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==Level 20==
{| class="droppedby horizon-table sortable"
! width="8%" | Level
! width="17%" | Zone
! width="18%" | Camp
! width="17%" | Mob(s)
! width="40%" | Notes
|[[Inner Horutoto Ruins]]
* Map 2 - Beetle's Burrow {{Location Tooltip|area=Inner Horutoto Ruins|map=Beetle's Burrow|pos=F-10|pos 2=F-11}}
* [[Beady Beetle]] (12-16)
* [[Bat Battalion]] (12-15)
* [[Goblin Tinkerer]], [[Goblin Butcher]], [[Goblin Ambusher]] (14-18)
* Camp outside Magic Gate of Horutoto
* [[Silent Oil|Oils]] and [[Prism Powder|powders]] required.
* Beetles and Bats don't aggro but do link via sound.
* Enter via [[East Sarutabaruta]] {{Location Tooltip|area=East Sarutabaruta|pos=J-7}}.
|[[Carpenters' Landing]] via [[Northern San d'Oria]] Wooden Shutter entrance 
* {{Location Tooltip|area=Carpenters' Landing|pos=G-8}}
* [[Digger Wasp]] (14-17)
* [[Beady Beetle]] (15-17)
* [[Orcs]] (16-18)
* [[Poison Funguar]] (17-19)
* [[Flytrap]] (20-22)
* Wooden Shutter is at {{Location Tooltip|area=Northern San d'Oria|F-5}}
* [[Antidotes]] and [[Echo Drop]]s strongly recommended.
* WHM required.
* Flytrap uses [[Soporific]], a small range [[Area of Effect|AOE]] sleep and potent paralyze ability.
* Can support multiple parties and different level ranges.
|[[Valkurm Dunes]]
* {{Location Tooltip|area=Valkurm Dunes|pos=L-9|pos 2=L-10|pos 3=K-9|pos 4=D-7|pos 5=E-7|pos 5=E-6}}
* [[Hill Lizard]] (15-19)
* Welcome to the dunes.
* [[Baleful Gaze]] petrifies the target it's looking at. Turn to avoid!
* Lots of camps.
* Level 11 parties take care when pulling level 18-19 lizards.
|[[Buburimu Peninsula]]               
* Outpost {{Location Tooltip|area=Buburimu Peninsula|pos=E-7}}, {{Location Tooltip|area=Buburimu Peninsula|pos=F-8|pos 2=E-9}}
* [[Sylvestre]] (15-18),
* [[Mighty Rarab]] (15-18)
* Try to avoid pulling 7 or more levels above your parties level.
* Quick walk from Kolshushu Outpost.
|[[Tahrongi Canyon]]
* {{Location Tooltip|area=Tahrongi Canyon|pos=I-8}}
*{{Changes|Horizon custom mob}} [[Cactus Grub]] (19-20)
*{{Changes|Horizon custom mob}} [[Canyon Wasp]] (15-19)
* Not far from Kolshushu Outpost.
|[[Tahrongi Canyon]]
* {{Location Tooltip|area=Tahrongi Canyon|pos=F-6}}
*{{Changes|Added mobs with higher level range}} [[Killer Bee]]s (15-20)
* [[Goblin Tinkerer]] (18-20)
* Bees seem to use Pollen more often than others.
* [[:Category:Goblins|Goblins]] in area.
* Not too far from Kolshushu OP or teleport mea.
|[[Konschtat Highlands]]
* {{Location Tooltip|area=Konschtat Highlands|pos=F-3|pos 2=I-5|pos 3=L-6}}
*{{Changes|Horizon custom mob}} [[Mineral Eater]] (15-19)
*{{Changes|Horizon custom mob}} [[Yellow Jacket]]s (18-20)
* (F-3) Camp has a [[Goblin Digger]] that can extend chains.
* (L-6) Camp has [[Poltergeist]]s (18-20) that can extend chains.
|[[La Theine Plateau]]
* {{Location Tooltip|area=La Theine Plateau|pos=H-11|pos 2=I-11}}
* {{Changes|Horizon custom mob}} [[Mineral Eater]] (15-18)
* {{Changes|Horizon custom mob}} [[Plateau Hare]] (19-20)
* Hares link.
* 1 orc spawn can also be used to fill chains.
* Hares should not be fought until at least level 13.
* Supports 1 party.
|[[La Theine Plateau]]
* Pond {{Location Tooltip|area=La Theine Plateau|pos=K-11}}
* {{Changes|Horizon custom mob}} [[Mineral Eater]] (15-19)
* {{Changes|Horizon custom mob}} [[Snapper]] (17-20)
|[[Ordelle's Caves]]
* Entrance {{Location Tooltip|area=Ordelle's Caves|pos=G-3|map= Map 2}}
* [[Stink Bats]] (15-18)
* [[Snipper]] (18-20)
* Bats link.
* {{Location Tooltip|area=La Theine Plateau|pos=F-7}} [[La Theine Plateau]] entrance.
* Not far from Ronfaure OP.
|[[Ordelle's Caves]]
* {{Location Tooltip|area=Ordelle's Caves|pos=F-3|map=Map 2}}
* [[Blood Bunny|Blood Bunnies]] (17-19)
* {{Location Tooltip|area=La Theine Plateau|pos=F-7}} [[La Theine Plateau]] entrance, Can either sit in place or run up and down the tunnel.
|[[Maze of Shakhrami]]
* {{Location Tooltip|area=Tahrongi Canyon|pos=K-5}}
* [[Maze Maker]] (18-21)
* [[Bats]] (15-17)
* [[Goblin Tinkerer]]
* [[Goblin Butcher]] (16-17)
|[[Valkurm Dunes]]
* Whitebone Sands {{Location Tooltip|area=Valkurm Dunes|pos=F-9}}'''
* Oasis/ {{Location Tooltip|area=Valkurm Dunes|pos=I-7}}
* North Forest {{Location Tooltip|area=Valkurm Dunes|pos=J-6}}
* South Forest {{Location Tooltip|area=Valkurm Dunes|pos=J-8}}
* West Forest {{Location Tooltip|area=Valkurm Dunes|pos=F-7}}
* Siren Sands {{Location Tooltip|area=Valkurm Dunes|pos=I-9}}
* Secret Beach {{Location Tooltip|area=Valkurm Dunes|pos=B-7}}
* [[Snipper]] (18-22)
* [[Night Bats]] (12-15)
* [[Star Bat]] (17-20)
* [[Damselfly]] (20-23)
* [[Brutal Sheep]] (20-23)
* Flies & snippers are primary targets.
* Can throw in Sheep and Bats at night to keep chains going.
|[[Buburimu Peninsula]]
* {{Location Tooltip|area=Buburimu Peninsula|pos=G-6}}
* {{Changes|Horizon custom mob}} [[Cape Coney]] (20-21)
* {{Changes|Horizon custom mob}} [[Cactus Bee]] (20-22)
* Supports up to 2 parties.
* Quick walk from Kolshushu Outpost.
|[[Inner Horutoto Ruins]]
* Inside Magic Gate of Horutoto {{Location Tooltip|area=Inner Horutoto Ruins|pos=E-10|map=Beetle's Burrow}}
* [[Battle Bat]] (17-19)
* [[Goblin Leecher]]
* [[Goblin Gambler]]
* [[Goblin Mugger]] (20-23)
* [[Silence]] recommended.
* Could support 2 parties.
* [[Silent Oil|Oils]] and [[Prism Powder|Powders]] required to reach camp.
* All of the mobs are aggressive.
* Enter via {{Location|East Sarutabaruta|J-7}}.
|[[Ordelle's Caves]]
* {{Location Tooltip|area=Ordelle's Caves|pos=H-7|map=Map 1}}
* [[Fly Agaric]] (21-23)
* [[Hognosed Bat]] (17-19)
* Bats link.
* Not far from Ronfaure OP.
* WHM needed.
* [[Silent Oil|Oils]] and [[Prism Powder|Powders]] needed to reach camp or fight your way there.
|[[Valkurm Dunes]]
* Signpost {{Location Tooltip|area=Valkurm Dunes|pos=J-7}}
* Cliff Side {{Location Tooltip|area=Valkurm Dunes|pos=G-8}}
* [[Damselfly]] (20-23)
* [[Brutal Sheep]] (20-23)
* Flies use [[Cursed Sphere]], an aoe damage TP attack and [[Venom]], a [[Poison]] TP attack.
* Sheeps use [[Sheep Song]], an aoe sleep TP attack.
|[[Jugner Forest]]
* {{Location Tooltip|area=Jugner Forest|pos=J-5}}
* [[Stag Beetle]] (20-23)
* 6 spawns, 1 beetle is around the corner, a little SW.
* Norvallen OP warp is level 15+ from Jeuno.
* Aggressive mobs on the way to camp.
* Beetles have defense and evasion boosting TP abilities.
|[[Jugner Forest]]
* {{Location Tooltip|area=Jugner Forest|pos=H-11|pos 2=H-12}}
* [[Land Pugil]] (18-20)
* [[Snipper]] (18-20)
* [[Forest Tiger]] (22-24)
* Not far from Norvallen OP, which is level 15+ from Jeuno.
* Aggressive mobs on the way to camp.
* Tigers have a strong [[Paralyze]] TP attack.
|[[Dangruf Wadi]]
* {{Location Tooltip|area=Dangruf Wadi|pos=G-5|pos 2=H-3}}
* [[Goblin Leecher]]
* [[Goblin Mugger]]
* [[Goblin Gambler]] (21-23)
* Silence for [[Goblin Leecher]]'s is helpful.
|[[Buburimu Peninsula]]
* {{Location Tooltip|area=Buburimu Peninsula|pos=F-9|pos 2=E/9|pos 3=J-6|pos 4=J-7|pos 5=K-9|pos 6=G-8}}
* {{Location Tooltip|area=Buburimu Peninsula||pos=I-8|pos 2=K-9}}
* Tier 3 [[:Category:Goblins|Goblins]] (22-25)
* [[Bull Dhalmel]] (20-23)
* [[Zu]] (20-23)
* [[Carnivorous Crawler]] (20-23)
* Silence for [[Goblin Leecher]]'s is helpful.
* Crawlers use [[Sticky Thread]] which slows the targets infront of them.
| [[Pashhow Marshlands]]
* {{Location Tooltip|area=Pashhow Marshlands|pos=G-9}}
* [[Gadfly]] (18-21),
* [[Marsh Funguar]] (21-25)
* Funguars link by sound.
* Derfland OP is level 15+ from Jeuno.
|[[Meriphataud Mountains]]
* {{Location Tooltip|area=Meriphataud Mountains|pos=E-6}}
* [[Crane Fly]] (18-21),
* [[Hill Lizard]] (19-22)
* [[:Category:Goblins|Goblins]] (21-25)
* 2 Goblins around which may prove too much for a level 15/16 group.
* Aragoneu OP warp is level 15+ from Jeuno.
|[[Carpenters' Landing]]
* {{Location Tooltip|area=Carpenters' Landing|pos=F-8|pos 2=F-9|pos 3=F-10}}
* [[Stag Beetle]] (20-23)
* [[Marsh Funguar]] (21-24)
* Funguars use [[Paralyze (Status Effect)|Paralyze]], [[Blind (Status Effect)|Blind]], [[Poison (Status Effect)|Poison]] and [[Silence (Status Effect)|Silence]] TP abilities.
* Use NW [[Jugner Forest]] zone at {{Location Tooltip|area=Jugner Forest|pos=E-6}}.
* [[Sneak]] and [[Invisible]] required to reach camp if not on chocobo.
* Fungur aggro sound and link.
* Beetles link sight.
* Not far from Norvallen OP, which is level 15+ from Jeuno.
|[[Pashhow Marshlands]]
* {{Location Tooltip|area=Pashhow Marshland|pos=K-6}}
* [[Land Pugil]] (17-20)
* [[Snipper]] (17-20)
* [[Carnivorous Crawler]] (20-23)
* [[Gadfly]] (18-21)
* Camp right at the outpost.
* Defland OP warp is level 15+ from Jeuno.
* Crawlers use [[Sticky Thread]] which slows the targets infront of them.
* Flies use [[Cursed Sphere]], an aoe damage TP attack and [[Venom]], a [[Poison]] TP attack.
| [[Pashhow Marshlands]]
* {{Location Tooltip|area=Pashhow Marshlands|pos=F-5}}
* [[Crawlers]] (20-23)
* [[Leeches]] (20-23)
* [[Marsh Funguar]] (21-25)
* [[Water elemental]] can sometimes spawn in the back.
* Marsh Funguars spawn in the road leading to the area, possibly extending this camp to 19 depending on kill speed
|[[Korroloka Tunnel]]
* {{Location Tooltip|area=Korroloka Tunnel|map=Map 1|pos=L-7|pos 2=L-6|pos 3=M-6}}
* {{Location Tooltip|area=Korroloka Tunnel|map=Map 2|pos=E-9|pos 2=D-8}}
* [[Land Worm]] (20-25)
* [[Seeker Bats]] (22-26)
* Worms cast lots of spells, including [[Area of Effect|aoe]] spells.
* Ideal for a ranged attack burn style party.
* Bats take extra damage from piercing weapons.
|[[Valkurm Dunes]]
|'''(E-7)Goblin Camp, (F-7) Goblin Camp'''
* [[Goblin Mugger]], [[Goblin Leecher]], [[ Goblin Gambler]] (23-25)
* [[Damselfly]] (20-23)
* [[Brutal Sheep]] (20-23)
|Alternate Valkrum camps.  Primary targets are goblins. [[Silence]] required.  Watch out for sight-based links.  Supports 1 party.
|[[Meriphataud Mountains]]
|'''(D-6) by Spine'''
* [[Boggart]] (25-27)
* [[Couerl]] (22-26)
* 3rd tier [[:Category:Goblins|Goblins]] (21-25)
* [[Crane Fly]] (18-21)
|Crane Flies can help fill a chain if they're high enough level, but there are plenty of boggarts on both sides of the spine.  Close to Aragoneu OP.  Bring a WHM for [[Paralyna]] and [[Silena]].
|[[Ordelle's Caves]]
|'''(F-10) 3rd Map, Going East from Entrance'''
* [[Dung Beetle]] (23-25)
* [[Goblin Leecher]], [[Goblin Gambler]], [[Goblin Mugger]] (22-26)
|Further down, past the Fly Agarics.  Beetle's link.  BLM recommended.  [[Silent Oil|Oils]] and [[Prism Powder|powders]] needed to reach camp or fight your way there.  There is an alternate camp on the opposite side (H-10) with vorpal bunnies and goblins instead of beetles, same levels.
|[[Jugner Forest]]
|'''(K-7)Spore Hollow, (K-9) '''
* [[Jugner Funguar]] (22-25)
|Not far from Norvallen OP.  (K-9) camp is reached from the south.  Bring a WHM.  Be wary of Funguars linking by sound
|[[Valkurm Dunes]]
|'''(I-9), (E-9) Beaches, (B-7)Secret Beach/Gustav Zone'''
* [[Beach Pugil]] (23-26)
* [[Snipper]] (20-23)
|Valkrum, the final phase.  [[Silent Oil|Oils]] and [[Prism Powder|Powders]] required to reach Gustav zone. Use [[:Category:Goblins|Goblins]] or Damselflies to fill in chains.
|[[Rolanberry Fields]]
|'''(G-10), (J-10)'''
* [[Death Wasp]] (23-26)
* [[Clipper]] (24-26)
* [[Poison Leech]] (24-27)
|[[Buburimu Peninsula]] {{Changes}}
* [[Cape Dhalmel]]s (24-26) {{Changes }}
* 3rd tier [[:Category:Goblins|Goblins]] (21-25)
|'''Cape Dhalmels and Bull Dhalmels (20-23) will link''', bind or sleep recommended.
Significant nearby [[:Category:Goblins|Goblins]] presence, same levels at Cape Dhalmels and can be used to fill chains if kill speed is high.
|[[Maze of Shakhrami]]
|'''(H-5) Map 2'''
* [[Carnivorous Crawler]] (22-25)
|8 crawlers, 10 if you roam into the eastern tunnel.  [[Silent Oil|Oils]] and [[Prism Powder|Powders]] needed to reach camp.  Enter from canyon.
|[[Buburimu Peninsula]]
|'''(J-7) East Beach, (H-9) South Beach'''
* [[Poison Leech]] (21-25)
* [[Snipper]]s (18-23)
* [[Shoal Pugil]] (24-28)
|Watch for Bogy spawns at night.  Both beaches have safe places to camp outside of blood aggro range.  Start on snippers at 17.  Can start mixing pugs in at 18.
|[[Inner Horutoto Ruins]]
|'''(H-9) Map #3, Rose Tower, 3 Mage Gate '''
* [[Boggart]] (23-26)
|[[Silent Oil|Oils]] and [[Prism Powder|Powders]] required to reach camp. All of the mobs are aggressive. Enter via (J-7) in East Saru/Lilly Tower.
| [[Castle Oztroja]]
|'''Main Zone/Entry'''
* [[:Category:Yagudo|Yagudo]] Priest, Votary, Theologist, Persecutor (22-27)
* [[Bastion Bats]] (18-21)
| Layout of the zone heavily favors a moving party. Everything aggros.
|'''Main Zone/Entry'''
* [[Copper Quadav]] (22-27)
* [[Old Quadav]] (22-26)
* [[Land Pugil]] (20-23)
| All of the mobs aggro.
|[[Qufim Island]]
* [[Clipper]] (25-27)
* [[Land Worm]] (25-27)
| Circle around lake killing worms and crabs.
At night, banshees spawn at lake so you will need to camp in a tunnel and pull crabs to you.
Crabs here spawn slightly lower level than others.  '''Popular exp zone'''  Consider /searching the zone and exping in another zone if you see many people in the zone already.
|[[Qufim Island]]
|'''({{Location Tooltip|area=Qufim Island|pos=I-8}}), ({{Location Tooltip|area=Qufim Island|pos=I-7}}), ({{Location Tooltip|area=Qufim Island|pos=G-6}}), ({{Location Tooltip|area=Qufim Island|pos=H-6}}), ({{Location Tooltip|area=Qufim Island|pos=H-8}})'''
* [[Clipper]] (25-27)
* [[Land Worm]] (25-27)
* [[Dark Bats]] (25-27)
* [[Glow Bat]]s (28-29)
|Multiple camps.  Potentially supports 2 parties at opposite ends of the cliff. '''Popular exp zone''' consider /searching the zone and choosing another area to exp in if there are many parties in zone.
|[[Meriphataud Mountains]] {{Changes}}
|'''(H-5), (E-4), (D-5)'''
* [[Migrant Hawker]] (24-27) {{Changes }}
* [[Dust Lizard]] (26-28){{Changes }}
| Quick walk from Aragoneu OP.  3 camps/supports 3 parties.
|[[Carpenters' Landing]]
|'''<small>Center Landing Docs (NW Jugner Zone)</small>'''
* Tier 3 Orc
* [[Forest Tiger]]
* [[Pugil]]
|[[Silent Oil|Oils]] and [[Prism Powder|Powders]] recommended
|'''Jugner Zone'''
* Tier 3 Orc (22-28)
|[[Bats]] that pop at night aggro.
|[[Yughott Grotto]]
|'''Upper Grotto'''
* Tier 3 Orc
* [[Bats]]
|[[Silent Oil|Oils]] and [[Prism Powder|Powders]] required to reach either Horlais Peak zoneline.
== Level 40-50==
== Level 40-50==
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! Level !! Zone !! Camp !! Mob(s) !! Note
! Level !! Zone !! Camp !! Mob(s) !! Note

Revision as of 16:45, 7 February 2025

Level 20

Level 40-50

Level Zone Camp Mob(s) Notes
10-15 Inner Horutoto Ruins
11-15 Carpenters' Landing via Northern San d'Oria Wooden Shutter entrance
11-14 Valkurm Dunes
  • Welcome to the dunes.
  • Baleful Gaze petrifies the target it's looking at. Turn to avoid!
  • Lots of camps.
  • Level 11 parties take care when pulling level 18-19 lizards.
11-14 Buburimu Peninsula
  • Try to avoid pulling 7 or more levels above your parties level.
  • Quick walk from Kolshushu Outpost.
12-15 Tahrongi Canyon
  • Not far from Kolshushu Outpost.
12-15 Tahrongi Canyon
  • Bees seem to use Pollen more often than others.
  • Goblins in area.
  • Not too far from Kolshushu OP or teleport mea.
12-15 Konschtat Highlands
12-15 La Theine Plateau
  • Hares link.
  • 1 orc spawn can also be used to fill chains.
  • Hares should not be fought until at least level 13.
  • Supports 1 party.
12-15 La Theine Plateau
12-15 Ordelle's Caves
12-15 Ordelle's Caves
13-15 Maze of Shakhrami
14-16 Valkurm Dunes
  • Whitebone Sands F-9
  • Oasis/ I-7
  • North Forest J-6
  • South Forest J-8
  • West Forest F-7
  • Siren Sands I-9
  • Secret Beach B-7
  • Flies & snippers are primary targets.
  • Can throw in Sheep and Bats at night to keep chains going.
14-16 Buburimu Peninsula
  • Supports up to 2 parties.
  • Quick walk from Kolshushu Outpost.
14-17 Inner Horutoto Ruins
  • Inside Magic Gate of Horutoto E-10
14-17 Ordelle's Caves
  • Bats link.
  • Not far from Ronfaure OP.
  • WHM needed.
  • Oils and Powders needed to reach camp or fight your way there.
15-17 Valkurm Dunes
15-17 Jugner Forest
  • 6 spawns, 1 beetle is around the corner, a little SW.
  • Norvallen OP warp is level 15+ from Jeuno.
  • Aggressive mobs on the way to camp.
  • Beetles have defense and evasion boosting TP abilities.
15-17 Jugner Forest
  • Not far from Norvallen OP, which is level 15+ from Jeuno.
  • Aggressive mobs on the way to camp.
  • Tigers have a strong Paralyze TP attack.
15-18 Dangruf Wadi
15-18 Buburimu Peninsula
15-18 Pashhow Marshlands
  • Funguars link by sound.
  • Derfland OP is level 15+ from Jeuno.
15-18 Meriphataud Mountains
  • 2 Goblins around which may prove too much for a level 15/16 group.
  • Aragoneu OP warp is level 15+ from Jeuno.
15-18 Carpenters' Landing
15-17 Pashhow Marshlands
  • Camp right at the outpost.
  • Defland OP warp is level 15+ from Jeuno.
  • Crawlers use Sticky Thread which slows the targets infront of them.
  • Flies use Cursed Sphere, an aoe damage TP attack and Venom, a Poison TP attack.
15-18 Pashhow Marshlands
  • Water elemental can sometimes spawn in the back.
  • Marsh Funguars spawn in the road leading to the area, possibly extending this camp to 19 depending on kill speed
15-19 Korroloka Tunnel
  • Worms cast lots of spells, including aoe spells.
  • Ideal for a ranged attack burn style party.
  • Bats take extra damage from piercing weapons.
16-18 Valkurm Dunes (E-7)Goblin Camp, (F-7) Goblin Camp Alternate Valkrum camps. Primary targets are goblins. Silence required. Watch out for sight-based links. Supports 1 party.
16-18 Meriphataud Mountains (D-6) by Spine Crane Flies can help fill a chain if they're high enough level, but there are plenty of boggarts on both sides of the spine. Close to Aragoneu OP. Bring a WHM for Paralyna and Silena.
17-19 Ordelle's Caves (F-10) 3rd Map, Going East from Entrance Further down, past the Fly Agarics. Beetle's link. BLM recommended. Oils and powders needed to reach camp or fight your way there. There is an alternate camp on the opposite side (H-10) with vorpal bunnies and goblins instead of beetles, same levels.
17-19 Jugner Forest (K-7)Spore Hollow, (K-9) Not far from Norvallen OP. (K-9) camp is reached from the south. Bring a WHM. Be wary of Funguars linking by sound
17-20 Valkurm Dunes (I-9), (E-9) Beaches, (B-7)Secret Beach/Gustav Zone Valkrum, the final phase. Oils and Powders required to reach Gustav zone. Use Goblins or Damselflies to fill in chains.
17-19 Rolanberry Fields (G-10), (J-10)
17-19 Buburimu Peninsula HorizonXI specific changes (I-6) Cape Dhalmels and Bull Dhalmels (20-23) will link, bind or sleep recommended.

Significant nearby Goblins presence, same levels at Cape Dhalmels and can be used to fill chains if kill speed is high.

17-20 Maze of Shakhrami (H-5) Map 2 8 crawlers, 10 if you roam into the eastern tunnel. Oils and Powders needed to reach camp. Enter from canyon.
17-20 Buburimu Peninsula (J-7) East Beach, (H-9) South Beach Watch for Bogy spawns at night. Both beaches have safe places to camp outside of blood aggro range. Start on snippers at 17. Can start mixing pugs in at 18.
18-20 Inner Horutoto Ruins (H-9) Map #3, Rose Tower, 3 Mage Gate Oils and Powders required to reach camp. All of the mobs are aggressive. Enter via (J-7) in East Saru/Lilly Tower.
18-21 Castle Oztroja Main Zone/Entry Layout of the zone heavily favors a moving party. Everything aggros.
18-21 Beadeaux Main Zone/Entry All of the mobs aggro.
19-21 Qufim Island (H-7)(I-8) Circle around lake killing worms and crabs.

At night, banshees spawn at lake so you will need to camp in a tunnel and pull crabs to you. Crabs here spawn slightly lower level than others. Popular exp zone Consider /searching the zone and exping in another zone if you see many people in the zone already.

19-21 Qufim Island (I-8), (I-7), (G-6), (H-6), (H-8) Multiple camps. Potentially supports 2 parties at opposite ends of the cliff. Popular exp zone consider /searching the zone and choosing another area to exp in if there are many parties in zone.
19-22 Meriphataud Mountains HorizonXI specific changes (H-5), (E-4), (D-5) Quick walk from Aragoneu OP. 3 camps/supports 3 parties.
19-22 Carpenters' Landing Center Landing Docs (NW Jugner Zone) Oils and Powders recommended
19-22 Davoi Jugner Zone
  • Tier 3 Orc (22-28)
Bats that pop at night aggro.
19-22 Yughott Grotto Upper Grotto Oils and Powders required to reach either Horlais Peak zoneline.
Level Zone Camp Mob(s) Notes
40-42 Crawlers' Nest

Map 2 H-9 Map 3 I-8

At least 2 camps. Dispel and/or BLM recommended for cocoon. Camp at rocks/boulders on map 3.
40-42 Yhoator Jungle

Yhoat Telepoint at F-9

Popular BST camp
40-43 Eastern Altepa Desert

F-9 / F-10

Goblins Bomb Toss can be an issue, stuns recommended. Lower level parties should beware of the diggers as they are higher in level. Supports 2 parties.
40-43 Beaucedine Glacier

J-8 / J-9 Lower level, by the coast.

Supports 1 party. Dispel recommended.
41-44 Yhoator Jungle


Mobs do not raise defense (Confirmed by Charsi)
41-44 Western Altepa Desert

G-6 / H-6 / G-7 / H-7

Beetles all around Revelation Rock, supports many parties, Beetles link.
42-45 Xarcabard

Baileys Zone, E-8

1 party
43-45 Yhoator Jungle

Ifrit Cauldron zone H-6

2 parties. RNG and WAR Goblins. 6 Spawns at west entrance. 8 at east entrance. Barfira for bombs.
43-45 Toraimarai Canal

F-9 1st map, by Full Moon Fountain

Supports 1 party. Dispel and BLM recommended. Need either Key ItemPortal Charm for Three Mage Gate or Key ItemRhinostery Certificate to access. Will need sneak/oils to access without aggro.

(~15 minute walk from Sarutabarta OP going through 3 mage gate).

43-45 Crawlers' Nest Supports 1 party. Lizards aggro sound and link!

About a 7.5 minute walk from Derfland OP.

43-46 Lufaise Meadows


Beware of Thunder Elemental that spawns by Leshys. Uses damaging area-of-effect moves as well as Slumber Powder.

Requires completion of CoP 1-3

43-45 Labyrinth of Onzozo

I-9, in the two tunnels

Supports 2 parties. Know when Cockatrice in tunnels will repop. WHM required for Stona. Cockatrice do not link but are aggressive via sound. Echo Drops strongly recommended. Avoid Goblins Miners if possible (THF Goblins)
44-47 Quicksand Caves

Map 1 J-5 / E-5

Beetles and spiders no aggro but link. Bring WHM for Erase if you fight spiders. Antia have AoE silence. Supports 2 parties. Drops coffer keys.

Titan entrance from Eastern Altepa Desert K-7

44-46 Beaucedine Glacier

J-5 at Fei'Yin entrance'

Does NOT raise defenses. Bring silena and paralnya. Supports 1 party. 2 parties doubtful.

~8.5 minute walk from Fauregandi OP

44-47 Crawlers' Nest

Map 3 J-8 / H-9

Can also mix in Exorays(51-54) or other mobs in the area. Typically enough spawns for 2 parties, can camp at other entrances to room as well.
45-51 Garlaige Citadel

Basement Map G-6 / J-8

Funnel Bats initially, moving up to Chamber Beetles around level ~48. Supports 2 parties.
46-48 Bostaunieux Oubliette

South of Sewer Hatch Landing, G-8

Sneak up before dropping down, slimes below. Watch out for pops. Lots of link potential. Bring a Bard and/or Carby pull. Don't go past the hounds. Supports at least 2 parties.

(Must progress through certain rank missions to enter Chateau, have rank 3 Bastok and Windurst to enter)

46-48 Crawlers' Nest

Map 2 G-7 Map 3 G-9

Dispel/Finale recommended.
48-50 Quicksand Caves

Map 3 H-9

High level range of mobs. Bring echo drops and/or mages /whm for silena.

Entry at Western Altepa Desert (J-9)

48-50 Misareaux Coast

G-5 / G-7

1 camp by the Qufim warp. Other camp is by waterfall near Sacrarium.

Requires completion of CoP 1-3

48-50 Crawlers' Nest

Map 2 G-6 / F-6

Will need sneak/oils to reach camp. Take the NW tunnel at the sack room (H-8) to the 2nd map. Supports 1 party. Flies link.

About a 10.5 minute walk from Derfland OP

48-51 Western Altepa Desert

F-6 / G-6

Pull Antica from below. They do not link. Bring RDM/Silencer- Lanista are BLM. Silena/echo drops recommended. Could also fight manticore and beetles in the area.
49-51 Garlaige Citadel

Basement Map G-6 or J-8

Supports 2 parties in the basement. Another 2 behind banishing gate 2. BLM Recommended.

Test Table 2

Level Zone Camp Mob(s) Note
28-32 Lufaise Meadows Lake
  • Tier 4 Orcs
All members must complete CoP Chapter 1. Thunder Elemental danger.
29-33 Beaucedine Glacier Ranguemont Pass (G-9) canyon (no mobs should pop in that spot) (H-9) (roaming tiger alley) Mages must /whm. Take notice of mobs in area that detect magic. The H-9 camp is a roaming camp loaded with tigers and little of the other mobs. Bring someone to kill all other mobs except for the BST Giga (will load a pet that is the same level as the Tundra Tiger but with a fourth of the HP).
29-33 Castle Oztroja Behind Trap Door Layout of zone favors a moving party.
41-44 Attohwa Chasm (L-10) 1 party. WHM is required. Mages must sub WHM.