Effect: Dexterity Down. Duration of effect varies with TP. 140 DEX+2
12 Head Butt 12 Single 3 Physical Blunt
Beastmen 0.5 10 Addition Effect: Stun. Damage varies with TP. 1 DEX+2
12 Feather Storm 12 Single 3 Physical Piercing
Beastmen 0.5 10 Additional Effect: Poison. Chance of effect varies with TP. ~45 CHR+2 HP+5
16 Helldive 16 Single 2 Physical Blunt
Birds 0.5 11.25 Damage varies with TP. X CHR+1 HP+5
16 Healing Breeze 55 Caster 4 Magical Wind Beasts 4.5 15 Restores HP for party members within area of effect. X CHR+2 HP+10
16 Sheep Song 22 Caster 2 Magical Light Beasts 3 60 Puts all enemies within range to sleep. ~60 CHR+1 HP+5
18 Bludgeon 16 Single 2 Physical Blunt
Arcana 0.5 11.75 Delivers a threefold attack. Accuracy varies with TP. X STR+1
18 Cursed Sphere 36 Area 2 Magical Water Vermin 3 19.5 Deals water damage to enemies within range. X MND+1
18 Blastbomb 36 Area 2 Magical Fire Beastmen 2.25 15 Deals fire damage to enemies within area of effect. Additional Effect: Bind. ~45 STR+1
20 Blood Drain 10 Single 2 Magical Dark Birds 4 90 Steals an enemy's HP. Ineffective against undead. X MP+5 HP-5
20 Claw Cyclone 24 Cone 2 Physical Slashing
Beasts 1 19.75 Damages enemies within area of effect. Damage varies with TP. X VIT+1
22 Poison Breath 22 Cone 1 Magical Water Undead 3 19.5 Deals water damage to enemies within fan-shaped area originating from caster. Additional Effect: Poison. ? MND+1
24 Soporific 38 Caster 4 Magical Dark Plantoids 3 90 Puts all enemies within range to sleep. 90 MP+5 HP-5
26 Screwdriver 21 Single 3 Physical Piercing
Aquans 0.5 14 Deals critical damage. Chance of Critical Hit varies with TP. X VIT+1 CHR+1 HP+10
28 Bomb Toss 42 Area 3 Magical Fire Beastmen 3.75 24.5 Throws a bomb at an enemy. X STR+2
30 Wild Carrot 37 Single 3 Magical Light Beasts 2.5 6 Restores HP. X HP+5
30 Grand Slam 24 Caster 2 Physical Blunt
Beastmen 1 14.25 Delivers an area attack. Damage varies with TP. X INT+1
32 Sound Blast 25 Area 1 Magical Fire Birds 4 30 Lowers Intelligence of enemies within range. ? HP+5
32 Chaotic Eye 13 Single 2 Magical Wind Beasts 3 10 Silences an enemy. ? AGI+1
34 Death Ray 49 Single 2 Magical Dark Amorphs 4.5 29.25 Deals dark damage to an enemy. X MP+5 HP-5
34 Smite of Rage 28 Single 3 Physical Slashing
Arcana 0.5 13 Damage varies with TP. X AGI+3
36 Digest 20 Single 2 Magical Dark Amorphs 4 90 Steals an enemy's HP. Ineffective against undead. X MP+5 HP-5
36 Pinecone Bomb 48 Single 2 Physical Piercing
Plantoids 2.5 26.5 Additional Effect: Sleep. Duration of effect varies with TP. ? STR+1
38 Blank Gaze 25 Single 2 Magical Light Beasts 3 10 Removes one beneficial magic effect from an enemy. X X
38 Jet Stream 47 Single 4 Physical Blunt
Birds 0.5 23 Delivers a threefold attack. Accuracy varies with TP. X DEX+2
38 Uppercut 31 Single 3 Physical Blunt
Plantoids 0.5 17.75 Damage varies with TP. X STR+2 DEX+1
40 Mysterious Light 73 Area 4 Magical Wind Arcana 3.75 24.5 Deals wind damage to enemies within range. Additional Effect: Weight. ? AGI+3
40 Terror Touch 62 Single 3 Physical Blunt
Undead 3.25 21 Additional Effect: Weakens attacks (15%). Accuracy varies with TP. X MP+10 HP-5
42 Venom Shell 86 Area 3 Magical Water Aquans 3 45 Poisons enemies within range and gradually reduces their HP. (6HP/tic) ? MND+2
42 MP Drainkiss 20 Single 4 Magical Dark Amorphs 4 90 Steals an enemy's MP. Ineffective against undead. X MP+5
44 Blitzstrahl 70 Single 4 Magical Lightning Arcana 4.5 29.25 Deals lightning damage to an enemy. Additional Effect: Stun. 5 DEX+3
44 Stinking Gas 37 Area 2 Magical Wind Undead 4 60 Lowers Vitality of enemies within range. ? AGI+1
44 Mandibular Bite 38 Single 2 Physical Slashing
Vermin 0.5 19.25 Damage varies with TP. X INT+1
46 Magnetite Cloud 86 Cone 3 Magical Earth Beastmen 4.5 29.25 Deals earth damage to enemies within a fan-shaped area originating from the caster. Additional Effect: Weight. ? VIT+2
46 Geist Wall 35 Area 3 Magical Dark Lizards 3 30 Removes one beneficial magic effect from enemies within range. X MP+10 HP-5
46 Awful Eye 32 Cone 2 Magical Water Lizards 2.5 60 Lowers Strength of enemies within a fan-shaped area originating from the caster. ? MND+1
48 Refueling 29 Self 4 Magical Wind Arcana 1.5 30 Increases attack speed (10%). 300 AGI+2
48 Blood Saber 25 Caster 2 Magical Dark Undead 4 90 Steals HP from enemies within range. Ineffective against undead. X MP+5 HP-5
48 Sickle Slash 41 Single 4 Physical Blunt
Vermin 0.5 20.5 Deals critical damage. Chance of Critical Hit varies with TP. X MP+15 HP-5
48 Jettatura 37 Cone 4 Magical Dark Birds 0.5 120 Enemies within a fan-shaped area originating from caster are froze with fear. 1 MP+15
50 Ice Break 142 Area 3 Magical Ice Arcana 5.25 33.75 Deals ice damage to enemies within range. Additional Effect: Bind. ? INT+1
50 Self-Destruct 100 Caster 3 Magical Fire Arcana 3.25 21 Sacrifices HP to damage enemies within range.Affects caster with Weakness. X STR+2
50 Frightful Roar 32 Caster 3 Magical Wind Demons 2 20 Weakens defense (10%) of enemies within range. ? AGI+2
52 Cold Wave 37 Area 1 Magical Ice Arcana 4 60 Deals ice damage that lowers Agility and gradually reduces HP of enemies within range. 90 INT-1
52 Filamented Hold 38 Cone 3 Magical Earth Vermin 2 20 Reduces the attack speed of enemies within a fan-shaped area originating from caster. 90 VIT+1
54 Hecatomb Wave 116 Cone 3 Magical Wind Demons 5.25 33.75 Deals wind damage to enemies within a fan-shaped area originating from the caster. ? AGI+1
54 Radiant Breath 116 Cone 4 Magical Light Dragons 5.25 33.75 Deals light damage to enemies within a fan-shaped area originating from caster. Additional Effect: Slow (20%) and Silence. ? CHR+1 HP+5
56 Feather Barrier 29 Self 2 Magical Wind Birds 2 120 Enhances evasion (+20). 30 X
58 Magic Fruit 72 Single 3 Magical Light Beasts 3.5 6 Restores HP X CHR+1 HP+5
58 Flying Hip Press 125 Caster 3 Magical Wind Beastmen 5.75 34.5 Deals wind damage to enemies within range. X AGI+1
58 Light of Penance 53 Single 5 Magical Light Beastmen 3 60 Reduces an enemy's TP. Additional Effect: Blindness and Bind. ? CHR+1 HP+15
60 Death Scissors 51 Single 5 Physical Slashing
Vermin 0.5 24.5 Damage varies with TP. X MND+2 CHR+2 HP+5
60 Dimensional Death 48 Single 5 Physical Blunt
Undead 0.5 23.75 Damage varies with TP. X DEX+1 CHR+1 HP+5
60 Spiral Spin 39 Single 3 Physical Slashing
Vermin 4 45 Additional Effect: Lowers accuracy. Chance of effect varies with TP. ? STR+1 HP+5
61 Maelstrom 162 Caster 5 Magical Water Aquans 6 39 Deals water damage to enemies within range. Additional Effect: STR Down. ? MND+2
61 Eyes On Me 112 Single 4 Magical Dark Demons 4.5 29.25 Deals dark damage to an enemy. X MP+15 HP-5
61 Seedspray 61 Single 2 Physical Slashing
Plantoids 4 35 Delivers a threefold attack. Additional Effect: Weakens defense (8%). Chance of effect varies with TP. ? VIT+1
61 Bad Breath 212 Cone 5 Magical Earth Plantoids 8.75 120 Deals earth damage that inflicts multiple status ailments on enemies within a fan-shaped area originating from caster. 60 INT+2 MND+2
62 Memento Mori 46 Self 4 Magical Ice Undead 6 120 Enhances magic attack (+20). 30 INT+1
62 Body Slam 74 Caster 4 Physical Blunt
Dragons 1 27.75 Delivers an area attack. Damage varies with TP. X VIT+1 MP+5
62 1000 Needles 350 Caster 5 Magical Light Plantoids 12 120 Shoots multiple needles at enemies within range. X VIT+3 AGI+3
63 Spinal Cleave 61 Single 4 Physical Slashing
Undead 0.5 28.5 Accuracy varies with TP. X VIT+2 INT+1 MND+1
63 Frenetic Rip 61 Single 3 Physical Blunt
Demons 0.5 28.5 Delivers a threefold attack. Damage varies with TP. X INT+1
63 Frypan 65 Area 3 Physical Blunt
Beastmen 1 26 Delivers an area attack. Additional Effect: Stun. Accuracy varies with TP. 1 DEX+2
63 Hydro Shot 55 Single 3 Physical Blunt
Beastmen 0.5 26 Additional Effect: Enmity Down. Chance of effect varies with TP. X MND+2
64 Feather Tickle 48 Target 2 Magical Wind Birds 4 26 Reduces an enemy's TP. X AGI+1
64 Yawn 55 Caster 3 Magical Light Birds 3 60 Puts all enemies within range to sleep. 90 CHR+1 HP+5
64 Voracious Trunk 72 Single 4 Magical Wind Beasts 10 56 Steals one beneficial effect from an enemy. X AGI+2
65 Infrasonics 42 Cone 4 Magical Ice Lizards 5 120 Lowers evasion (-20) of enemies within a fan-shaped area originating from the caster. ? INT+1
65 Zephyr Mantle 31 Self 2 Magical Wind Dragons 7 60 Creates shadow images (4) that each absorb a single attack directed at you. 300 AGI+2
66 Frost Breath 136 Cone 3 Magical Ice Lizards 6.5 42.75 Deals ice damage to enemies within a fan-shaped area originating from caster. Additional Effect: Paralysis. ? INT-2
66 Sandspray 43 Cone 2 Magical Dark Beastmen 3 90 Blinds enemies within a fan-shaped area originating from the caster. ? VIT+1
66 Corrosive Ooze 55 Single 4 Magical Water Amorphs 5 30 Deals water damage to an enemy. Weakens attack (5%) and defense (5%). ? MP+10 HP-10
67 Diamondhide 99 Caster 3 Magical Earth Beastmen 7 90 Gives party members within area of effect Stoneskin. 300 VIT+1
67 Enervation 48 Area 5 Magical Dark Beastmen 6 60 Lowers the defense (10%) and magical defense (-8) of enemies within range. ? MP+5 HP-5
68 Warm-Up 59 Self 4 Magical Earth Beastmen 7 120 Enhances accuracy (10) and evasion (10). 180 VIT+1
68 Firespit 121 Single 5 Magical Fire Beastmen 6.5 42.75 Deals fire damage to an enemy. X STR+3
69 Tail Slap 77 Area 4 Physical Blunt
Beastmen 1 28.5 Delivers an area attack. Additional Effect: Stun. Damage varies with TP. 1 MND+2
69 Hysteric Barrage 61 Single 5 Physical Blunt
Beastmen 0.5 28.5 Delivers a fivefold attack. Damage varies with TP. X DEX+2 AGI+1
69 Regurgitation 69 Single 1 Magical Water Lizards 5 24 Deals water damage to an enemy. Additional Effect: Bind. ? INT+1 MND+1 MP+3
70 Amplification 48 Self 3 Magical Water Amorphs 7 120 Enhances magic attack 10 and magic defense 10 90 MP+5
70 Cannonball 66 Single 3 Physical Blunt
Vermin 0.5 28.5 Damage varies with TP. X STR+1 DEX+1
70 Asuran Claws 81 Single 2 Physical Blunt
Beasts 3 60 Delivers a sixfold attack. Accuracy varies with TP. X AGI+3
71 Lowing 66 Area 2 Magical Fire Beasts 7 56 Gives enemies within range a powerful disease that prevents recovery of HP and MP. ? HP-5
71 Heat Breath 169 Cone 4 Magical Fire Beasts 7.5 49 Deals fire damage to enemies within a fan-shaped area originating from the caster. X STR+3
71 Triumphant Roar 36 Self 3 Magical Fire Demons 3 90 Enhances attack (15%) 60 STR+3
72 Disseverment 74 Single 5 Physical Piercing
Luminians 0.5 32.75 Delivers a fivefold attack. Additional Effect: Poison. Accuracy varies with TP. 180 INT+1 MND-1
72 Sub-zero Smash 44 Single 4 Physical Blunt
Aquans 1 30 Additional Effect: Paralysis. Damage varies with TP. ? VIT+3 HP+10
72 Saline Coat 66 Self 3 Magical Light Luminians 3 60 Enhances magic defense (50 Effect Decays ~10) 60 VIT+2 AGI+2 MP+10
73 Ram Charge 79 Single 4 Physical Blunt
Beasts 0.5 34.75 Damage varies with TP. X HP+5
73 Mind Blast 82 Single 4 Magical Lightning Demons 3 30 Deals lightning damage to an enemy. Additional Effect: Paralysis. ? MND+1 MP+5
73 Temporal Shift 48 Area 5 Magical Lightning Luminians 0.5 120 Enemies within range are temporarily prevented from acting. 1 MP+15 HP+10
74 Actinic Burst 24 Area 4 Magical Light Luminions 0.5 60 Greatly lowers the accuracy of enemies within range for a brief period of time. 5 CHR+2 HP+20
74 Magic Hammer 40 Single 4 Magical Light Beastmen 4 180 Steals an amount of enemy's MP equal to damage dealt. Ineffective against undead. X MND+2 MP-5
74 Reactor Cool 28 Self 5 Magical Ice Luminions 3 60 Enhances defense (12%) and covers you with magical ice spikes. Enemies that hit you take damage. 120 INT+3 MND+3
75 Exuviation 40 Self 4 Magical Fire Vermin 3 60 Restores HP and removes one detrimental status effect. X CHR+1 HP+5 MP+5
75 Plasma Charge 24 Self 4 Magical Lightning Luminians 3 60 Covers you with magical lightning spikes. Enemies that hit you take damage. 60 STR+3 DEX+3
75 Vertical Cleave 86 Single 3 Physical Slashing
Luminians 0.5 37.25 Damage varies with TP. X VIT+1 MP+5 HP-5
76 Plenilune Embrace 106 Single 4 Magical Light Beasts 4 10 Restores target member's HP and enhances attack (15% Full Moon) and magic attack (+15 New moon). (Amount varies based on Lunar cycle.) 90 STR+2 MP+5
77 Acrid Stream 89 Cone 3 Magical Water Vorageans 4 22 Deals water damage to enemies within a fan-shaped area originating from caster. Additional Effect: Lowers target's magic defense. 120 DEX+2 MND+2
77 Leafstorm 132 Caster 4 Magical Wind Plantoids 7 62 Deals wind damage to enemies within area of effect. X MND+1 CHR+1 MP+3
78 Cimicine Discharge 32 Area 3 Magical Earth Vermin 3 20

Reduces the attack speed of enemies within range.

180 DEX+1 AGI+2
78 Regeneration 36 Self 2 Magical Light Aquans 2 60 Gradually Restores HP (+25/tic) 90 MND+2
79 Animating Wail 53 Self 5 Magical Wind Undead 2 45 Increases attack speed 15% 300 HP+20
79 Battery Charge 50 Self 3 Magical Light Arcana 5 75 Gradually Restores MP (+3/tic) 300 MND+1 MP+10
80 Blazing Bound 113 Single 3 Magical Fire Vorageans 6 30 Deals fire damage to an enemy. X VIT+2 AGI+1
80 Demoralizing Roar 46 Area 4 Magical Water Lizards ? 20 Weakens the attack of enemies within range. (20%) 30 VIT+3 STR-2
81 Final Sting 88 Single 1 Physical Piercing
Vermin 5 11 Deals damage proportional to HP. Reduces HP to 1 after use. Damage varies with TP. X AGI+5 HP-20
81 Goblin Rush 76 Single 3 Physical Blunt
Beastmen 0.5 24.5 Delivers a threefold attack. Accuracy varies with TP. X DEX+2



82 Vanity Dive 58 Single 2 Physical Slashing
Empty 0.5 40 Damage varies with TP. X AGI+3 CHR-2
82 Magic Barrier 29 Self? 3 Magical Dark Demons 5 60 Grants a Magic Shield effect. 300 INT+2 MP+7
83 Whirl of Rage 73 Area 2 Physical Slashing
Arcana 1 30 Delivers an area attack that stuns enemies. Damage varies with TP. 1 STR+2 DEX+2
83 Benthic Typhoon 56 Area 4 Physical Piercing
Vorageans 0.5 55 Delivers an area attack that lowers target's defense (10%) and magic defense (10%). Damage varies with TP. 60 STR+2 VIT+2 DEX-1 AGI-1
84 Auroral Drape 51 Area 4 Magical Wind Empty ? 55 Silences and blinds (-60) enemies within range. 60 INT+3 CHR-2
84 Osmosis 47 Single 5 Magical Dark Vorageans 4 90 Steals an enemy's HP and one beneficial status effect. Ineffective against undead. ~ MND+3 CHR-2
85 Quadratic Continuum 91 Single 4 Physical Piercing
Empty 1 28 Delivers a fivefold attack. Damage varies with TP. X DEX+3 CHR-2
85 Fantod 12 Self 1 Magical Fire Birds 0.5 10 Enhances attack and magic attack. (Stacks, caps after 10 uses. Wears after next attack or magic attack.) 180 DEX+2 AGI+2 HP-10
86 Thermal Pulse 151 Caster 3 Magical Fire Vermin 6 70 Deals fire damage to enemies within area of effect. Additional Effect: Blindness. ? VIT+2
87 Empty Thrash 33 Area 3 Physical Slashing
Empty 0.5 38 Delivers an area attack. Accuracy varies with TP. X STR+3 CHR-2
87 Dream Flower 68 Caster 3 Magical Dark Plantoids 2.5 42 Puts all enemies within range to sleep. 90 CHR+2 MP+5 HP+5
88 Occultation 138 Self 3 Magical Wind Empty 2 90 Creates shadow images that each absorb a single attack direct at you. (BMS/50) ? VIT+2 CHR-2
88 Charged Whisker 183 Caster 4 Magical Lightning Beasts 5 85 Deals lightning damage to enemies within area of effect. X INT+2 DEX+2 HP-10
89 Winds of Promyvion 36 Caster 5 Magical Light Empty 3 20 Removes one detrimental magic effect for party members within area of effect. X MND+3 CHR-2
89 Delta Thrust 28 Single 2 Physical Slashing
Lizards 0.5 15 Delivers a threefold attack. Additional Effect: Disease. Chance of effect varies with TP. ? HP+15 MP-5 INT-1
90 Everyone's Grudge 185 Single 4 Magical Dark Beastmen 5.5 70 Deals dark damage to an enemy. X INT+2 MND+2 STR-1 VIT-1
90 Reaving Wind 84 Area 4 Magical Wind Birds 4 90 Reduces TP for enemies within range. (-1000) X STR+2 AGI+2
91 Barrier Tusk 41 Self 3 Magical Earth Beasts 6 60 Reduces the amount of damage you take. (15%) 180 VIT+3 HP+15 MP-15
91 Mortal Ray 267 Single 4 Magical Dark Demons 8 150 Inflicts Doom upon an enemy. (must stay within 10' of the target) 60 STR+2 MND+2
92 Heavy Strike 32 Single 2 Physical Blunt
Arcana 1 30 Damage varies with TP. X STR+2
92 Water Bomb 67 Area 2 Magical Water Beastmen 8 26 Deals water damage to enemies within area of effect. Additional Effect: Silence. 60 INT+4 MND+2 MP+20 STR-3 VIT-3
93 Dark Orb 124 Single 3 Magical Dark Demons 9 102 Deals dark damage to an enemy. X MND+2 AGI+2
94 White Wind 145 Caster 5 Magical Wind Dragons 7 20 Restores HP of all party members within area of effect. X VIT+3 HP+15 MP-15
95 Sudden Lunge 18 Single 4 Physical Slashing
Vermin 0.5 15 Additional Effect: Stun. Damage varies with TP. 20 DEX+1 AGI+1 HP-5 MP-5
95 Harden Shell 20 Self U Magical Earth Lizards 1.5 25 Enhances defense (100%). 90 Unbridled Learning
95 Thunderbolt 138 Area U Magical Lightning Beasts 8.5 30 Deals lightning damage to enemies within area of effect. Additional Effect: Stun. ? Unbridled Learning
96 Quadrastrike 98 Single 5 Physical Slashing
Demons 2 40 Delivers a fourfold attack. Chance of Critical Hit varies with TP. X STR+3 CHR+3
96 Vapor Spray 172 Cone 3 Magical Water Luminians 3 19 Deals water Breath Damage to enemies within a fan-shaped area originating from the caster. X VIT+4 HP+15
97 Absolute Terror 29 Single U Magical Dark Dragons 0.5 30 Freezes target in fear. 15 Unbridled Learning
97 Thunder Breath 193 Cone 4 Magical Lightning Dragons 7 56 Deals thunder Breath Damage to enemies within a fan-shaped area originating from the caster. X STR+2 DEX+2
97 Gates of Hades 156 Area U Magical Fire Beasts 3.5 30 Deals fire damage to enemies within area of effect. Additional Effect: Burn. 90 Unbridled Learning
97 Tourbillion 108 Area U Physical Blunt
Arcana 1 30 Delivers an area attack. Additional Effect: Weakens defense. Additional effect duration varies with TP. 120 Unbridled Learning
98 Orcish Counterstance 18 Self 5 Magical Fire Beastmen 4 75 Increases the caster chance of countering 60 STR+3 VIT+3 HP+10 DEX-2 AGI-2
98 Amorphic Spikes 79 Single 4 Physical Piercing
Amorphs 0.5 58.25 Delivers a fivefold attack. Damage varies with TP. X INT+5 MND+2
98 Pyric Bulwark 50 Self U Magical Light Dragons 1.5 30 Creates a shadow image that blocks the next physical attack you receive. 180 Unbridled Learning
99 Wind Breath 26 Cone 2 Magical Wind Dragons 1 29.5 Deals wind Breath Damage to enemies within a fan-shaped area originating from the caster. X STR+2 AGI+2
99 Barbed Crescent 52 Single 2 Physical Slashing
Undead 1 18 Additional Effect: Accuracy Down. Damage varies with TP. X DEX+4 STR-3
99 Nature's Meditation 38 Self 6 Magical Fire Vermin ? 60 Enhances attack (20%) 90 DEX+6
99 Tempestuous Upheaval 133 Area 6 Magical Wind Vermin 0 7 Deals wind damage to enemies within area of effect. X AGI+6
99 Rending Deluge 118 Area 6 Magical Water Aquans 2 35 Deals water damage to enemies within area of effect. Additional Effect: Dispel. X VIT+6
99 Embalming Earth 57 Area 6 Magical Earth Lizards 3 24 Deals earth damage to enemies within area of effect. Additional Effect: Slow (25%). 180 STR+6
99 Paralyzing Triad 33 Single 6 Physical Slashing
Elementals ? ? Delivers a threefold attack. Additional Effect: Paralysis. Damage varies with TP. ? STR+4 DEX+4 HP-10
99 Foul Waters 76 Cone 4 Magical Water Amorphs ? ? Deals water damage to enemies in a fan-shaped area originating from the caster. Additional Effect: Drown. 180 VIT+4 HP+10
99 Glutinous Dart 16 Single 2 Physical Piercing
Beastmen ? 5 Damage varies with TP. X STR+3 DEX+3 HP+15 INT-3
99 Retinal Glare 26 Cone 5 Magical Light Plantoids ? ? Deals light damage to enemies in a fan-shaped area originating from the caster. Additional Effect: Flash. ? INT+3 MP+15
99 Erratic Flutter 92 Self 6 Magical Wind Vermin 0.5 45 Increases attack speed (30%). 300 AGI+5 CHR+5 MP+15 HP+15
99 Subduction 27 Area 6 Magical Wind Arcana 0.5 5 Deals wind damage to enemies within range. Additional Effect: Weight.

(Gravity II)

? INT+6 VIT+6 MP+25
99 Thrashing Assault 119 Single 7 Physical Slashing
Beastmen 0.5 60 Delivers a fivefold attack. Damage varies with TP. X DEX+8 HP+20
99 Diffusion Ray 238 Cone 6 Magical Light Archaia ? 45 Deals light damage to enemies within a fan-shaped area originating from the caster. X STR+5 VIT+7
99 Rail Cannon 200 Single 6 Magical Light Archaia ? 80 Deals light damage to an enemy. X INT+6 MND+6
99 Restoral 127 Self 7 Magical Light Archaia ? 10 Restores the caster's HP. (640 base, +1.5/MND, +0.5/VIT) X HP+15 MP+15
99 Sinker Drill 91 Single 6 Physical Piercing
Arcana ? 20 Delivers a fivefold attack. Damage varies with TP. X STR+4 DEX+4 VIT+4
99 Molting Plumage 146 Cone 6 Magical Wind Birds 1 25 Deals wind damage to enemies within a fan-shaped area originating from the caster. X AGI+8
99 Nectarous Deluge 97 Caster 6 Magical Water Plantoids 3 45 Deals water damage to enemies within range. Additional Effect: Poison (80/tick) 30 MND+8
99 Sweeping Gouge 29 Single 6 Physical Blunt
Beasts 0.5 56 Delivers a twofold attack. Addtional Effect: Decreases defense. Duration of effect varies with TP. ? VIT+5 HP+25
99 Atramentous Libations 164 Caster 6 Magical Dark Undead 4 52 Steals HP from enemies within range. Ineffective against undead. X VIT+8
99 Searing Tempest 116 Area 8 Magical Fire Elementals 5 60 Deals fire damage to enemies within range. Addtional effect: Burn. (-63INT) ? STR+8 MP+30
99 Blinding Fulgor 116 Area 8 Magical Light Elementals 5 60 Deals light damage to enemies within range. Additional effect: Flash ? STR+4 DEX+4 AGI+4 HP+40
99 Spectral Floe 116 Area 8 Magical Ice Elementals 5 60 Deals ice damage to enemies within range. Additional effect: Terror. ? INT+8 MP+30
99 Scouring Spate 116 Area 8 Magical Water Elementals 5 60 Deals water damage to enemies within range. Additional effect: Decreases attack. (20%) ? MND+8 MP+30
99 Anvil Lightning 116 Area 8 Magical Lightning Elementals 5 60 Deals lightning damage to enemies within range. Additional effect: Stun ? DEX+8 MP+30
99 Silent Storm 116 Area 8 Magical Wind Elementals 5 60 Deals wind damage to enemies within range. Additional effect: Silence. ? AGI+8 MP+30
99 Entomb 116 Area 8 Magical Earth Elementals 5 60 Deals earth damage to enemies within range. Additional effect: Petrification. ? VIT+8 MP+30
99 Tenebral Crush 116 Area 8 Magical Dark Elementals 5 60 Deals dark damage to enemies within range. Additional effect: Decreases defense. ? INT+4 MND+4 VIT+4 MP+30
99 Saurian Slide 109 Single 7 Physical Slashing
Beastmen 0.5 34 Additional effect: Decreases attack. Damage varies with TP. ? VIT+6 INT-3 HP+50
99 Palling Salvo 175 Area 7 Magical Dark Vermin 3 45 Deals darkness damage to enemies within range. Additional effect: Bio ? DEX+6 AGI+6
99 Bilgestorm 122 Area U Physical Blunt
Dragons 1 30 Delivers an area attack. Additional effect: Lowers attack, defense and accuracy. Duration of effect varies with TP. 30-60 Unbridled Learning
99 Bloodrake 99 Single U Physical Slashing
Undead 0.5 30 Delivers a threefold attack. Damage varies with TP. Additional effect: HP Drain. X Unbridled Learning
99 Droning Whirlwind ? Area U Magical Wind Vermin ? ? Deals wind damage to enemies within area of effect. Additional effect: Dispel. X Unbridled Learning
99 Carcharian Verve 65 Self U Magical Water Aquans ? ? Enhances attack and magic attack. Reduces spell interruption rate. 56 Unbridled Learning
99 Blistering Roar ? Area U Magical Dark Lizards ? ? Enemies within range are frozen with fear. ? Unbridled Learning
99 Uproot 88 Area U Magical Light Plantoids ? 30 Deals light damage to enemies within range. Also removes status ailments from the caster. X Unbridled Learning
99 Crashing Thunder 172 Area U Magical Lightning Birds ? 30 Deals lightning damage to enemies within range. X Unbridled Learning
99 Polar Roar 126 Caster U Magical Ice Beasts ? 30 Deals ice damage to enemies within range. Additional effect: Bind ? Unbridled Learning
99(U) Mighty Guard 299 Self U Magical Light Shinryu 9 30 Increases own defense (25%), magic defense, and attack speed (15%), and gradually restores hp (30/tick). (Unique buff, stacks with any others.) 180 Unbridled Learning
99(U) Cruel Joke 187 Area U Magical Dark Defiants 5 30 Inflicts Doom on enemies within range. 30 Unbridled Learning
99(U) Cesspool 166 Area U Magical Water Plovids 3 30 Deals Water damage to enemies within range. Additional Effect: Plague. X Unbridled Learning
99(U) Tearing Gust 202 Area U Magical Wind Macuil 5 30 Inflicts wind based damage on enemies within range. Additional effect: Magic Defense Down 60 Unbridled Learning